My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 130 The 4th Realm of Sword Dao, the Sword Has Spirit

Chapter 130 The Fourth Realm of Sword Dao, the Sword Has Spirit

"Brother Siming!" Ma Hongjun finally couldn't suppress his emotions at this moment, and hugged Jiang Siming.

"Great, Brother Siming, you're fine!" Ma Hongjun said with a bit of tears.

In front of the Wuhun Hall, Jiang Siming tried his best to create time for them to get out of trouble.

Although Flender said that Jiang Siming was still alive, and Ma Hongjun firmly believed that Jiang Siming was still alive, but when he saw his brother Siming again, he couldn't restrain the emotions hidden in his heart after all.

This is also the reason why Jiang Siming acted so impulsively when he saw Jiang Siming's Immortal Sword Seal in the hands of outsiders.

"Fatty." Jiang Siming patted Ma Hongjun's junior.

Ma Hongjun was a little reluctant to let go of Jiang Siming, seeing that half of Jiang Siming's face was blocked by a delicate mask, he couldn't help asking, "Brother Siming, your face!"

"It's okay." Jiang Siming said flatly.

Jiang Siming looked up to Flender and the others behind Ma Hongjun, and couldn't help showing a trace of warmth in their lives.

"The dean, the teacher, the mistress, and Teacher Zhao!" Jiang Siming breathed a long sigh of relief after finishing speaking, as if his heart had been relieved.

"It's good to be back!" Flender stepped forward and patted Jiang Siming's shoulder, and turned his head slightly, his eyes were already covered with mist.

"Just go back." The master looked at Jiang Siming but didn't come forward for a long time, but kept muttering in his mouth.

Jiang Siming looked at the man who had turned gray at some point.He walked up and said respectfully, "Teacher!"

"Just come back!" The master slowly stroked Jiang Siming's hair with trembling hands, fearing that the scene in front of him was fake, he kept chanting a sentence repeatedly.

Jiang Siming once had a bit of regret about being a master, because the master really didn't have much effect on Jiang Siming, but Jiang Siming, whose parents died in this world, felt the love from the elders in the master.

The decision made by the master never considered whether Jiang Siming would be alienated from him. When he felt that Jiang Siming could not be taught, he recommended Jiang Siming to Sword Douluo without hesitation.

"Teacher Zhao!" Jiang Siming looked at Zhao Wou-ki, whose hands were crossed on his chest, and his eyes were slightly red.

"After you left, no one bothered me in the morning. I'm really not used to it." Zhao Wou-ki looked at Jiang Siming with relief, as if he didn't have too many emotional fluctuations, but blinked frequently, revealing his inner activities.

After a short reminiscence, everyone also packed up their emotions.

At the VIP table, a group of people also retreated slowly. Although there was a bit of an accident today, it is gratifying that the man is back.

In the Shrek conference hall.

Compared with the relatively small conference room in the past, the conference hall chosen at this moment is not resplendent, but it can also be said to be very exquisite and spacious.

"Si Ming, have you really made up your mind?" the master said with some concern.

"En!" Jiang Siming nodded. Although going to the Star Luo Empire this time may be a bait, Jiang Siming must go.

"Okay! Shrek is a group, this time I won't let any of my students have another accident!" Flender immediately slapped the table and said.

"Dean! Let me do this alone! With my current strength, even in the face of Titled Douluo, I am fully capable of retreating." Jiang Siming shook his head and said, after all, a group of people The target is too big.

"But!" Flender obviously did not agree with Jiang Siming's idea.

"Dean! Please trust me, I will definitely bring them back safely!" Jiang Siming said firmly.

Seeing Jiang Siming's decisive attitude, everyone didn't say much.Jiang Siming is always good at creating miracles, but their following may cause Jiang Siming trouble.

The night is deep, the moon and stars are thin.

Familiar room, familiar smell, but the pillow is empty.

The bright moonlight scattered on Jiang Siming's arms, and Jiang Siming slowly raised his hands, as if feeling the familiar temperature again.

"Boom boom boom!"

A sudden knock on the door broke the silence.

Jiang Siming stood up and opened the door, and it was Jian Douluo who came.

"Bad old man, you're recovering well!" Jiang Siming joked that Jian Douluo's black and beautiful hair now, and even the wrinkles on his face have lessened a lot.

"You kid is really capable, you can get such miraculous things. Guess what level I am now?" Jian Douluo first praised Jiang Siming, and then said a little ostentatiously.

"99?" Jiang Siming said with a playful look in his eyes.

"Stinky boy! Do you think the third step to the sky is so easy to break through? The old man is now at level 98, which can be considered as the second step." Sword Douluo said proudly.

"Awesome!" Jiang Siming boasted copiously.

Of course Jian Douluo heard Jiang Siming's perfunctory, and gave Jiang Siming a blank look.

"Hmph!" Sword Douluo snorted, put his fingers together, and a sword intent instantly filled the room.

"Boy! Do you feel any difference?" Sword Douluo said slowly.

Jiang Siming, who was a little confused at first, heard the words and carefully felt the sword intent released by Sword Douluo.

"How is it possible?" Jiang Siming said in surprise.

Seeing Jiang Siming's surprised expression, Jian Douluo grinned and withdrew his sword intent.

"I thought I had reached the end of the way of the sword, but I didn't expect that the crystal you brought to me gave me a new inspiration, and I felt that the fourth level of the way of the sword really exists." Sword Douluo couldn't help He said with emotion that the way of swordsmanship is endless, but he was a frog in a well before.

"Everything has a spirit, and so do your swords." Sword Douluo said slowly

Jiang Siming couldn't help touching his chin. During the assessment of Jade Sword in the white space, the words he heard might not be set by the system, but maybe it was Jade Sword's own voice.

After a long time, Jiang Siming nodded.

"Okay, let's get down to business, you plan to go to the Star Luo Empire!" Sword Douluo said with a change of expression.

"I have to go!" Jiang Siming said firmly.

"I knew you would say that a long time ago. Even if you knew it was a trap, you would definitely go." Jian Douluo shook his head helplessly. Jiang Siming has such a stubborn character, but Jian Douluo just liked it. Jiang Siming made this point.

"Okay! The old man will be tired for a while, and I will accompany you for another time!" Jian Douluo said with a big laugh.

Seeing Jian Douluo like this, Jiang Siming couldn't help being moved.

"You kid, don't think too much. If you take a good thing from you, you have to pay back the favor? Secondly, it is for the benefit of my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Heaven Dou Empire. I can probably guess what the Star Luo Empire is doing for What? This time you sacrificed so much just to lure you out! What a bold move!" Jian Douluo narrowed his eyes as he said.

Jiang Siming nodded. This trip to the Star Luo Empire will definitely return with a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"Then what, I won't go back tonight! I'll go with you tomorrow, move me a place!"

Jiang Siming's face darkened suddenly, he was trying to make trouble.

"By the way, why did you cover half of your face? Are you disfigured?"

"Go aside!"

"I don't understand a little respect for the old and the young, believe the old man to beat you for a meal?"

(End of this chapter)

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