My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 133 Undercurrent

Chapter 133 Undercurrent
Inside the hotel, Jiang Siming rescued the seriously injured Dai Mubai with the help of the blue sea universe mask.

"Bad old man! Save him!" Jiang Siming lifted the cover of Bihai Qiankun, and suddenly appeared in front of Jian Douluo.

"Si Ming, what's up!" Jian Douluo, who was originally thinking, couldn't help being shocked.

Seeing the seriously injured and unconscious Dai Mubai who suddenly appeared in front of him, he didn't care about being surprised for a moment, and hurriedly helped him up to transport his soul power.

Jiang Siming watched Dai Mubai's changes nervously, his originally pale face finally turned a little bloody.

After a quarter of an hour, Sword Douluo slowly withdrew his soul power.

"Bad old man, how is he?" Jiang Siming asked anxiously.

"It's nothing serious for the time being, the Xingluo royal family should have kept their hands, most of them are some skin trauma, but some have lost too much blood." Sword Douluo said slowly.

Jiang Siming's face became more and more solemn, Dai Mubai's current situation couldn't help but make him very worried about Zhu Zhuqing's current situation.

"The Star Luo Empire has always been known for its iron and blood. For the sake of profit, even its own blood is not spared. No wonder there are so few soul masters in the Star Luo Empire." Sword Douluo said this time, he could not help but sigh.

"Bad old man, what did you find out?" Jiang Siming said in a low voice.

"It should be the same as we guessed, there are only members of the Dai family in the prince's mansion, presumably the two families are not of one mind. But you brought Dai Mubai out this time, so you don't know what their next move will be!" Sword fight Luo said with some concern.

Jiang Siming forced himself to calm down, bowed his head and thought carefully.

After a long time, Jiang Siming seemed to have made up his mind and said, "Bad old man, take care of Dai Mubai for me. I'm going to Zhu's house."

"Are you sure?" Sword Douluo said in a low voice.

"Saving people is not the biggest problem, the key is to prevent future troubles forever." Jiang Siming said coldly, he could take them away secretly with the Blue Sea Universe Mask.

But the Xingluo Empire is an empire after all, with hands and eyes in the sky, it is always troublesome, Jiang Siming can't take them to hide for a lifetime.How can there be any reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days?

The real bargaining chip of the Star Luo Empire now is Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai's disappearance is not enough to make them panic, but it will definitely make them more vigilant.

After entrusting Dai Mubai well, Jiang Siming activated the Blue Sea Universe Cover again, and disappeared into the room.

As soon as Jiang Siming arrived outside the hotel, he felt dozens of eyes paying attention to the hotel where Jiang Siming and Sword Douluo were staying.

"I hope you don't seek death!" The murderous intent in Jiang Siming's eyes grew stronger.

Inside the palace of the Star Luo Empire.

Above the magnificent hall, Dai Yuexing bowed his head respectfully, kneeling on one knee in front of a majestic figure.

"How?" The majestic man turned around slowly, waving his sleeve robe, with an extremely domineering imperial air.It was the Heaven of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai's father, the Xingwu Emperor Dai Tianxing.

Dai Yuexing, who was kneeling on the ground, became more and more respectful, and said slowly, "Your Majesty! Mubai has been rescued."

"Oh?" Dai Tian frowned slightly, but did not show any surprise, as if everything was under control.

"Does the Zhu family know?" Dai Tianxing's majestic and irresistible voice sounded again.

"The younger brother has already notified, but" Dai Yuexing said hesitantly.

"Say!" Dai Tianxing said majesticly with his hands behind his back, looking up at the slowly setting sun outside the hall.

"Your Majesty, do you really want to be so unfeeling? After all, Mubai is your own son, a rare genius in my Dai family!" Dai Yuexing seemed a bit unbearable, after all, he was also Dai Mubai's biological uncle, even if he With a heart of stone, it is also a bit sad.

"Yue Xing, born in this family, has never had a choice. You should be most aware of this." Dai Tianxing turned around slowly, and still said majestically, but there was a trace of helplessness in his words.

"Get back!" Dai Tianxing waved his hand.

Dai Yuexing's originally struggling expression finally calmed down again.

"Yes! My younger brother will leave!" Dai Yuexing finally dared to raise his head to look at the back of the irresistible figure in front of him, sighed silently, and quietly retreated.

In the empty hall, Dai Tianxing looked at the throne that everyone dreamed of, and murmured, "Oh! My son, why did you come back?"

In the resplendent and resplendent palace, countless maids and eunuchs, ministers of civil and military affairs of the whole court, even the people next to him, couldn't guess what Dai Tianxing was thinking at this time?
Xing Luo Zhu's family.

At this time, the Zhu family was heavily guarded, and even though the night had slowly fallen, the Zhu family mansion was still brightly lit.

From time to time, guards searched and searched, but they couldn't stop Jiang Siming, who was already invisible at this time.

"It seems that the Zhu family already knew that Mubai was rescued." Jiang Siming thought to himself.

In a dark room of the Zhu family, two women cuddled together, staring at the gloomy old man in front of them.

"Hehe, you don't have to look at me like that. You should be glad that that person finally came." The old man said with a sinister smile.

"Despicable!" Zhu Zhuqing said coldly, his words were full of killing intent.

"You can scold if you want. Soon, my Zhu family will definitely become the strongest existence in the Star Luo Empire, and the Dai family will also submit to us." The old man said with madness in his eyes.

"With the current strength of the Dai family, why should he overwhelm us? Only our Zhu family can lead the Star Luo Empire to true prosperity." The old man's words were full of jealousy and disdain.

Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Yue'er looked at the almost crazy old man in front of them, their eyes couldn't help revealing a trace of fear.

"Stay honestly! The prosperity of the Zhu family is also due to your contribution!" The old man smiled sinisterly, and slowly disappeared into the darkness.

"Sister Zhuqing! I'm so scared! Why didn't Mubai come to rescue us?" Shui Yue'er's face that was originally beautiful and beautiful has become dirty and messy.There was half a trace of blood on his face.

The two of them had been in this dark dungeon for two full years. If it wasn't for the shadow of hope deep in their hearts, they might have already collapsed.

"Yue'er! It's okay, trust them!" Zhu Zhuqing showed a forced smile, and slowly hugged Shuiyue'er.

"I believe in you!" Zhu Zhuqing said over and over again in his heart.

It's just that she didn't notice that the jade pendant on her waist, which had been silent for a long time, lit up again.

Jiang Siming, who was looking around, looked at the jade pendant that was getting brighter and brighter in his hand, and couldn't help but feel happy.


If it weren't for the existence of this jade pendant, it would be even more difficult to find Zhu Zhuqing in this huge Zhu family.

This also made Jiang Siming realize that maybe he could rescue Dai Mubai so easily, perhaps it was already in the other party's plan.

The flickering light of the jade pendant in Jiang Siming's hand became brighter and brighter.

Behind a rockery, a black shadow suddenly appeared, which made Jiang Siming startled.

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(End of this chapter)

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