No, the whole world wants to contract me?

Chapter 64 Happy today, dead tomorrow!

Chapter 64 Happy today, dead tomorrow!
"Princess, don't go!"


Blocked by Yanhe.

Su Qingxue looked anxiously into the distance.

Now that she has retreated to the Qi training realm, her sense of the battle in the distance is more obvious.

The fluctuation of spiritual power like the surging ocean made her tremble!

Instinct told her not to go there.

But, that bastard is there!
Although I haven't heard that bastard dragon chant, it's definitely not bad!
The monster dragon that can attract countless Taiyi Xuanxian, Jinxian and other great powers to evacuate non-stop, can only be that guy!
"Princess, in your current state, if you go there, you may be killed by a small aftermath. How is this different from sending you to death?"

"I know I know···"

Yanhe still tried his best to dissuade him.

Su Qingxue also knew the seriousness of the matter, she kept nodding her head, but the unwillingness on her face never disappeared.

Yanhe sighed, and said again: "Princess, why don't I go and have a look. You wait here, and I will definitely tell you the situation one by one."

"That's fine." Su Qingxue hesitated for a while, and then quickly agreed.

Yanhe did this for her own good.

Watching the white crane fly into the sky, she held the amulet given by the former in one hand, and hid quietly in the corner like this.

"I'm already a useless person, but if I can really find that bastard's weakness in this life..."

Su Qingxue quickly turned her gaze to the horizon again.

"By the way, can I really contract that guy?"

Long Zhiao, she knew it.

But she is not weak either.

At least compared with the same younger generation, she who has the memory of the empress and has countless golden immortals and saint skills stored in her mind is obviously better.


The egg was broken, and that guy had already broken free from the shackles in his heart.

Such an unfettered Dragon Clan would still be willing to make a contract with her?

"The spirit warrior will spend his entire life looking for his favorite contracted beast..."

And she didn't know if she could hold on any longer...

Su Qingxue:? ? ?

Suddenly there was a falling sound.

"It hurts."

【Ding!You really want to scold your mother, spiritual power +100]

【Ding!Do you think the human beings in this world are too ruthless, they even want to kill themselves, spiritual power +50]

【Ding! mmp, this world.As soon as the shell broke, I gave myself such a big meeting gift.Spirit power +50]

After his spiritual power was exhausted, his body shrunk back to its newborn size.

Abdominal blood continued.

The dragon scales were all torn.

Before he had absorbed all his spiritual power, the spell storm that could turn him into nothing had already fallen on him!

At that moment, all the spiritual power poured out and turned into defense!

So hungry.

The spiritual power was exhausted, and there was no strength at all.

Feeling hungry for the first time.

For the first time he felt like he could eat anything.

The gluttonous blood that he once absorbed seems to be working without being suppressed at this moment.

【Ding!Divine Vision launched! 】

"Huh? My amulet!"

After a girl screamed, a round jade fell into Tang Ren's mouth.

Still hungry.

Just a talisman, eating it is like not eating it, it is not enough to satisfy his hunger.

However, when the Divine Eye is activated again, it can't attract any objects that can be absorbed.


Which bastard dug up all the treasures!
【Ding!A big quail named Tang Ren, spiritual power +10]

Tang Ren:······

【Ding!You feel that the system is very indebted, that you are going to die, and you still want to hurt him.Spirit power +50]

【Ding!You feel that you and the system are a community of destiny and should help each other.Spirit power +100]

【Ding!You start to think about how to set up the system.Spirit power +50]

Tang Ren:······

"If you understand what I mean, hurry up." Tang Ren said without a word.

Since the system knew what he was thinking, why didn't he quickly take out something from its treasure bag that caught his eye?

【Ding!Get a pair of shining dog eyes in 24k titanium alloy.Blind your life and brighten your youth. 】

Tang Ren: &)》@%&”!

Tang Ren:? ? ?
There was another girl's voice, and Tang Ren realized that there seemed to be someone beside him.

Turn around and look over.

That... who's here?

It has to be said that Su Qingxue's disheveled face and messy hair made Tang Ren feel familiar now, but he really didn't recognize it for a while.

Seeing the dragon in front of her looking at her, but looking like she couldn't remember who it was, Su Qingxue's inexplicable anger immediately came up!
"Hey! Bastard! You won't forget me!"

She will not admit it wrong!

The familiar resonance of essence and blood is still on that guy!
This product is definitely the big quail from before!
I've been looking for this guy for two lifetimes, but this guy looks at her like he's face-blind, what's the point!

