No, the whole world wants to contract me?

Chapter 50 3 parties miss you

Chapter 50
"Brother Tang! Brother Tang! Do we really have a chance to meet next time?"

"Of course there is, of course there is!"

"Brother Tang, I will miss you."

"I will miss you too, I love you, touch me, well, get out of here!"

boom! !

【Ding!The Tathagata Divine Palm is activated, and the effect is outstanding! 】

Looking at Yu Xiao who was farther and farther away, Tang Ren felt a lot more comfortable.

Although it's strange to say goodbye to a dragon so soon, but thinking about my life in the future, some of it is worth it!
After all the extra things were buried, he also found a suitable place to dig a hole for himself.


"Princess, what are you looking for?"

Yanhe was quite puzzled.

As soon as other people come in, they will fly away immediately, and their spiritual consciousness will be released, for fear that the baby will be preempted by others.

But my own princess is a little strange.

Su Qingxue directly signaled the former to keep his voice down.

She is also in a hurry now.

But after a hundred years of weak breath, the more restless the heart is, the more difficult it is to grasp the strength.

She must not make mistakes!
Yanhe was also by his side, this time he shut up.

The princess is not a mortal, so naturally she has her own reasons for doing so. As a bodyguard, she only needs to take care of the eldest princess's life and safety.

And Su Qingxue was not the only one who was looking for Tang Ren's trace!
Sun Xiang has always been the great enshrinement of Yulingzong thugs.

Make a plan early, and take away Sun Man and Lin Pingjun while Qiu Yulan is unprepared.

"Finally, it came in again."

The three walked together, and the two followed Sun Xiang closely.

Since the death of the direct disciple who was in charge of the sect a hundred years ago, the secret of the Shenxu that should have been known only to a few people from the Yuling Sect has gradually been exposed.

Su Qingxue didn't die with Nangong Xieyun at all!
Instead, they may be beaten to the dantian when fighting for an egg!I lost all my skills!


If it's just for a monster egg, it's totally unnecessary!

But who would have expected that what the two parties were arguing about was the divine beast egg!

Sun Xiang looked around, and quickly brought out a guy who was also similar to Si Nan.

"Lin Pingjun, blood."

"Ah? Yes!"

As soon as Sun Xiang said this, Lin Pingjun stepped forward quickly.

Cut his fingertips and donate a drop of blood.

He really didn't want to tell Sun Xiang about the beast egg.

However, one of the few disciples who went back together a hundred years ago reported on the matter of the divine beast egg, and then reported on him and Sun Man's taunting of the elder sister.

Now he has been listed as a must-kill by the head!

If it wasn't for Sun Xiang who was also thinking about the divine beast egg and stood up to protect him, I'm afraid that he would have entered the dog's belly like the corpse of the head of the Spirit Slaying Sect!
Hey ~
God beast egg, if he can get it...

Everyone is dreaming of this unrealistic dream.

Sun Xiang is no exception!

Wang kept turning in circles, and finally locked the pointer in one direction, Sun Xiang's eyes were full of fire!
"This bastard must be ahead of Qiu Yulan and the others!"

Lin Pingjun, Sun Man, and Su Qingxue were not the only ones who knew about the divine beast egg and donated blood to it.

There is also Zhengan, who has been killed by Lin Pingjun in private, and Yang Xiu, who has been stared at by Qiu Chulan, who has no way of doing anything!

Now with his own strength, he is not afraid of Qiu Yulan.

But if Qiu Chulan gets the beast egg, help a saint to come out!
I'm afraid that at that time, I won't be able to keep my position as a great enshrinement. Let alone my attitude of contradicting Qiu Yulan for a hundred years, I may be cut alive!
Every time he thought of the consequences, he shuddered!


There are people.

There is also a guy who has lost his mind!
His hair was white, and his dry skin had already piled up many folds on his body.

"This is Lingbao Saint?"

There are only a few saints in each world.

Basically, they all know each other, and even a few of them go together.

At their level, although it is difficult to meet opponents again.

But there are so many great powers in the world, they are already saints admired by thousands of people, and no one wants to be buried here in vain.


