My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 1 My name is Jiang Siming

Chapter 1 My name is Jiang Siming

As one of the many time-travelers, Jiang Siming seems to have taken the wrong script for his time-traveling life.

A lazy boy was lying on the boulder in front of the hill in Holy Soul Village, occasionally glancing at the sweaty boy on the distant mountain.Tang San.

"It's so difficult. What about the Goldfinger that was agreed upon? If it's not the family of a wealthy businessman, or the prince of the emperor, my parents are dead." Jiang Siming complained in his heart.

As the sun rose gradually, the Holy Soul Village began to become lively.

"Brother Siming, why are you still sleeping? Get up. Go home." Tang San gently pushed Jiang Siming who was in a daze to wake up.

"Let's go." Jiang Siming gave Tang San a meaningful look.

Of course Tang San did not teach Jiang Siming "Xuantian Kung Fu", even if it was the original Tang San before he became a god, he didn't pass it on to anyone except Jixiang, who was almost isolated from the mainland.Even though Tang San didn't know that the Xuantian ability assisted in the cultivation of soul power, such a miraculous exercise would definitely make people envious.If leaked out, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

Of course, it's useless even if you learn it. Jiang Siming's parents don't have soul power, so they are probably trash souls.Still trash.Tang San's Blue Silver Grass is the Blue Silver Emperor.Not Jiang Siming.

"Little San, Siming, where have you been? What day is it today? You guys are going to awaken your martial soul. Hurry up and don't make Master Su Yuntao wait." Old Jack ran extremely fast with his stooped body. He hugged both Jiang Siming and Tang San with one hand.This is the world of martial spirits, and people's physiques are generally strong.After a while, we came to the entrance of the village.

"Master Su Yuntao, I have kept you waiting." Old Jack said with a respectful face.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, I'll start."

"Ding, the boot is successful, welcome to use the strongest sign-in system, release the sign-in task, the host must complete the sign-in task to sign-in successfully, and get sign-in rewards. Awaken the martial soul and reward the innate full soul power."

Jiang Siming froze for a moment, jumped up suddenly, and shouted "oh, yeah." Everyone around looked at him in surprise.Only then did Jiang Siming notice the eyes of the people around him.Slowly put away the smile on his face.There was a cry in my heart, "I finally waited, I want to become stronger, I want a girl. Hahaha"

"Okay, be quiet, let's start." Su Yuntao released his martial soul, holding the crystal ball to his chest with both hands.Despite the infusion of soul power, the crystal ball became brighter and brighter.Suddenly, a layer of white light wave was emitted and enveloped all the children.In an instant, it was retracted into the crystal ball again.

"Okay, now slowly feel your martial soul and try to release it." Su Yuntao said with his martial soul back.

"Put your hand on the crystal ball, the first child will come first."

"Martial soul, wild flower, no soul power"

"Next, martial soul, hoe, no soul power"

"Could it be that there is no one who can cultivate?" Su Yuntao said with a sigh.


It was Tang San's turn, the spirit was indeed Blue Silver Grass, but it was tested to be full of innate spirit power.

"It's inconceivable that it is full of soul power innately, and the martial soul is useless. Kid, do you want to join the Wuhun Palace?" Su Yuntao became interested in talents.

Tang San neither agreed nor refused as in the original book.

The corner of Jiang Siming's mouth twitched and said, "Master still has me."

"Haha, I forgot, okay, let's release your martial spirit." Su Yuntao said a little embarrassed.

The image of Su Yuntao in the original book is approachable, it seems true.Soul masters have a high status, if other soul masters are interrupted, they will not be polite to you.

Jiang Siming released the martial spirit, which was a sword with rust spots on it.

"Ding, sign in successfully, reward, innately full of soul power."

"Sword Martial Soul, unfortunately it seems to be a useless sword." Su Yuntao said.

Jiang Siming put his hand on the crystal ball, and the crystal ball was instantly filled with light.

"Another one with full soul power, when did it become so worthless?" Su Yuntao thought to himself.

"Little brother, what do you think?" Just about to make a solicitation.I saw the light of the crystal ball suddenly fall back.

"Level five, how could it be like this, the innate soul power can still fall back." Su Yuntao was shocked.

"Okay, I'll give you the appraisal certificate." Su Yuntao said helplessly.He left Holy Soul Village soon.

At this moment, old Jack hurried over.

"Little San, Siming, I heard Master Su Yuntao said that you can all practice, is it true?" Old Jack said excitedly.

"Yes, grandpa, the village chief." The two replied together.

"Grandpa, I'm going home first, I still have to cook for my father. Goodbye, Grandpa, Brother Siming." Tang San replied.

"Go, tell your father, in a few days, grandpa will apply for you to go to the soul master school." Old Jack said.

"Si Ming, let's go."

Since his parents passed away, Jiang Siming has been living in Old Jack's house.

late at night
"System, why do I feel that my first martial soul has not been fully released?" That's right, Jiang Siming has twin martial souls, and one martial soul is the Donghuang Bell. Jiang Siming should let him know that the Donghuang Bell is the ancient demon emperor. The magic weapon is classified as the innate treasure.But he finally felt that the number one martial soul was weird, with a feeling of being restricted.

"Ding, host, don't panic. The host's first martial soul needs to be unsealed. As for the others, please let the host explore by himself."

"It seems that my first martial spirit is not easy." Jiang Siming thought to himself.

Jiang Siming asked the system to cover up today's drop in innate soul power. He doesn't want to join the Wuhun Palace. It's too difficult for him to hide after joining the Wuhun Palace. Once Bibi Dong's attention is drawn, it will be troublesome. If you are discovered, you will not be able to escape.

The night was getting dark, and Jiang Siming slept so peacefully for the first time in this world for so long.

three days later.

Old Jack brought Jiang Siming to Tang San's house, and when he entered the room, he yelled, "Tang Hao, you alcoholic, you have been like this all your life, you can't delay the child, Xiao San has such a talent. He should become a great soul master."

"Grandpa Jack, keep your voice down, Dad is asleep, he agrees for me to go to the school of soul masters." Tang San said softly.

"Good boy, let's go with Grandpa."

Jiang Siming looked confused, I sent the feelings for the phone bill, and he didn't even say hello to me.

Helplessly smiled and walked away.

I don't know if there is a systematic reason, Jiang Siming's mentality changed so much that he didn't even notice it.

Then the era belonging to Siming is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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