Chapter 70
"That's the Dragon Clan?"

"The color on the body is so special!"

"As expected of the dragon clan, I can vaguely feel the suppression of the blood."

"No, that's me sitting on top of you."

"Dragon Brother~"

The news of the dragon clan brought back by the four monsters quickly spread throughout Bailing.

Except for those who practiced in seclusion, basically all the monsters with some skills came to join in the fun.

Among them are many fox demon sisters and cat demon sisters who have already practiced shape change.

【Ding!You are a little amazed at the beauty of this world, but you didn't expect Furui to exist.Spirit power +50]

【Ding!You feel like you suddenly don't want to leave, go to His Mother God Market, I'm so unfamiliar.Spirit power +100]

【Ding!You suddenly wonder if there is such a monster with a fish head in the upper body and a human in the lower body in this world.Spirit power +50]

It has to be said that the presence of Fu Rui brought Tang Ren a lot of visual impact.

Although most of them are not as good-looking as Su Qingxue, this kind of existence that seems to be a combination of monsters and humans is particularly novel.

The white fox on the side also seemed to notice Tang Ren's strangeness.

Although the latter concealed it well, she still found out.

With a knowing smile, he said, "You guys take Yu Xiao around first, I have something else to do."

"Huh? Oh."

Call ~
As soon as the white fox left, Miao Ying also flew back.

That mouse-like face still looked like it was going to kill.

"Damn it, I still haven't found it, that guy is running too fast!"

"Don't let me catch him, or he will definitely die!"

Tang Ren:······

He subconsciously distanced himself from Miao Ying.

"Human cunning is not once or twice." The wolf monster next to him comforted him.

It is no surprise to this kind of thing that can't catch people.

Miao Ying seemed to be a little bit unable to swallow this breath.

"No, Lan, Hu Peng, Qianxiangzhi... eh? Where is Qianxiangzhi's person?"

As he said that, it suddenly discovered that the five monsters that counted it before now only had four monsters left.

Where did the white fox Qianxiangzhi go?

"Qian Xiangzhi said that there is something to do, so let's go first." Lan (the wolf beast) said.

"What's wrong with her? What's wrong with her?"

Miao Ying couldn't believe it.

They are all neighbors in the forest, and basically everyone knows if there is anything wrong.

Ever since her daughter lost the election as the eldest princess' personal guard, she has been depressed.

Whining all day long.

What can happen now?
"I'll go and see, I have to catch that human being this time!"


A fox demon who has been cultivated into human form.

Light pink gauze wrap.

Hosta, a silver ornament, adorns a bun.

The shoulders are bare, and the whole body is full of charm.

Looking through the mirror, that beautiful sister's facial features are exquisite, no less than any human fairy.

Even more than that.

Such a girl, who would have thought that she would live in Bailing full of monsters.

"Sister Qianji is so beautiful."

"I'm awed." A few little foxes beside me laughed and said.

"I think that Emperor Yan didn't choose Sister Qianzhuo at the beginning, probably because he was afraid that Sister Qianzhuo's appearance would surpass his own daughter."

"That's it."

"Enough, don't talk about that again." After packing up, she lazily lay back on the bed.

Dead tree hole.

Clean and flawless.

Except for a dressing table with a mirror, there is a soft bed.

The three little foxes were very obedient and stopped talking about it.

Two jumped outside, one turned into a little girl, and also waded beside Qianji.

The little girl didn't seem to have learned the transformation very well, her skin was not as smooth as jade, but a little hair was still covering her face, hands, and legs.

"Sister Qianji, when will I be able to transform into a beauty like yours?"


Qianji's voice was a little drowsy.

The little girl nodded half-understood, and knew that she should not disturb the former, so she turned around and prepared to sleep soundly.

A series of footsteps sounded, and Qianji suddenly opened his eyes.

"Hahaha, my good daughter, the opportunity has come again."

If you haven't seen him, hear his voice first.

After half a breath, a woman leaped to the front of the former, with joy on her face, as if something good had happened.

For Qian Xiangyu, it is indeed a good thing!

"What? Emperor Yan came to pick a maid again?" Qian Zhi said lazily, seemingly not caring much.

"Hehe, if this thing is to be done, what kind of onion is he, Emperor Yan!"

After Qian Xiangzhi said this, the former couldn't help opening his eyes.

There was some doubt in her beautiful eyes.

"My mother, are you okay?"

"Even though Emperor Yan is old, he is still the person in charge. Even if you are rebelling, you will have to wait until Emperor Yan is dead."

However, as soon as she finished speaking, Qian Xiangzhi glared at him angrily.

"Nonsense! When did I say I would rise up!"

"When my father was still alive." Qianzhu was not afraid of the former's anger at all, but there was some resentment in her eyes.

"You girl, which pot can't be opened and which pot can be lifted!"

It has to be said that Qian Ji's words directly touched her psychological shadow.

Although the anger stared at by the former's resentful eyes was somewhat weakened, but Qian Xiangzhi did not intend to give in just like this.

After looking at the seductive girl who was still lying still, she still said forcefully: "Anyway, since you've already dressed up, then come with me. If you can form a bond with the Dragon Clan, will I still be afraid of Emperor Yan?"


"Don't go."

Qianzhu was only stunned for a moment, then denied it.

This can make my old lady so angry!

"You girl! The Dragon Clan! The existence of the Supreme Ten Thousand Monsters! You have no reason to refuse the blessing you cultivated in your previous life!"

Feeling a little noisy.

The little girl next to the thousand thorns retreated quietly with great interest.

Now Qian Xiangzhi is as angry as a girl who sees her own incompetence.

I can't wait to smoke it twice!

Even so, Qianthorn's attitude remained unchanged.

"If you don't go, you don't go."

"My mother, your plan has never been successful, no matter whether it is my father or Emperor Yan."

puff! !

She gave birth to her father and Emperor Yan.

The two names Qian Ji chanted were like a sharp sword piercing Qian Xiang's body fiercely.

This girl, I don't care about her, but I remember all the black history clearly!

"You girl! Why did you change form, don't forget!"

"This Bailing is by no means a permanent residence, and we, the Fox Clan, must not live in such fear forever!"

"Go to me!"

"Big Bat Big Bat!"

"Hush, that's Uncle Miao Ying."

"Ah! Uncle who eats monsters but doesn't spit out bones!"

"Uncle Miao Ying, I'm sorry, Tong Yan Wuji."

"I'll sew up your nonsense mouth again!"

After the dark wind, the voice of the little monster outside and Miao Ying's scolding soon reached Qian Xiangzhi's ears.

Qian Xiangzhi's face was a little ugly.

"Why is this guy here!"

"Qian Xiangzhi, sneaking away is not allowed."

 Thank you for watching the 300 rewards of Yinhe Luo Jiuxiao, 1666 of Emperor, 100 of _____, and 300 rewards of high-quality children, these support!
(End of this chapter)

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