"Wait a minute, my mind is still buzzing after the fight, let me think about it, and I'll remember it right away!"

Indeed he soon remembered.

Su Qingxue!
That slut!

After Tang Ren was stunned, his face quickly became pale again.

Why did he bump into this slut again?

Bang! !

Tang Ren tilted his head abruptly.

"What do you mean by that look! I, Su Qingxue, am not good enough for you?!"

Su Qingxue is very angry now.

With one kick, Tang Ren's dragon head, which was a little bigger than normal, was kicked to the side.

Tang Ren:? ? ?

Do it directly?
"Way, I have the grace of not killing you, so I can't..."

Bang! !

Another punch!
"You bastard! Don't force me! I'm an egalitarian, I take pictures of women..."

"Oh, stop, the wound is bleeding!"

"We have something to talk about!!"

In the face of countless saints, Tang Ren never begged for mercy, but this woman in front of him was inexplicably Alexander!
This is probably the tiger falling in Pingyang being bullied by dogs.

"Bastard, what kind of eyes do you have!"

Another round of punches and kicks!
Until Su Qingxue was tired, she sat down on the spot, her face was flushed, and she looked comfortable.

After enduring the resentment for two lifetimes, this time finally gave her a chance to vent her anger!

No longer able to feel the violence, Tang Ren gradually came out of the curl up.

Looking around, his eyes quickly locked on Su Qingxue.

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi!
Woman, you wait for me! !

Su Qingxue's eyes swept over again, and Tang Ren's eyes immediately became kind again.

Her eyes also became more nuanced.

He stood up again, went to Tang Ren and squatted down.

【Ding!Girls in this world really don't wear panties, but which neuropathy invented them like safety pants? ?Spirit power +50]

"Hey, what are you looking at!"

After being bitten by Tang Ren, Su Qingxue blushed inexplicably, and clamped her legs tightly.

【Ding!How can it be cultivated, spiritual power +50]

"You can't run away this time, hurry up and make a contract with me!" Su Qingxue directly pulled the former dragon's horn with one hand, and snapped his head away.

Although I don't know why this guy is so weak, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her!

This time, a contract is necessary!
"You moron, can't you let me go?" Tang Ren said with shame.

Even though the shell has been broken now, he still hopes to be unrestrained, continue to find a place, lie flat, and live his own Buddhist life.


However, what Su Qingxue refused was categorical.

"I can't and I can't. I don't want to participate in secular disputes, and I don't want anyone to restrain me. This contract will never be signed." Tang Ren also said firmly.

Since he couldn't hide anymore, he made it clear.

Both are silent.

After a few breaths, Su Qingxue seemed to understand him, and let go of his dragon horn with one hand.

【Ding!You feel a little surprised and a little relieved.Spirit power +100]

After chasing him for so long, this guy finally decided to give up on him...

Bang! !

Tang Ren:? ? ?
Su Qingxue punched again.

Some red fists hit Tang Ren unceremoniously.

"Your sister, didn't you let go, why are you still beating me!" Tang Ren was a little confused.

However, his bewildered expression caused him to be punched again inexplicably!
"Who said I let go?"

Su Qingxue's face is inexplicably angry now.

Regardless of the blood stains on the former, he rode directly on Tang Ren.

"You bastard! You are so naive and stupid! Do you really think you can transcend the world and live happily!"

"The weak never have a choice! The weak never have the so-called detachment from the mundane!"

"Idiot!! If you don't become strong, others will become stronger too! Let you be free today, and tomorrow will be your death day!! You idiot, you are obviously very strong, why are you so naive!!"

Bang! !

Punch after punch!
Su Qingxue's last punch was already mixed with her blood or Tang Ren's blood.

The anger on his face gradually turned into tears of unwillingness.

"I'm not reconciled! I'm so unwilling!"

"I'm really not reconciled to being rejected by a naive guy like you!"

For a time she thought it was her fault.

It was because he was not good enough that Longdan kept rejecting him.

Keep doubting yourself, keep making yourself stronger!

But I didn't expect that this guy would keep rejecting her because of his naive thoughts out of nowhere!

Tang Ren was a little woken up.

Isn't Su Qingxue talking about the current him?
Quiet in the giant egg, abandoning the holy weapon but not knowing how to use it.

A hundred years of leisure, in exchange for his almost death is approaching!

He is tired of the strife in this world, but he is not strong enough to break away from the strife in this world!
Sooner or later, the trouble will return.

At that time, what happened today will repeat itself!

(End of this chapter)

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