Another man in gorgeous clothes made a small gesture, and then looked at the crazy old man not far away, whose power of the saint was constantly surging.

After pondering for a while, he whispered: "I don't know, but it looks like it belongs to him..."

"Baoding!! My Baoding!!"


Now there is no need for others to tell, and now everyone knows.


"My treasure treasure tripod..."

The old man kept wandering in the air in a trance.

No one knows about this!

Destiny Wanfang Ding!
He has practiced for thousands of years!
For thousands of years! !

Just when I had just practiced and hadn't consecrated it, hum~

It was gone before his eyes! !

That was the treasure tripod he had sacrificed so many holy artifacts to create! !

That is the work of my life!
That's my own life...

"Bao Ding! Is it the taste of Bao Ding?!"

Suddenly he was stunned, as if he smelled a familiar smell, the old man disappeared in the blink of an eye!
For the rest of the saints, you look at me, and I look at you.

Doubt, doubt.

But soon followed suit.

It has to be said that the Lingbao saint is also the big brother among the saints, and he is also good at refining weapons. Others may only refine one holy weapon embryo in a thousand years, but the Lingbao saint can basically produce one in a thousand years.

The donkeys in the production team dare not be so diligent.

And being able to be missed by the Lingbao sage as a treasure, they also want to share, cough!

Get acquainted.

"Walking in my beloved little soil nest, it will never be out of date."

Tang Ren is very comfortable now.

Drive away the most annoying Yu Xiao.

He didn't tell anyone where he was hiding.

Now let's see who can find him!
If he could really beat him up, wouldn't he reward him with a big mouth that he had treasured for many years?

【Ding!You feel sleepy now and want to sleep.Spirit power +50]

"Sleep, sleep, sleep, I'll sleep~"

Bang! !

There was a sudden earthquake!
Tang Ren:? ? ?

Demolition too!Such a big movement!
However, outside at this time.

The Black Flood Dragon Yu Xiao had broken a mountain ridge at some point!

He climbed out of the mound again, coughed violently, and glared at the person above him.

He felt so suffocated.

Snapped! !

"Say it or not! Say it or not!"

"Ahem! I..."

But before he could say anything, the crazy old man flicked the long whip in his hand again, and whipped it straight at Yu Xiao!

After a few whips, Yu Xiao's flesh and blood were already ripped apart!

The defense that he was once proud of was under the opponent's whip, like a joke!
"That's my baby!! Don't think that you are a dragon, so I dare not kill you!"

Snapped! !

Another few whips down!
How can a holy man-made creature be an existence that an ordinary body can resist!

Yu Xiao wailed immediately after being beaten.


Snapped! !

However, the crazy old man still seems to be addicted to beating, no matter whether Yu Xiao is talking or not, he just keeps hitting him again!

"You mother? My good fellow, where does this dragon have the confidence to start scolding?"

Crowd: ? ? ?
When did people start scolding?

"Even if the dragon clan can rely on their physical advantages to leapfrog and still be invincible, the holy weapon in the hands of the Lingbao saint is not a joke."

The group of people who were watching the fun didn't think it was a big deal.

Especially the crackling sound of the magic whip being drawn, it was so crisp.

However, some people couldn't help but lament the stubbornness of the black flood dragon.

"I've been pumped like this, yet I still haven't said anything."

"Uh, it seems that the Lingbao sage didn't give others a chance to speak."


Snapped! !

It seems that I am tired from smoking, and it seems that I know that it will not help if I continue to smoke.

The crazy old man took back the magic whip and sacrificed another magic weapon.

"Here is the sacrificial banner, refine your soul! Let your soul endure the pain of being pierced by thousands of needles! Let's see how long you can hold your tongue!"

With the infusion of spiritual power from the crazy old man, the rag-like Soul Banner began to emit a frightening breath of death!
Countless innocent souls flew out from the banner.

"Ah~ what a pain!"

"I really want to die, give me a good time!"

"So painful..."

The voice hit Yu Xiao directly!

Ghost Claw grabbed the former directly, wanting to drag him into the streamer too!
"Good fellow, the soul sacrificial banner? This old man actually still carries this big killer with him?"

"Look at that dead soul!"

