No, the whole world wants to contract me?

Chapter 66 Go!The goal is the capital of the Holy Flame!

Chapter 66 Go!The goal is the capital of the Holy Flame!
"Are your eyes twitching?"

Tang Ren:······

Didn't you blink when you said you were threatened?

Yanhe didn't give Tang Ren any face at all.

Although this dragon is quite strong, it is not strong enough to make a contract with its own princess.

The princess is also true.

Obviously intending to contract the strongest guy, but ended up contracting such a guy halfway.

"Okay, stop arguing, the time is coming soon."

"Crane Crane."


Following Su Qingxue's shout, Yanhe quickly turned into a white crane and landed at Su Qingxue's feet.

It's almost time for them to stay here.

With assholes, no.

After being signed by the bastard, she no longer has the heart to find other treasures.

My goal has been achieved, and now I just need to wait for the gate of Shenxu to open in January.


Golden halos flickered again in the sky.

Tang Ren had seen this aperture once before, but he didn't expect that he would also step into this aperture and leave here.



"Hey, I'm not up yet!"

But Yanhe pretended not to hear what he said, and flew away.

If you don't even have the ability to catch up with her, then how can you be a contracted beast capable of being a princess!

Thinking of this, Yanhe speeded up again.

call! !

It wasn't until a very high position that she slowed down and looked back at Tang Ren.

After so long without a sound, wouldn't this guy really dump him? !


Turning around, she saw Tang Ren who had fallen into the distance, but this bastard who was sticking to her side at some point!
"when will you!"

There was shock in his tone, but Tang Ren looked at her with an innocent look of 'what are you looking at'.

"Sister, I'm still in the realm of a saint now, you, a golden fairy, want to pull me down?"

His cultivation level was completely learned from Yu Xiao.

Listening to the hundred years that guy forced Lai Lai, he is no longer the little Mengxin who didn't understand anything.



Both Yanhe and Su Qingxue couldn't help but look shocked.

When did this bastard become a saint!

This bastard could be a saint!

Obviously, neither of them had paid attention to Tang Ren's level before.

Being reminded like this, the two immediately sensed the past.

However, the feedback came—mystery!

Once the realm is higher than your own, it will be difficult to check the opponent's realm.

"No, weren't you a big quail before? Eggs are the peak??"

As soon as Su Qingxue finished complaining, she saw Tang Ren staring at her with a bad expression on his face.

"Hey, your master, I'm a dragon egg! Call Big Quail again, and I'll kill you!"

"What master?"

Yanhe is still in the dark.

Su Qingxue's face also changed slightly, she didn't want anyone to know about this.

She immediately changed the topic, and said again: "Hmph! No wonder, no wonder you can still come to me alive from the hands of those saints."

The topic between the two of them became more and more strange, and Yanhe felt that he seemed a little out of place.

"Here we are." Yanhe said suddenly.

As he spoke, he passed through the golden light.

Tang Ren, who was closely following him, stopped at Jin Guang's side.

Looking back at the Shenxu where I have stayed for a hundred years, I have mixed feelings in my heart.

At one time, he planned to absorb all the holy artifacts here after all the people from the Ten Thousand Worlds had left.

In this way, those guys will never come to disturb my rest again.


A little naive.

If he absorbs all the holy artifacts here, the saints of the whole world will not kill him alive.

The situation was the same as the day before yesterday, because they couldn't find the treasure all the time, they all gathered at his side, eager to find a leak from him.

"Forget it, let's keep this bad memory here."

Call ~
Tang Ren shook his head vigorously, trying to shake off all the bad memories before.

Then, straight across the Golden Ring.

He will not think about the matter of Shenxu in the future.

Outside the mirror of Shenxu!

Still crowded!

For practitioners, one month is not a long time.

And in this month, even if you don't go in, just sit in front of the Shenxu mirror to meditate and get enlightened, it is very cost-effective.

Those with a low realm meditate, while those with a high realm wait and wait.

No one wants to leave!

at this time.

Shadows of people and beasts all stepped out of the mirror!
"Come out! All come out!!"

"I don't know what treasures I got this time."

"Pfft, baby? I just heard that this time it's been a hundred years of abandonment, and there are no treasures in the Shenxu."

"Nonsense! If there is no treasure in the God Market, then it's a fart God Market! It can be changed into a ruin!"

"My uncle Taiyi Xuanxian is so powerful, how could he lie to you!"

"Well, I heard that they encountered a dragon eating a sacred weapon inside."


As soon as he stepped out of the Shenxu, bursts of noise lingered in his mind.

The sun's rays also made it hard for him to open his eyes.

【Ding!You feel so noisy, you want to sew the mouths of this group of people, spiritual power +50]

【Ding!You feel so bright, you hate this place, you want to leave quickly.Spirit power +50]

The long solitude in the God Market, but now suddenly faced with the huge crowd in front of him, Tang Ren couldn't help backing away, almost feeling like he was about to fall back into the God Market again.

But at this moment, a slender hand grabbed his dragon horn.

Soon, a force dragged him over.

"Bastard, you don't feel afraid when facing a saint's attack. Why are you so afraid when you see so many ants?" Su Qingxue complained.

She really wondered if the guy in front of her was injected with water.

Tang Ren:······

He fears?
He doesn't care!

He's just not used to it.

Looking at the sea of ​​people at the bottom of the steps, Tang Ren felt that he had been stuck in a house for a century, and suddenly one day after going out, he felt that he was out of place and had a strong sense of social fear.

Ah ~
I really admire those male protagonists who can adapt flexibly once they arrive in a different world.

【Ding!You hate this feeling and want to escape.Spirit power +50, skill point +1]

【Ding!According to the current needs of the system, congratulations, you have acquired the skill: Faxiang Tiandi (Elementary)]

As the system's voice fell, his body gradually shrunk under Su Qingxue's gaze until it shrank to the size of a palm.

"You'd better take me out of here quickly! Otherwise, I'll let you call me master in person."

At first, Su Qingxue thought it was amusing that this guy suddenly shrunk.

However, when this guy started threatening her again, Su Qingxue couldn't help but want to slap this little guy to death!

You guys can still become cute...dogs!
Which pot is not open to mention which pot!
It is an absolute shame for her life that the contracted monster is turned into a contract!

"Princess, let's go, eh? Where's the bastard?"

Yanhe turned into a human again and landed beside Su Qingxue.

But looking around, she soon found that the bad monster dragon was gone.

"Dead, crushed to death."

Yanhe:? ? ?
Although she didn't quite understand what her own princess meant, it seemed that she was asking her not to care too much.

"oh oh."

"Okay, let's go, the goal is the capital of Shengyan!"

(End of this chapter)

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