Chapter 68

Turned around a lot outside.

Tang Ren's whole dragon was aimless.

This world is too strange.

He has neither his own destination nor his own goal.

【Ding!You start to miss life inside the egg again, spiritual power +50]

【Ding!If you can, you still want to find a place to be alone for a while.Spirit power +50]

"Ache~ I'm so sleepy."

With a yawn, Tang Ren began to glance around.

Let's find a cave first.

Don't give Su Qingxue face in public, I'm afraid she is still angry now.

Going back to find her now is tantamount to seeking a beating.

Bailing, ten thousand demons.

The name of this ridge was originally called Wan Yao.

However, the monsters here prefer to take a homonym, calling this place Bailing.

A pair of tailed wolves raised their heads, looked at the direction of the sun through the jungle, and said: "If you count the time, the eldest princess of Emperor Yan should have come back."

"The crane should be back too." Another monkey monster also jumped down from the tree and said.

They are much bigger and stronger than ordinary monsters.

"Wait a minute, Yanhe should bring the news about the eldest princess soon."

Just as the wolf demon finished speaking, another black bat fell from the sky and hung upside down from the branch next to it.

Opening his mouth, he let out a bad tempered cold snort!

"The eldest princess."

"If she wasn't the daughter of Emperor Yan, I would have sucked her dry!"

Its words silenced the other wolf and monkey.

This guy is notoriously ruthless, asking for help may not be what he said, but to get revenge and fight or something, that is what he said, and he will never delay.

"Hehe, Miao Ying, forget it, the patriarch, the princess, is arrogant and looks down on us, even if you eat her, she won't change her mind."

"Yanhuang can't stop it, and that little baby is really determined."

Not long after, two more monsters came over.

None of the five monsters seemed to be in a good mood.

They are also Taiyi True Immortals at worst. In terms of strength, they are definitely not bad.

And when it comes to the upper limit, how can the monsters that can be stationed next to the capital of the Holy Flame have bloody waste?

To disdain them is to disdain them.


"The eldest princess has reached the level of True Immortal Taiyi in only a hundred years. She has a talent that is rarely seen in ten thousand years, and she is highly valued by Emperor Yan."

"It's not impossible to fear that the throne will be passed on to the elder princess's older brothers in the end, and passed directly to her."


"If we can't make a contract with them, it will be very difficult for our Yaozu to gain a foothold in the Yan Empire."

"The Emperor Yan is merciful, but this eldest princess completely looks down on our monsters in Tianxuan Continent."

The strong and the strong will always be happy to ally.

The same goes for them monsters.

When Princess Yaoji, a genius who is rare to see in ten thousand years, chose to take the path of imperial spirit master, they were overjoyed.

Monster beasts have always been regarded as beasts and prey.


Unable to make meritorious deeds in the temple.

Forcing them to always be enemies of human beings.

And Yao Ji gave them hope.

As long as they make a contract with this little doll, not only will they be rightly matched, but they will also have some status for the noble blood of the monster race, so that they will not be harassed by humans anymore.

In this way, even if Emperor Yan couldn't bear it anymore, they would not be besieged by the new emperor.

Although everyone was talking about tearing up the eldest princess, everyone said in their hearts that everyone wanted to complete the contract between the representatives of the monster race and the human race and live a peaceful life.

However, I didn't expect that the eldest princess would look down on them!
"Happy and arrogant! See if she can do it!" Some monsters have already started to feel resentment.

"If the eldest princess really brings back some contracted beast this time, I'd like to see if it can be stronger than me!"

For the foreign monsters, or the guys who ruined their plans, all the monsters present showed dislike on their faces.

"By the way, did you hear the sound of being beaten up just now?" Miao Ying, who was hanging upside down on the tree, asked suddenly.

The four demons looked confused, and after a while the wolf beast said: "Isn't this normal?"

For the sake of territory, for food, or some small things, monsters can always do it inexplicably.

This also made the whole Bailing very lively every day, and after the beating was finished, it was taken over by human monks.


Miao Ying, who was hanging upside down, looked at the sky.

A golden lion has been drawing a beautiful arc from the sky.


"Wow, golden poo, you grew up eating pigment?"

A place in Bailing.

Tang Ren covered his nose with his tail and said in disgust.

He has already found several monster caves.

But every time the ones found were either too small, too wet, or densely packed with eggs.

And now this lump of golden poop.

He couldn't help but backed out again.

Although I am not pursuing any Simmons cave.

But with these caves, it's so hard to make do with it all at once!

have to.

I surrender.

I dig it myself!

Seemingly having made up his mind, Tang Ren flew again.

【Ding!Dragon addicted to activate, the effect is outstanding! 】

Give yourself back a wave of spiritual power first.

He hasn't replenished it since he ate a little bit of sacred artifact fragments last time.

He kept the remaining power of the holy vessel as a spare, so he couldn't waste it here.

【Ding!Absorb real fairy monsters, spiritual power +500]

【Ding!Absorb Taiyi True Immortal Monster Beast, spiritual power +1000]

【Ding!Absorb celestial monsters, spiritual power +300]

Once the dragon addiction was activated, all the monsters absorbed underground screamed, but it was even more impossible to break free.

Tang Ren is now like a king chaotically entering the bronze game, completely frying fish.

After a while, the rising sound of spiritual power stopped.

Tang Ren pouted.

"Really few."

He has enjoyed the kind of spiritual power value of tens of thousands in one swallow, and now he has three hundred in one swallow. He feels that he has returned to the beginning of his business in an instant.

【Ding!Missing God Market +1, Spiritual Power +50]

"There is also the system, you have to change this too, I need 50 spiritual power to upgrade a saint, you still have fifty, one hundred plus?"

After a while of complaining, the system stopped making any sound.

Tang Ren just rolled his eyes.

Well, it's useless.

Leaving the system alone, he started 'digging'.

"Stand up and punch!"

【Ding!Power up! 】

【Ding!The Tathagata Divine Palm is activated, and the effect is outstanding! 】

boom! !

The wind blows the clouds!

As soon as Tang Ren threw out his skills, a hurricane blew up in the whole Bailing!
And after the hurricane engulfed the dust to stop.

"Cough! Cough!"

Tang Ren scattered all the dust with his tail, and then went to visually inspect his masterpiece.

Sweat gradually appeared on his forehead.

"This, in fact, it is quite good to use the sky as a bed and the ground as a bed, and you can see the stars at night."

【Ding!Congratulations, you have obtained a copy of "Forest Protection Law"]

Miao Ying looked at herself as an upside-down tree with only the knot it was holding.

The place where the tree was planted before, including the ridge, disappeared.

"Is this... normal?"

The wolf beast hesitated for a while, then said: "It should be..."

"Should be a fart!! Some guy is here to mess up!!"

(End of this chapter)

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