No, the whole world wants to contract me?

Chapter 8 You're fucking meowing, aren't you?

Chapter 8 You're fucking meowing, aren't you?

Since ancient times, there has not been only one path to sanctification.

If one of the ten thousand dharmas in the world can cultivate to the peak in one field, the door of the sage will naturally open!


Before the group of inhuman monsters from the Spirit Killing Sect approached, a cold light stopped them in their tracks.

"Ah!! My hand!"

The one with the mantis arm chopped off his arms!

"Master, Elder Sister, save me!"

This sword was unremarkable, but it also amazed everyone.

The remaining disciples of Yulingzong who were not killed also saw who was the thigh, and rushed over quickly.

"Everyone from the Spirit Killing Sect who has the courage to kill my sect's disciples, aren't you afraid of being retaliated by my sect master?" Su Qingxue looked cold, and those who were so scared that they hugged their thighs all dared to go back instead of relying too much on it. close.

She managed to drive away this group of guys, but another group came!
Now she really wants to kill someone!

The people from the Spirit Killing Sect didn't seem to care about Su Qingxue's anger, on the contrary, when this beautiful fairy got angry, she had a special flavor.

Only then did Nangong feel that his body was getting hotter and hotter.

"Hmph! Brazen? Killing you, who knows who killed who? How big is this God's Market, and there are so many people, who knows?"

"Heavenly Killing Spirit Sect! He will bully our uncontracted monsters!"

The disciple of the Yulingzong who was so angry at the other party's murderous statement scolded his mother on the spot.

Yulingzong has always practiced the method of controlling beasts. Each disciple will only contract one monster in his life, and he is willing to spend his life looking for the monster that suits him!
Treat the monsters that you have contracted with as siblings, advance and retreat with them, live and die together!

And in terms of cultivation, as long as a powerful monster is contracted, the cultivation of the monster will also be fed back to the master. If the monster is not dead, the master will benefit more than ever!The future is even more limitless!
This also makes the gap between the people of Yulingzong and whether there are monsters or beasts is completely the same as the sky and the earth!

But the Spirit Killing Sect did the complete opposite!
Only focus on temporary strength, and treat powerful monsters as blood food!
Eat monster beasts and use their power for your own use!
This also led to an obvious difference between the two sects: the disciples who killed the spirit chased the disciples who killed the spirit, and the master who killed the spirit chased the master who killed the spirit.

"What can I do if I just bully you?" The spirit killing disciple stuck out his tongue. For these dying people, they didn't have to think about whether they would be retaliated against later.

"Children from Nancun bullied me to be old and powerless, so I can bear it face to face..."

"What did you say boy!"

The two sides stalemate.

"Senior brother, there is another egg here." A disciple of killing spirits suddenly shouted.

Apparently they also found the egg that Su Qingxue had been thinking about for a long time.

Nangong just looked over, and then looked at Su Qingxue who had a cold face.

No wonder there are so many disciples of Yulingzong here. It turns out that they found monster eggs.

"Oh? Could this be the monster egg you want to contract?"

No one responded.

Nangongcai also smiled indifferently, and said, "Hehe, wasabi, go and split the egg! Eat the monster inside!"



"Hey? Fairy, what are you in a hurry for? Can't I satisfy you?"

Nangong stood in front of Su Qingxue, the more angry this beautiful fairy was, the hotter he became!
Ah~ I really want to...

Su Qingxue's foot moved back again.

His expression also inexplicably changed from cold to indifferent.

"That's right, why am I so anxious?" Su Qingxue muttered suddenly.

Nangong Cai:? ? ?

"You are in a hurry to die, can I stop you?"

She admitted that she was in a hurry.

But if you look closely, you can see that the Spirit Killing Sect is all at the peak of the Celestial Immortals.

The last Heavenly Peak is still lying down, and this ticket to the Heavenly Peak will be given away for free, so why is she in a hurry.

"As long as I kill you now, no one will come to make trouble again."

Although he didn't understand what the beautiful fairy said before, he didn't hear him when he said that he was going to kill him.

A guy who didn't have a contracted monster dared to fight against him, and Nangong laughed angrily.

"You? Just rely on you? Let you have one..."

bass! !

The jade sword is out of its sheath!

Before Nangongcai finished speaking, he backed up a few meters abruptly!

what happened? !
Was it murderous just now?
How can it be!

How could a guy without a contract monster show such a terrifying murderous look?
Could it be that the other party has already made a contract? !

"What? Let me have one?" Su Qingxue sneered.

The aura gradually climbed to the level of a real fairy!

She hasn't contracted a monster yet, but she was also the Holy Dragon Empress in her previous life, so it's reasonable to know the skills of other saints and golden immortals.

"Not good! This egg is weird!"

As a result, there was movement on the other side of the arena.

【Ding!You are very angry now, spiritual power +50]

【Ding!You think it's too much to come here and ask you to sign the contract of selling your life, but you didn't expect that there would be more too much, spiritual power +100. 】

[According to calculations, your winning rate is only 100%. Would you consider sacrificing 10000 spiritual power to buy insurance? 】

【Ding!You launched the blood meal, the effect is outstanding, spiritual power +100]

"You guys are the ones who hacked me melons, bah! Don't you?" Tang Ren finally hoped for peace, but someone came to make trouble again.

Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it!
A disciple of the Spirit Devouring Sect just put his hand on the egg, and wanted to use his internal force to kill the monster inside first, and then split the egg and eat it.


"not good!"

Before he could use his strength, a more overbearing force stretched out directly from the egg, biting his arm fiercely!
what's the situation? !

Blood!My blood!
"Ann Lee! What's wrong with you!"

"Save! Help! Help..."

Before he finished speaking, Li An, who was called by his name by his companion, shriveled up in just a few breaths.

"Li An!"

When he called again, he was already skinny!
【Ding!You killed a celestial monk, spiritual power +200]

"If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If you want my life, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

I don't know if it's because Tang Ren has been in society for more than ten years in his previous life, and he has taken a lot of light on it; or because of the strength of the dragon blood in this life.

This was the first time he killed someone, but he didn't have the slightest grudge in his heart.

"This egg can actually kill Li An, could it be that it already has spiritual knowledge?!"

Although Li An's death shocked the rest of the Spirit Devouring Sect, this group of guys were also blood-licking guys, and they quickly thought of other things from it.

The five people's eyes became more and more frenzied!

Even before he was born, he already possessed spiritual consciousness and the strength to destroy the pinnacle of heavenly immortals with a flick of his finger!
Yulingzong could figure it out, but they couldn't think of it!
"Could it be, Divine Beast Egg!"

boom! !

At this time, Nangong was already forced to retreat step by step by Su Qingxue's power!

Not right!

The other party didn't use contracted monsters. Even though he was a true immortal, he shouldn't be able to hang him, right?


After taking a few steps back, Nangong spat out a mouthful of black blood.

Gritting his teeth tightly, despite his embarrassment, his expression was still unconvinced.

"A disciple of the Spirit Devouring Sect can beat a disciple of the Spirit Controlling Sect in the same realm, and even a disciple of the Spirit Controlling Sect of the True Immortal Taiyi can be invincible. But you are very strong!"

"So?" Su Qingxue felt that the other party was talking nonsense, and the jade sword in her hand shook slightly, and the blood on the sword disappeared.

The sharp edge is directed at the former!
"So? Hmph!" Nangong Cai was still unconvinced.

Still tough?
Su Qingxue frowned slightly.

She has a little admiration for this man.

Although he is an enemy, at such an age, life and death are insignificant...

"Help! Don't worry about the dome, Wasabi! Come and save me!"

(End of this chapter)

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