My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 122 Tang Hao's Change

Chapter 122 Tang Hao's Change

Jiang Siming returned to Yuexuan, and Tang Yuehua arranged for him a room close to Tang San.

After all, Tang Yuehua was Tang San's aunt, and logically speaking, she was also Jiang Siming's elder. No matter how dissatisfied she was with Jiang Siming, it was impossible to target Jiang Siming so much on the surface.So Jiang Siming paid the money according to the amount, but didn't say anything.

As night fell, Jiang Siming sat cross-legged on the bed and meditated.

"Dong dong dong" came a knock on the door.

When Jiang Siming opened the door, it was Tang San, holding a beautifully crafted mask in his hand.

"Brother Siming, Aunt Yuehua made this." Tang San handed the mask to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming was a little surprised, but unconsciously took the mask with his hand.

Silky touch, the main white mask is embroidered with gold lines, which looks noble and elegant.

Jiang Siming put on the mask, and couldn't help but admire Tang Yuehua's craftsmanship and the accuracy of the materials used.This mask is not only extremely transparent, but also very comfortable to wear.The mask blocked Jiang Siming's naked half of the skeleton, and the delicate white and gold mask combined with the handsome half of his face looked even more charming.

"Brother Siming, and this." Tang San said as he took out a set of wigs.

Jiang Siming touched the half of his head where there was no hair, but reluctantly took the wig.

"Brother Siming! Aunt Yuehua said that if you want to stay in Yuexuan, you must learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting from her." Tang San scratched his head and said with some embarrassment.

This was obviously Tang Yuehua trying to make things difficult for Jiang Siming.After all, let a soul master learn these things, if it weren't for Tang San's situation, who would spend that effort to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

"Okay!" Jiang Siming thought for a while before agreeing.Previously, I couldn't calm down in retreat at the Binghuo Liangyiyan, this time it's time to calm down the restlessness in my heart.

Jiang Siming put on a mask and wig, stood in front of the mirror, and his whole temperament changed drastically.

"Little San! Call me Kakashi from now on!" Jiang Siming looked at himself in the mirror with satisfaction, and suddenly made a seal on the second in the mirror.

"Understood." Of course, Tang San didn't understand Jiang Siming's stalk, and nodded. What Tang San thought of was the name Jiang Siming, who is now well-known in the mainland, too ostentatious.

"Thank you, Xiaosan, and thank Aunt Yuehua for me." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

Tang San also looked at Jiang Siming with a smile, the relationship between the two had already surpassed the boundaries of friends.

A year later, two handsome teenagers in Yuexuan were playing the guqin on the stage.One of them had half his face covered by a mask.

The aristocratic ladies in all kinds of gorgeous clothes looked at the two people on the stage with admiration.Amid the melodious music, the audience seemed to be holding their breath for fear of destroying the beautiful artistic conception.

With the plucking of the last string, there was warm applause from the audience.

Jiang Siming and Tang San looked at each other, thinking about the audience and bowed.

Facing the screams and blowing kisses of all kinds of beauties in the audience, Jiang Siming and Tang San were already used to it.

This year, Jiang Siming completely relaxed his mind and body for the first time since the first battle in Wuhundian.I didn't expect that the cultivation of soul power would be twice the result with half the effort, and now I have reached level 56.

As for Tang San, because of Jiang Siming, he didn't practice with Tang Hao for too long, and it took more than a year to get out of the killing system, but his level was almost the same as in the original book, and now he has reached level 57 , even one level higher than Jiang Siming.

Of course, if you really compare it, the quality of Jiang Siming's soul power is far from what Tang San can match.

After the performance, Jiang Siming and Tang San found Tang Yuehua.

"Auntie, Brother Siming and I have to go." Tang San looked at Tang Yuehua with some reluctance.

"Good boy, if you have any difficulties, you must tell your aunt." Tang Yuehua gently stroked Tang San's face, in her heart Tang San was her own child.

"Auntie, goodbye." Jiang Siming also bowed his hands and said.

Tang Yuehua looked at Jiang Siming with an indescribable feeling in his eyes.After getting along with Jiang Siming for nearly a year, Tang Yuehua always avoids Jiang Siming intentionally or unintentionally.

Jiang Siming was the first person to take advantage of her, but this bastard was unintentional, which aroused Tang Yuehua's competitiveness as a woman to a certain extent.

Tang Yuehua didn't know how she felt about Jiang Siming, but whenever she had such thoughts, the huge age gap made her a little daunted.

Jiang Siming naturally saw what Tang Yuehua thought of him, but although Jiang Siming couldn't accept it just because others liked him.This is unfair to himself, unfair to the other party, and even more unfair to Zhu Zhuqing.

Besides, Jiang Siming believed that Tang Yuehua's feelings for Jiang Siming were due to the accident that night, and he took the embarrassment of meeting the two as liking.

After saying goodbye to Tang Yuehua, Jiang Siming and Tang San stepped out of this bustling city again.

Yingsongsyan dances, laughs and greets each other, but in the lively Yuexuan, there is a beautiful woman who is silent.

Returning to the valley again, the dilapidated cabins were re-strengthened, fences were built next to the houses, and some rice was planted around them.All kinds of flowers and plants are trimmed extremely evenly, like a paradise where a hermit lives in seclusion.

Jiang Siming and Tang San saw Tang Hao, who had been sloppy from afar, with the messy beard that had been shaved off, and the clothes that could not be repaired long ago.

Seeing Tang Hao's change, Tang San hurried forward, and Jiang Siming looked at everything around him, which was not in direct proportion to the desolation when he came last time, and felt a little surprised in his heart.

Seeing Tang Hao with healthy hands and feet, he couldn't help showing a smile. It seems that what he said last time had some effect.

"Dad!" Tang San looked at the smiling Tang Hao, tears rolling in his eyes unconsciously.

This was the first time he saw his father smile, and just a smile made the place calm, and the tough boy cried.

"Man, why are you crying?" Tang Hao immediately reprimanded Tang San with a stern face, but this scolding was Tang San's long-lost fatherly sternness.

Jiang Siming didn't break the atmosphere between the two in front of him. Seeing Tang Hao and Tang San's father being kind and filial, Jiang Siming couldn't help but think of his parents.

The water mist slowly covered Jiang Siming's sight, as if two somewhat stooped figures appeared in front of him again.

In the hut in the evening, Tang Hao carefully brought out a pot of blue silver grass.

"Dad, why do I feel so kind?" Tang San looked at his father suspiciously.

Tang San released the Blue Silver Emperor unconsciously, and the pot of Blue Silver Grass seemed to be rhythmically wrapped around Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor.

"She is." Tang Hao was about to speak.

The Blue Silver Grass that originally entangled Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor stretched towards Jiang Siming eagerly.

In an instant, the air in the room suddenly became quiet.

Jiang Siming looked at the blue silver grass wrapped around the miniature chaotic clock in his palm and smiled awkwardly.

Jiang Siming just wanted to test whether his Chaos Clock had any effect on plants and soul beasts.

Feeling Tang Hao's gaze, Jiang Siming always felt like molesting other people's wives in front of others.

(End of this chapter)

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