There were so many ghosts and ghosts flying out of the soul sacrificial streamer, most of them flocked towards the black flood dragon.

But there is one exception, which stands beside the banner.

Standing with a sword in one hand, like a living person standing there!

Everyone was horrified!

"It is said that the Lingbao sage once killed a sage of swordsmanship with a soul-suppressing banner. The sword is the supreme of all soldiers. It can be seen that his strength is profound. I didn't expect..."

It was true!

Only one holy weapon was used to settle the swordsman, so if all ten pieces were sacrificed...
Several sages couldn't help thinking of retreating.

Now Lingbao sage is still in a state of madness. If he doesn't like it and catches an attack, wouldn't he be angry with him?

"Sage Lingbao didn't hesitate to use these two holy weapons to torture the black flood dragon. Could it be that the tortured thing is stronger than the holy weapon he made before?"

I don't know if that person was intentional or unintentional, but not long after his words fell, the saints who had just stepped back half a step quickly stood up again.

That's right, it's probably even more dangerous to find an object that can be found even if the Lingbao sage is so mad!

Mortals spy on the artifacts of the saints, and saints spy on the artifacts of the saints.

This is normal.

It takes ten thousand years to forge a holy artifact, and how many people have ten thousand years to do it?

'Anyway, this thing that can be regarded as a treasure by the Lingbao sage is worth the risk! '

These words surfaced in the hearts of almost all the saints present.

Secretly clenched fists, waiting for the opportunity.

boom! !

The battle continues.

When the ghost claw was about to drag Yu Xiao into the soul sacrificial banner, a powerful force suddenly burst out from his body!

Scarlet lines looped back and forth between his scales.

The blood stopped.

The scales regenerate.

There are more and more red lines!
Roar! !

If the gluttonous blood essence is satisfied, it can be used by the host!

The guy Tang Ren gave Yu Xiao to eat finally paid off at this moment!
"Qi! The breath is rising!!"

"what happened!"

All the saints were stunned.

Although they didn't want the Black Flood Dragon to be taken away by the Lingbao Saint like this, but to break free in this way...
If you have this strength, you should have used it long ago. You were playing us just now, right?
At this time, Yu Xiao didn't go crazy again.

This time he only felt a steady stream of power!

The power to crush everything!

Roar! !

Another dragon chant, shocking everyone!

Is this black flood dragon going to fight back?

"Say it or not? Say it or not! I didn't say it, I won't say it! What are you talking about?"

Yu Xiao's voice almost pierced through the world at this moment.

All the grievances in my heart were released.

I had just bid farewell to Brother Tang and was flying well, but this stinky human flew over and gave him a whipping!
"If you have anything to ask, just ask!"

Crowd: ...

this shock...

No less than Yu Xiao's aura just now.

They all looked at the Lingbao sage, saying, 'Didn't you ask? ' stared at him suspiciously.

The crazy old man seemed to be questioned too.

He hesitated for a while.

"Oh, I didn't seem to say."


boom! ! !
Yu Xiao spit it out with a breath of the dragon!
Humans are crazy! !

At this moment, he was completely furious, and this was the first time he was so angry in the God Market!

Regardless of whether the other party is a saint who is two levels behind him, Yu Xiao just rushed forward to do it!
"Block me!"

Bang! !

The puppet of the sage of swordsmanship who had been staying next to the sacrificial soul banner instantly stood in front of the sage of Lingbao as if he had received an order.

Directly resist the dragon's breath!


"Good guy!"

Tang Ren, who was underground, used his divine sense to spy on the situation above.

Brain hurts!
Why did Yu Xiao get into a fight with someone else!
Moreover, the person he was fighting with seemed to be pretty strong, and he couldn't lose to Xuanxian Taiyi and Yu Xiao who had activated Taotie's blood essence.

"No, is it okay to call somewhere else? I want to sleep!"

He couldn't leave even if he wanted to, and it would be too noisy if he didn't.

Tang Ren simply turned off his spiritual consciousness, keeping his mind calm when he couldn't see it, and pretended that the next door to his house was being demolished!
 Chong duck, asking for a monthly ticket, recommending a ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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