No, the whole world wants to contract me?

Chapter 53 Please give me a pickup!

Chapter 53 Please give me a pickup truck!

【Spiritual Power: 642500】

Tang Ren was stunned.

He looked at the ten-party holy artifact that fell to the ground and had lost its spiritual power and turned into ordinary scrap iron.

Good guy.

This not only pays off in an instant, but also doubles it abruptly!
It's obviously just ten pieces of junk, okay?

If Lingbao Saint heard this complaint, he might recite it on the spot!
Ten pieces of junk? !

Those are ten holy artifacts! !

And the spiritual power on his body was also taken away!

This guy is an underfed wolf!

"Cough cough!"

on the ground.

A crazy old man struggled to get up.

He's almost dead.

The whole body's spiritual power has been drained to zero, and the spiritual energy is disordered. Even if I mobilize the little spiritual power left, I am afraid that I will die suddenly on the spot!

If he is calm enough, he should go back quietly now, adjust the way his spiritual power works, and it will not be difficult to survive.

But how cool does it make him! !

Another mouthful of blood spurted out!

Gritting his teeth, he walked towards Tang Ren step by step with difficulty!

He is not willing!

He still has a way!
Even if the body dies and the dao disappears!
He wants to pull this bastard on his back too!
From nowhere, he found a black and purple dagger.

The blade of the dagger zigzags forward, once it is really pierced into the human body, it may really pull out the large and small intestines!

But this unique painting is not as simple as stabbing people to death.

No painting, no way.

Even if the future is bright and promising, it can cut you off!
The dagger that cuts off the aura!
Cut off the Holy Artifact of Luck!
He doesn't only have the ten holy artifacts he forged!

He still has to paint!
He wants it too!
Lingbao Saint:! ! !
Suddenly, the scene in front of him stunned him!

What did he see!
A holy artifact!
The holy artifact was gradually deprived of all its power!

Unheard of! !
But at this moment, it does exist!

【Ding!Spirit power +50000]

[Acquired skill: Cangsheng Sword Field (low-level)]

"Sure enough, the old man used a holy man-made artifact just now, so I said why he was given so much spiritual power."

Tang Ren casually retrieved a few sacred artifacts that had been buried before.

Those that are already scrap iron can't be identified to the previous grade even if they are appraised with all eyesight.

He thought about directly absorbing a holy artifact that already had a result, and comparing the spiritual power value to know the result.

He casually threw aside the Cang Sheng Ukiyo Sword that had been drained dry.

Um? ?

Just when he threw it over, he realized that there was another person holding a strange weapon eager to try.

Tang Ren:······

【Ding!Dragon addicted to activate, the effect is outstanding! 】

【Ding!Spirit power +500]

【Ding!Plunder the saint's blood +10000]

【Ding!Spirit power +50000]

【Ding!Looting Spirit Treasure Sage Skill: Master Craftsman (low level)! 】

【Ding!Plundering the ultimate painting skills: causal blocking (low level)! 】


The screams were astonishingly loud!
The remaining sliver of spiritual power was sucked away!

At this moment, the Lingbao sage was completely useless!

"Good guy, you old man is still thinking of sneak attacking." Tang Ren complained with a dark face.

If it wasn't for the opponent's attack that might have killed him directly, he wouldn't have made a mess with this bad old man.

Tang Ren didn't plan to take care of the dragon addiction after it was activated.


The sound of friction on the ground.

That old man stood up again!

Tang Ren:? ? ?
"Ha ha ha ha ha···"

The Lingbao sage laughed again.

This laughter no longer had the arrogance and resentment it had before.

Tang Ren could only hear the meaning of helplessness and embarrassment.

"Almost forgot, Longji can only suck the opponent dry, but can't directly kill the opponent." He said.

He has always been used to Long Xi as a panacea skill, but he has ignored the imperfection of Long Xi.

The spiritual power gradually surged, and he planned to kill the opponent with the palm of the Tathagata.

"Hehehe, the saint's weapon is trampled on at will! Today! Are you joking with the old man!!"

Bang! !

【Ding!The Tathagata Divine Palm is activated, and the effect is outstanding! 】

"Life and death are up to fate, what have you to do with the sky?"

Tang Ren complained directly.

He has always been unbelieving.

But he turned his head to look at Yu Xiao who had fainted for no reason.

His face turned black.

