My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 119 Little 3!You can have a snack!

Chapter 119 Little San!You can have a snack!

Under the dim light, Jiang Siming groped carefully in the room.

"It's so rich!" Jiang Siming was completely shocked by the scene in front of him. The glazed curtains made of various jewels in series, combined with the beam frame made of 24K pure gold, all kinds of exquisite decorations and porcelain are even more random. Placed, the air is filled with a faint fragrance, which actually has the effect of refreshing and calming the mind.

"Xiao San is really a proper rich second generation." Jiang Siming touched his chin involuntarily.

Jiang Siming looked at a woman with outstanding figure lying vaguely on the bed covered by the bead curtain in front of him.

"Tsk tsk, you still look so dignified after sleeping." Jiang Siming walked forward slowly, afraid of alarming the other party.

Suddenly a cold light flashed, and the sharp sword was unsheathed, making a clanging sound.

The next moment, a sharp sword gleaming with cold light was placed on Jiang Siming's neck.

"Beauty, don't get excited!" Jiang Siming didn't feel the murderous aura on the other party, so Jiang Siming didn't make a move to startle the snake. After all, he came here to inquire about someone, and it would be bad if there was an accident.

"Say, why hide your head and face, and visit late at night, what is the purpose, and who sent you here?" The woman in front of her whispered coquettishly.

Under the dim light, Jiang Siming looked at the beautiful woman in front of him. She was dressed in a thin gauze, with a curvy figure, light makeup, bright eyes and bright teeth, biting her lips and teeth, and frowning slightly, facing Jiang Siming. Entering the boudoir at night also maintains a dignified and elegant posture.

"Dirty son! Say it!" Although the woman couldn't see Jiang Siming's covered face, she still seemed to feel Jiang Siming's gaze, and she pressed her sword even tighter, and shouted.

"Misunderstanding, I don't mean to offend you, but I can't find anything, and I want to ask someone." Jiang Siming waved his hand quickly.

"Come..." The woman obviously didn't believe Jiang Siming's words, and just wanted to shout out.

Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Jiang Siming grabbed the long sword, put his backhand around the opponent, and covered the woman's mouth.

Jiang Siming also had a wry smile in his heart. After all, sneaking into other people's boudoir late at night and wearing a bamboo hat, he really doesn't look like a good person.

"Girl, I really don't mean to offend you." Jiang Siming explained again.

The woman kept struggling in Jiang Siming's arms, and the tulle she was wearing only served as some protection from her body. Jiang Siming felt the softness in her arms, and felt a little distracted for a moment.

"Hmm." The woman glared at Jiang Siming with a blushing face, and kicked Jiang Siming's foot with her heel.

"Hiss~" Jiang Siming couldn't help taking a breath.

"Girl, you!" Jiang Siming said in a low voice.

"Dong dong."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Jiang Siming trembled in fright, always feeling a little like he was caught raped.

"Ma'am. I'm sorry to disturb you. I just heard movement in Madam's room. Are you okay?" the maid outside the door shouted respectfully.

The movement just now must have alarmed the woman's servant in front of the costume.

Jiang Siming looked back at the woman in his arms, and said in a low voice begging for mercy, "Girl, it's not what you think. I'm really here to find someone. Tang Yin!"

The girl in her arms suddenly stopped struggling when she heard Tang San's alias, her eyes were a little dignified.

"Hmm." The woman's eyes signaled Jiang Siming to let go of herself.

"Hush! Don't mess around, I'm really a good person!" Jiang Siming said with compromise.

The woman in her arms nodded.

Jiang Siming slowly took his hand off the woman's mouth, but still hugged the beautiful woman tightly.

"You bastard!" the beautiful woman whispered coquettishly, glaring at Jiang Siming.

"dong dong dong"

"Ma'am? Are you there, Ma'am?" The maid knocked on the door in a hurry, obviously suspicious.

The person outside the door is you with a somewhat puzzled face, and you are about to open the door and enter.

"Yue'er, I'm fine. I had a nightmare just now. Get back." A woman's sweet voice came from inside the room.

"Yes, madam. Yue'er, excuse me." The maid outside the door said respectfully.

Jiang Siming finally felt relieved when he heard the sound of footsteps walking away from the door.

"Why do you still feel guilty?" Jiang Siming murmured.

"How long are you going to hug?" The woman in her arms stomped her feet and said a little bit angrily.

Jiang Siming quickly let go of his hand and pushed the woman out.

The woman in her arms didn't realize Jiang Siming's sudden movement, her feet didn't slip, and she was about to fall over.

Jiang Siming hastened his eyes and hands, and hugged the woman's slender waist with one hand.Nephrite in my arms again.

"You!" The woman in her arms yelled in a low voice again with some shame and indignation, her gaze towards Jiang Siming averted a little.

"Girl, am I afraid that you will fall?" Jiang Siming laughed awkwardly.

"Let go of me!" the woman said in a low voice.

Jiang Siming dared to let go.

Seeing Jiang Siming let go of his hand without hesitation, the woman looked at Jiang Siming angrily.Turning around, he took the clothes on the hanger and draped them over his body.

"I'm not happy if I let go, so what should I do?" Jiang Siming murmured inwardly.

In the fragrant room, under the dim light, the two stood quietly, and the woman stared at Jiang Siming, looking a little silent.

Jiang Siming always felt that the atmosphere was too awkward, so he spoke first.

"Girl, I'm really looking for someone this time. I don't know if the girl knows a person named Tang Yin? It's my good friend." Jiang Siming cupped his hands and said.

"Hide your head and hide your face, you must not be a good person?" The woman's expression changed slightly, and she said angrily.

Seeing the change in the woman's eyes, Jiang Siming knew that this person must know Tang Yin.The other party didn't call out, obviously he had some scruples, maybe the woman in front of him knew Tang Yin's true identity.

Jiang Siming is a little distressed at the moment, how can he make the other party believe in him?It's impossible to rely on just one name, and it's impossible to directly point out Tang San's real name, after all Tang San's whereabouts cannot be easily exposed.

Just when Jiang Siming was scratching his ears and cheeks, outside the room, the poor room was brightly lit, and dozens of chaotic footsteps could be heard.

"Listen up, people inside, give up resistance, if you dare to hurt Madam even a little bit, you will definitely be killed." A shout came from outside the room.

"I said girl, there's no need to play like this?" Jiang Siming said with a wry smile.

He is obviously a good person, why does no one believe him?

"No matter who sent you here? Give up resisting!" the woman said threateningly.

"Boom" a figure broke through the window and entered.

Jiang Siming's eyes turned cold, and he dodged and punched the opponent.

However, the opponent's body turned into an afterimage, dodging the blow.

"Ghost shadow fan Zongbu!" Jiang Siming said in surprise.

It was Tang San who came.

In the next moment, dozens of cold lights flew towards Jiang Siming densely.

"What's the matter? Call and beat your own people." Jiang Siming was a little helpless.

The Chaos Clock was released instantly, and Jiang Siming hugged the woman into his arms again.

"Hmm~" Jiang Siming's sudden movement caught the woman beside him a little off guard.

All the cold lights bounced off, and the room was instantly filled with the sound of broken porcelain and clanging of iron.

At this moment Tang San saw the familiar Chaos Clock, and also recognized Jiang Siming.Ghost Shadow Fan dodged the rebounding hidden weapon and looked at Jiang Siming excitedly.

"Little San! You should have some snacks!" Jiang Siming looked at Tang San who was a little excited and said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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