No, the whole world wants to contract me?

Chapter 58: No future troubles!

Chapter 58: No future troubles!


He fled all the way back to the place where he started.

Sage Floating Cloud stopped suddenly.

After he calmed down, the first thing he said was: "You can't keep running away."

"This is the Shenxu. I can run today, but what about the future? Besides me, there are my children."

"Sooner or later you have to come in."

"The divine beast is defenseless now, but what about a hundred years from now? Spending a hundred years with this treasure god market, the next time you come in, who knows what kind of state that divine beast will grow to!"

The more he thought about it, the more serious Tang Mengsheng felt the situation was!

In vain, he also told Xiao Jiu that if he meets again, he must make friends with each other.

Unexpectedly, he was the one who provoked the beast first.

"It would have been good to just listen to the sixth child." Tang Mengsheng didn't know how many times he regretted it.

Offending such a troublesome existence, he really didn't want to see it!

"Huh? Where are the sixth and eighth?"

Putting aside the matter of the beast egg in his thoughts, he suddenly realized why there was no one around.

But soon he shook his head again and said: "Forget it, with General Zuo Tu at his side, nothing major will happen."

"I don't know if the master of Yulingzong is still alive? Without her positioning, it would be difficult to know the location of the divine beast."

His eyes looked forward again.

He will never let this hidden danger become stronger!

at this time.

the other side.

along the way.


"Sixth sister, don't go alone, General Zuo Tu said it's very dangerous."

Tang Yanyu followed behind Tang Liuer.

There was some helplessness and timidity on his face.

Sixth Sister really wanted to prove herself.

The idea is good, but you can't prove it with your life.

not worth!
Not worth it!
Tang Liu'er couldn't listen to these things.

"Dangerous, don't go!"

She just wanted to slap her father in the face!

Finally got some results!
She really didn't want to be trampled on by her father like this!

"That's a sacred artifact! Daddy doesn't believe me, so I have to convince him!"

Tang Liuer's footsteps accelerated even more!
"Here, there is a black flood dragon there, and a saint who controls the ten holy artifacts. Even if there are holy artifacts, it's not our turn."

"Your Highness Sixth, don't be willful." Wang Zuotu also began to comfort him.

It wasn't his turn, but people from other worlds were also eyeing him along the way.

Even though he is a Golden Immortal, the Golden Immortal is not invincible.

This is for the powerhouses of other worlds to keep an eye on.

It's dangerous!
"In the struggle between two heroes, one must be injured!"

"The brave ones are exhausted, the timid ones are starved to death! These are all taught by our father! Eighth brother, have you forgotten!"

"This... I dare not forget." Tang Yanyu who said the two words directly couldn't lift his head.

The old lady is indeed the old lady, with a sharp mouth, he is definitely no match!

Tang Yanyu stopped in the middle of speaking.

Tang Liu'er turned around at some point, without noticing that a figure was gradually approaching her.

"I'm the bold one, eighth brother, and I didn't make it difficult for you. It doesn't matter if you want to follow or not, but please stop talking."

"If the sage who controls the ten sacred weapons can die with the black flood dragon in the end, we will take advantage of it."

"Even if we take a step back and see that one of the two is still alive, we can also use the name of help to stand in line. If that person or that dragon has a little insight, he will give us some expensive magic weapons! "

"I will never let go of this kind of business without losing money!"

Regardless of whether Tang Liuer's thinking was too idealistic or not, Tang Yuyu and Wang Zuotu already looked a little ugly.

"Old lady..."

"I've said it all, don't say any more!"

"No, you, behind you."

"Back?" Tang Liuer frowned.

He didn't even sense it, so he looked directly behind him.

In the eyes, it was pitch black.

The huge fleshy nose breathed hot air at her.

Look up again.

Two huge dragon eyes are staring at her blankly.

If anyone wanted this monster most, it was definitely the black flood dragon she had seen in her dream.


Just as the cry came out, the flame brewing in the throat of the black flood dragon blasted at Tang Liu'er!
Bang! !

This blow was directly blocked by Wang Zuotu, who had been on guard all along!
"Princess Six, run!"

As soon as he grabbed the former's arm, he slammed it back!

However, as soon as his words fell, the attacks of the Black Flood Dragon rushed up one after another!

Tang Liuer stumbled and was supported by Tang Yanyu.

His eyes still haven't woken up from the panic just now.

When did this black flood dragon touch me behind!

