No, the whole world wants to contract me?

Chapter 61 Disregarding the Heavens!

Chapter 61 Disregarding the Heavens!

The fluctuations of spiritual power continue to impact from the center!

far away.

The dragon drawn in black and white has become huge at some point!
So big they need to look up!

"No! You bastard!"

"I just want to save her! Let her go!!"

Now it's not just the group of people who were wrapped up by Tang Ren in the first place!

There are also those who want to save their own family members, close friends, and companions. Of course, there are also those who have the power to spy on Tang Ren!

However, once stepping into the quagmire, no one can run out!

Tang Ren is no longer the former Taiyi True Immortal ant!
Every moment his strength is rising!
And every climb, the more powerful the effect of dragon addiction! !
Under the oppression of Longwei, everyone who approached was panting heavily!

"Where did this monster come from!!"

"My Qing'er! My Qing'er! Let me save her!"

"Stop messing around! If you go, you will die!!"


Countless sages, golden immortals and other realm powers have ugly faces!

But there are only a few people who really try to fight.

They are not dragons, and their enemy is not that dragon!

On the contrary, there is no reason to attack the dragon, it is better for them to be wary of their own people.

Stabbing in the back in the world of cultivating immortals is not just once or twice.

"Evil spirits are raging, and I hope you all can help me!"

Suddenly, a voice overwhelmed the voices of all the people present.

When everyone questioned and looked over, it was Tang Mengsheng and others!

Saints of other centuries?
"Your Excellency?" someone asked.

"I am Tang Mengsheng, who proves the Tao through dreams, the sage of floating clouds."

"I'm the next Zhengsi, use the weapon to prove the way, the wide tool."

After the two exchanged their names, Masa soon brought the business to the fore.

"I don't know what your Excellency just said... what do you mean?" Zheng Si said.

"Hey, that's it..."

Tang Mengsheng didn't hesitate, and narrated the previous events in the shortest words.

Tang Mengsheng's voice was loud, and Masaji was not the only one listening.

Everyone was sometimes puzzled, sometimes indifferent, and after that, they were all overwhelmed by shock!

And when Tang Mengsheng said that it was the evil dragon that took away all the holy artifacts and ate them, no one became calm now.


"I just said, why can't I find a single holy artifact this time!"

"This old man will definitely kill that evil dragon!"

The atmosphere gradually heated up, but Tang Mengsheng's words were not over yet!

This time, he wanted to destroy the evil dragon in one fell swoop!

Another breath.

Tang Mengsheng also spoke out about the future threat of the evil dragon, which made almost everyone on the field change their faces!
The guy who devoured the entire God Market!

"Is it really possible?"

Shocked, some people began to question.

How many truly stupid people are there?

How could he fight that evil dragon to the death just because of what the other party said? !
"Believe it or not, you will know once you try it. Do you dare to use your magic weapon to gamble?"


The person who raised the question just now fell silent for a moment.

However, under the gaze of so many people, he hesitated for a while, and he still chose to save face!
"Although I am not a saint, the magic weapon of the Golden Immortal cannot be destroyed by anyone, let alone devour the spiritual power that has accumulated for thousands of years!"

"Why not try?"

The Golden Immortal cultivator flew straight to Tang Ren who had formed a spiritual cobweb in the distance.

It falls outside the scope of Tang Renlong's addiction.

Now there is still some distance from the evil dragon, standing here to attack, even if the evil dragon is really as evil as the other party said, he can still retreat completely.

Brother Jinxian felt that there was nothing wrong with his method, so he quickly breathed a sigh of relief.

A gold-rimmed mirror held aloft!
"Open Heaven Realm! Give it to me!"

boom! !

A shining attack distorted the space and hit Tang Ren who was concentrating on absorbing it.

Of course.

Call ~
The powerful attack just now was like sinking into the sea.

The Golden Immortal cultivator frowned, but before he could think about it, his face changed drastically again in an instant!
"Not good! Come back soon!!"

By the time he realized he was shouting, it was too late.

An inexplicable suction force wrapped his Sky Opening Mirror, and the spiritual power was passing away! !

"Bring me back!!"

That Golden Immortal cultivator is completely anxious now!

Kai Tianjing is his most proud magic weapon! !
That's my lifeline!

Absolutely nothing will happen! !
However, when his spiritual power wanted to fight and pull against that suction force, his face became even more frightened!
"Let go of me! I don't want the mirror anymore!!"

The suction force has already clinged to him from Kaitian Mirror!

It was like falling into a muddy swamp, the more he struggled with his spiritual power, the more his spiritual power was absorbed! !

Until he yelled, he couldn't yell out.

hiss! !

The crowd couldn't help but gasped.

That's Jinxian!

He couldn't even resist!
Some people who had just shouted to kill the evil dragon immediately stopped.

Cultivation is not easy, they can reach this point, they understand the preciousness of life.

When you encounter danger, it is better to admit it directly.


Masaji, who is also a saint, is quite calm.

He really wanted to deal with this evil dragon, regardless of whether the other party would eat the holy artifact, just to absorb the cultivator, and let the other party absorb it like this, that would never be a good thing!
"I am willing to help Brother Tang eradicate the evil dragon!"

Some people set an example, and others also know the seriousness of the matter.

This is no longer an enemy that endangers the whole world, this is the best era of cultivating immortals in the present era! !
This dragon must be eliminated! !
"I would also like to help Brother Tang eradicate the evil dragon!!"

"I would too!!"

"Many people are powerful! I don't believe that the saints of so many worlds unite and can't beat a little evil dragon!"

"That's right! Just holding the holy weapon can crush this guy to death!"

However, when they were discussing the alliance.

Boom! !
With a loud noise, Tang Ren's divine body shattered the top of the mountain.

Tang Ren at this time.

The figure is already huge!
And the spider web of spiritual power formed below gradually dimmed, and the corpses without sanity fell freely from the air, and before they hit the ground, all of them!The head is separated! !

Tang Ren will never leave any hidden dangers for himself!


Looking around, he quickly locked on Tang Mengsheng's side.


"My spiritual power! It's so uncomfortable!"

Pfft! !
Bang! !

With just one look, those with low realms will die suddenly!

The red-eyed chaos at this time is not what it used to be!
Tang Ren at this time is definitely not what he expected in the past!
Be proud of the sky!

Five claws can break mountains and rivers!

This ancient ink, a huge evil dragon with black scales, will definitely become everyone's nightmare!
 For those who have been reading, please read Chapter 49

(End of this chapter)

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