"The dragon race is a race favored by the gods? I think you, a stupid dragon, are the ones favored by the gods."

Ever since he met this guy, he has been in constant trouble.

But I have to say, put myself in Yu Xiao's perspective.

Jubaoding, gluttonous essence and blood, was rescued twice in a critical situation, and his strength returned to zero, and he was immediately brought back, even stronger!

Finally, when he finally decided not to save this guy, the dead old man launched another world-destroying attack, forcing him to come out again!

This is too lucky!

"If your luck is based on the suffering of others, please give me a pickup."

【Ding!The price of peach trees is not good this year, so stop planting peach trees in your mouth, spiritual power +50]

Tang Ren:? ? ?
"No, shouldn't you ding at this time, and then give me a lucky skill?"

However, no matter what Ren Tangren said, the system just fell silent.

"Hey, that's all. Before this stupid dragon wakes up, let's get out quickly." Knowing that it would be fruitless, Tang Ren said indifferently.

Fortunately, this kind of skill, he actually just complained.

Rather than continuing to complain, it is better to leave now.

Not only did he not want to be entangled by this dragon again, but he was also worried that as soon as he calmed down here, some idiots would come to take advantage of it.

【Ding!You have gradually become familiar with the urine of people in this world.The system is a little relieved, spiritual power +500]

"piss off!"


After experiencing the ups and downs of life and death, Yu Xiao's spirit finally couldn't hold on and collapsed directly.

"Which dream is this?"

Tang Liuer looked around suspiciously.

Next to her was a boy a little taller than her.

"Sixth Sister, why do we split up with Daddy and the others?"

Tang Yanyu followed closely behind the former in doubt.

Although there was some doubt on his face, he still kept looking at the former's face.

Tang Liuer paused.

Turn your head.

He stared at his younger brother like a freak.

"You are stupid."

Tang Yuyu:······
Tang Liu'er's index finger pressed hard on the former's forehead.

"Fourth brother is stupid."

"Fifth Sister is impatient."

"Jiumei is a mascot."

"We and their three unreliable, are you sure you can find a satisfactory prey?"

I really think my brother is ugly, and my brother thinks I am ugly.

Although they are children of the same father, they are more familiar with the character of their brothers and sisters than anyone else.

Tang Liu'er patted the former on the shoulder and said, "Of course I'm not boasting that I'm better than them all, but compared to them, I feel that I believe in myself and you more."

Among the nine brothers and sisters, apart from the eldest sister, the second brother, and the third brother give people a very reliable feeling, the second is the eighth brother.

At a young age, his strength is already that of a Taiyi True Immortal, and his attainment of dreams is not inferior to that of his elder brothers and sisters. He is smart and sensible.

Most importantly, it's cute.

"That... alright."

Tang Yanyu nodded obediently.

He has already boarded his sixth sister's boat, so it's useless for him to say anything else.

"By the way, what is this dream?"

Back to the topic.

Tang Yanyu looked at the dark world, full of doubts in his heart.

If the dream owner is not dreaming, then they cannot enter.

But if it was a dream, why would it be a dark world.

Just when he was thinking about why the dream was dark, the whole world suddenly brightened up!

The dim world!
Can't tell where the light source is coming from!
Pale yellow land, no vegetation!

Tiger roars and dragons roar!

The momentum was so great that Tang Liuer and Tang Yanyu had to cover their ears with their hands.

Whose dream is this? !

The two looked back at the sky, not only stunned.

The black flood dragon opened its bloody mouth wide, its scarred body did not appear to be in distress, on the contrary, it exuded a murderous intent!
Look at the people who are against it.

It is as huge as covering the sky!
There are ten strange weapons hovering around an old man who drives the Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth!
evil, bad guy.

That spiritual power fluctuates!
It's a holy artifact! !

Ten holy artifacts!

Tang Liuer's eyes widened!
Although she couldn't make a sacred artifact, she had seen her father's sacred artifact!
Only the holy weapon can release the vast and thick spiritual power fluctuations, there is absolutely no mistake!

This wave may have caught a big fish!
"A mere reptile, die to me!"

The big villain's backhand is the power to smash mountains and rivers!
Flood Dragon roared unyieldingly, and directly went for it with his own strength!
boom! !

The ground collapsed, and the black flood dragon stood intact.

"how is this possible!"