After passing through the barrier of life and death, the arrogance she had been "bold to death" disappeared immediately.

Guys who can still stock up under the attack of the Ten Holy Artifacts are definitely not something they can compete with! !
"Run! Run to Daddy!"

Tang Mengsheng was worried at this time.

He naturally knew what he was worried about.

But is it worth worrying anymore?

Now only take action!

Kill that divine beast and cradle it!
"what's wrong with you?"

"Xiaoxue... she is Xiaoxue..." Qiu Yulan was still confused.

That palm sent her flying.

Princess Yaoji of the Yan Empire shot her away.

But, that looks like Xiaoxue...
My own Xiaoxue.

Tang Mengsheng frowned.

He went back and found Qiu Yulan again.

I really didn't expect this guy to escape back intact.

It's just that looking at it now, the master of Yulingzong doesn't have the feeling of illusion.

But why does the whole person seem to be under the illusion, and the six gods have no master?

"Okay, I know that your Xiaoxue's death is related to that divine beast egg, join hands with me, and we will avenge your Xiaoxue together." Tang Mengsheng comforted, without the slightest embarrassment that he left the other party and ran away first.

"Revenge... No! My Xiaoxue is not dead, so why talk about revenge!"

Yun Chaoyang: Then I go?
"Okay, then go save your Xiaoxue." Tang Mengsheng also nodded perfunctorily.

Compared with Yu Lingzong who uses blood essence to locate and chase monsters every day, his knowledge of essence blood location is a bit shallow.

Otherwise why use this guy!

Now no matter what, as long as this woman is willing to cooperate with him!
"Okay, let's go and save Xiaoxue!" As if she had a goal, Qiu Yulan's spirit improved a lot.

However, just when Qiu Yulan was about to leave, an invisible force held her back.

Tang Mengsheng shook his head, and couldn't help but think to himself, this woman Shi Lezhi!

The two of them ran away just now, and now the two of them passed by, wouldn't it be for nothing?
"The two of us can't."

"The two of us are not enough to rescue Xiaoxue, we have to call other people."

"Other saints!"

"Other... saints?!"

Ignoring the shock on Qiu Yulan's face, Tang Mengsheng's eyes gradually flickered fiercely.

It doesn't matter if you don't want the beast eggs!
This time, it’s okay to return empty-handed!

But this time, he must avoid future troubles!

"what happened?"

"It's strange."

"Could it have passed us to some barren land?"

"Shenxu was originally a barren land..."

Qiu Yuanfeng:······
A few saints, dozens of subordinates.

They have been searching here for half a day.

to the end.

Don't say anything holy.

Even the space ring of Qi training environment can't be found.


This is the first time they have encountered such a situation!
"It's really strange, I can forget it by luck alone."

"But why do people here have such bad luck?!"

boom! !

Some people are already furious.

This is not the first time I have come to Shenxu.

But it was the first time they encountered such a situation!
Qiu Yuanfeng looked over and turned his gaze back without saying anything.

"And this skeleton..."


Towering animal bones.

Qiu Yuanfeng couldn't help thinking about the skeleton with only a few scraps of meat left.

"What kind of monster can eat such a huge body like this?"

If the bones scattered here were really put together, they could form a body shape of hundreds of feet long.

Such a monster was eaten by another unknown monster, leaving only bones.


"Huh? Brother Tang, why are you here?"

"Brother Tang, if you don't accompany your little brat, what are you doing here?"

"Hehe, everyone is joking. The boys in the family are not up to date, otherwise why should I worry all the time."

Qiu Yuanfeng also turned his head away from the conversation next to him.

Tang Mengsheng arrived here at some point, and there is another...

Xuanxian Taiyi with a strange look?

Qiu Yuanfeng quickly ignored that Taiyi Xuanxian.

It's normal for a sage to bring a few servants, not to mention that Tang Mengsheng is still the monarch of the Fuyun Empire.

By the way, why did Tang Mengsheng come here?

On weekdays, he was not afraid that they would set him up, so he had been hiding in his royal family.

Even if they entered the God Market, they had never been with them.

Why are you still in the mood to come over and have a chat this time?
"Brother Tang, you should also bring a servant of the Golden Immortal to the side of the table. You are a bit shabby for bringing a Taiyi Xuanxian?"

But even though he didn't ask, some people would still find something to make fun of.

"Hehe, this is the master of Yulingzong, not my servant."

"From the Imperial Spirit Sect? What's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

They were not stupid when they heard the other party suddenly introduce Qiu Yulan, and soon realized that the visitor was definitely not in a hurry!


Before Qiu Yulan stepped forward to speak, Tang Mengsheng grabbed her with one hand.

Signaling the former to retreat, he stepped forward again and said with a smile: "It's a courtesy, it's my turn to ask."

As he spoke, he tried to look around.

Five saints, nine golden immortals, and thirteen Taiyi Xuanxians.

Good guy, enough cards.

It's just that each of them has a bad complexion.

Somewhat unpleasant.

"Brother Qiu, Brother Bai, everyone, who are you?" Tang Mengsheng clasped his fists one by one.

As soon as this question was asked, the faces of the people headed by Qiu Yuanfeng and Bai Xiangtian became even more serious.

"It's weird! I don't know why this time, there are no treasures in the Shenxu Market!" Bai Xiangtian was fierce, and when someone asked about his pain points, he was the first to stand up and complain.

"No baby?"

Tang Mengsheng rolled his eyes. He also knew about this. He went to many people's dreams but found nothing.

However, he quickly smiled and said, "I remember that saints from other worlds were robbing a black flood dragon for some treasure before? Didn't you think of going to see it?"

As soon as the words came out, Qiu Yuanfeng, who had been silent all this time, turned away and said coldly: "Brother Tang, are you teasing me?"

"Even if you can't find the treasure again, you won't be able to grab it with a saint who can control the ten holy artifacts."

"Oh? So, are you scared?"

hum! !

Bai Xiangtian's sage's power rose sharply, causing those around him to take a step back.

"Tang Mengsheng! No one here regards you as an emperor!" Bai Xiangtian scolded angrily.

Seeing that the atmosphere couldn't be better, Tang Mengsheng also started to serve the main course, distanced himself from the former, and said, "Hehe, that's fine, don't be angry, since you can't find the baby, you might as well try it with me." Try? I found a good baby."


Everyone was puzzled, and after only one breath, someone asked again: "My dear, don't you have it all to yourself?"

"Alone Better Together."

This is a good word.

But is this baby fun?
not necessarily.

After spending a long time on the topic, Tang Mengsheng just practiced Tai Chi.

"What kind of medicine are you selling!" Bai Xiangtian couldn't help asking.

"Just asking you, do you want to go?" Tang Mengsheng still didn't talk about the beast egg.

Qiu Yuanfeng looked at each other for a long time with the other saints.

Although there is no medicine Tang Mengsheng sells yet.

But if it was said that Tang Mengsheng found the treasure before them, they would definitely believe it.

Tang Mengsheng's search for dreams is much better than their search for it inch by inch.

They have no reason to refuse!
They have been doing futile work for a long time!
"Go!! I'm still afraid of you!"

"If there is no good treasure, your Floating Cloud Empire will be destroyed!"

"I'm scared to death~"

at this time.


【Ding!Spirit power +2000]

【Ding!Steal a drop of Taiyi Zhenxian's blood, spiritual power +800]

【Ding!Stealing Prison-Suppressing Dragon Elephant Strength (Low Level)]


The last person fell to the ground, and then his body fell into the ground strangely, and his blood was squeezed everywhere!

Looking at the corpses of dozens of human monks who also died tragically around him.

There is no movement inside.

He came all the way.

These monks want money and life, and when they see him flying in the sky, they shout: "Look, big quail!"

Then they all rushed over.

Really treat him like a quail egg, so he can handle it as he wants?
"But it's hard to find, and I don't have a location, so I'm completely passive."

"There are so many people in Shenxu, I'm afraid my spiritual power will be exhausted before I get to those two running people."

Looking at the remaining 51 spiritual power.

Although he has been supplementing with Longji, but the Wanquan supplemented is not as much as he used.

The realm is too low, and each skill must use energy storage to increase its power.

Let him elevate his realm...

'You are already invincible in the world, why should you be afraid of this world? '

Su Qingxue's words resurfaced in his mind.

"Who said I'm afraid! I just want to lie flat! In this egg, carefree!"

This eggshell is his barrier.

Cut off all dangers, problems.

"what happened?!"

"Ah! Brother!"


【Ding!Thousands of spiritual thoughts are activated, and the effect is outstanding! 】

Killed another person who came.

"Forget it, let's go back and absorb all the guys who were buried before. I always feel that this battle can't be solved in two battles."

(End of this chapter)

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