The villain who was surrounded by ten holy artifacts was clearly flustered.

And now!
The body of the black flood dragon also grew bigger and bigger, until it surpassed the size of the villain!
"Hmph! Arrogant! Let you play my idea of ​​Jubao Ding!"

The extremely gigantic version of the black dragon's head suddenly turned around, and when it opened its mouth again, a ball of dragon's breath enough to destroy all was instantly sprayed out!

"not good!!"

big bad...


He was already a little villain by comparison.

The little villain was shocked, and immediately used all the ten sacred weapons around him to fly over to counter the former's huge dragon's breath!

boom! !

The power of the ten holy artifacts.

If it is in the outside world, it can definitely destroy everything.

But here, it was destroyed by the dragon's breath of the black flood dragon like paper paste!

The battle is over.

The scene in the dream suddenly changed.

One person and one dragon, who have all returned to normal size, appeared.

"Grandpa Yuxiao, I don't dare anymore, please let the old man go."

The old man was crying, and quickly hugged one of Hei Jiaolong's toes.

With his size, he can only hold such a toe.

"Let you go?" Hei Jiaolong's face was full of complacency at this moment.

Just when Hei Jiaolong was about to deal with it, a rumbling stomach made him change his mind immediately.

"By the way, do you still have those shiny weapons just now?"

"No, no more."


"Yes, yes, yes!"

With just the former staring, the old man immediately became alert, and a few more utensils he found out from nowhere were quickly placed in front of the black flood dragon.

"Grandpa, this is all I have left, and I hope to spare the villain's life."

"There are so many more?!" Seeing the dozens of holy artifacts shaken out by the other party, Yu Xiao's face was also filled with shock.

He quickly said again: "Of course I can let you go, but you must stay by my side! Brother Tang is home, and you will be responsible for digging up these food for me from now on!"

"Huh? What to eat??" The old man's eyes widened, as if he couldn't understand what the former said.

Tang Liuer and Tang Yanyu also showed doubts on their faces.

Looking at each other, Tang Liu'er couldn't help but smacking her tongue and said, "This guy, doesn't he treat the sacred artifacts as food? You can still talk about it in your dreams...Damn it!!"

Ka Ka Ka!
Just by listening to the sound, one can tell that the black dragon has good teeth.

Soon the holy artifacts on the ground were devoured by the black flood dragon.

"It's not enough to fit between the teeth, don't make some changes for me!"

"Ah? It's gone!"

"Dig if you don't have any! I remember that Brother Tang hid all the food in..."

hum! !

A humming sound.

When I opened my eyes, it was still the dim sky and the earth.

Tang Liu'er and Tang Yanyu glanced at each other, and then at General Zuo Tu who was protecting them.

"The dream master is awake."

Both said in unison.

"Huh?" Wang Zuotu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the voice from here, and walked up quickly.

But before he asked anything.

"No! Why did you wake up at this time!!"

Tang Liuer suddenly wailed as if she had lost a hundred million.

Tang Yanyu was still in a stable mood, so he quickly grabbed the former's hand and comforted him: "Sixth sister, don't get excited! Don't get excited!"

"How can you not be excited!! The Black Flood Dragon is about to reveal where the sacred artifact is buried! That is a sacred artifact!!"

"But this may also be the imaginary dream of the black flood dragon. After all, there is no monster that can eat the holy artifact at will! Sister, calm down first!"

That dream was so unreasonable!
Too fake!
How can a saint control the top ten holy artifacts at once!

How can a black flood dragon use holy artifacts as food!
How could anyone hide the sacred artifact on purpose and not take it away!
Also, this is a matter of the God Market!

If there was such an earth-shattering battle in the Shenxu, how could they have never heard of it!
Definitely a fantasy, fake!
"Sister, calm down, there is everything in dreams, isn't this what our father told us? There is no such thing as a duel between a saint and a black dragon."

"Um, that... His Highness, the duel between the saint and the black dragon... really happened."

Tang Yanyu:? ? ?

 Woke up and rushed to the top 12 in the free list? !

  (somewhat overwhelmed)
  Duck! !
  Thank you guys for your continued support!To stabilize in the top ten of the free list before it goes on the shelves, Krypton will update the [-]D on weekends! !The tenth update on the day it was put on the shelves (somewhat suspenseful, but Krypton will cheer)! !

(End of this chapter)

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