My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 149 Smuggling

Chapter 149 Smuggling (Merged Chapters)
On the solid ice that has existed for an unknown number of years, Jiang Siming walked alone with the little fox in his arms.

The huge icicles around are so intricate that people can't feel a breath of life.

Except for the sound of Jiang Siming's footsteps echoing around, there was only silence.

"It's weirdly quiet." Jiang Siming thought to himself, the last time he came and went in the core area was too hasty.

This time, I really felt the shock of silence to my soul.

Although Jiang Siming's temperament is beyond ordinary people, he still feels a little depressed.

Suddenly, the ice surface under Jiang Siming's feet began to vibrate slightly.

"What's going on?" Jiang Siming stopped, put the little fox into his arms, and took a defensive posture, observing the changes around him all the time.

Jiang Siming didn't feel the murderous intent, but he still didn't dare to take it lightly.

The ground on the ice surface shook more and more violently, and the surrounding icicles gradually cracked.

"You can't sit still." Jiang Siming began to run forward quickly, trying to get out of this abnormal ice as soon as possible.

The surrounding icicles began to collapse, making a loud noise.

"You must get out of here quickly." Jiang Siming thought to himself.

No matter what spirit beast caused the change here, such a big movement is likely to attract the attention of other spirit beasts.

The ice surface trembled more and more violently, and cracks began to spread from behind Jiang Siming, chasing Jiang Siming closely.

"Is this shit coming for me?" Jiang Siming was finally sure at this moment that the soul beast was probably coming for him, but the other party didn't have any killing intent towards him.This made Jiang Siming a little confused.

At this moment, Jiang Siming's speed had reached its peak, and only a figure could be seen flashing past on the ice.

But the crack that followed was also spreading towards Jiang Siming at a very fast speed.

Suddenly, a large area of ​​cracks began to appear on the ice behind Jiang Siming, the ice cracked suddenly, and countless huge ice blocks rose into the sky.

A huge ice-blue figure rushed out of the ice along with the broken ice.

The powerful power swept across the surroundings in an instant, and countless icicles collapsed.A wave of extreme cold hit Jiang Siming in an instant.

Jiang Siming didn't look back at this moment, and was still running forward recklessly. In terms of momentum alone, Jiang Siming could rank in the top five among all the people and soul beasts Jiang Siming had seen.

Jiang Siming still underestimated the core area of ​​the Far North. He didn't expect to encounter such a difficult thing shortly after he came in.

Jiang Siming felt more and more icy, and there were bits of ice slag in the surrounding air, mercilessly hitting Jiang Siming's face which was moving fast.Before the blood had time to drip, it turned into solid ice again and hung on Jiang Siming's face.

"Hey!" A strange voice sounded from behind Jiang Siming.

The next moment a giant ice crystal claw slammed hard on the ice in front of Jiang Siming's eyes. Numerous cracks appeared under Jiang Siming's feet, and the ice instantly turned into ice crystals. Half of Jiang Siming's body fell into the ice crystals. But it turned into solid ice again.

"Damn it!" Jiang Siming was a little flustered at the moment. Jiang Siming really didn't feel any killing intent. This sudden attack shocked Jiang Siming a little.

"The Shock of the Bell!"

The Chaos Clock was released abruptly, shattering the ice, and Jiang Siming rose from the ground.

However, what appeared in front of him at the next moment was a pair of huge emerald green eyes that looked down upon him.

A huge figure tens of feet high blocked Jiang Siming's way forward.

"Scorpion?" Jiang Siming couldn't help swallowing as he looked at the huge scorpion soul beast in front of him.The two huge ice crystal giant claws are releasing extremely cold breath all the time.A pair of emerald green eyes sparkled with streamer.

Although Jiang Siming was extremely reluctant to believe that a scorpion with such power could have such power, he was afraid that this one in front of him was the second of the Three Heavenly Kings of the Extreme North, the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, the Ice Emperor!
At this moment, Jiang Siming could feel that he was completely locked by the Ice Emperor.Jiang Siming, who was a little nervous at first, also calmed down at this moment. If the other party wanted to attack him, he might not take a lot of trouble to stop him. Jiang Siming looked directly at the huge scorpion in front of him.

"Human?" The huge Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion confided in human words, and the cold voice hit Jiang Siming's eardrums.

"I wonder what His Excellency Bingdi is talking about?" Jiang Siming said calmly.

"You know me!" The icy voice came again, and the pair of huge green eyes slowly approached Jiang Siming, and the extremely weird mouth spit out almost icy air, as if it could freeze the space.

Jiang Siming got closer to his two giant "lanterns", still staring at each other calmly.

"Why do I feel a familiar breath from you?" There was a hint of doubt in the deafening voice.

Hearing Bingdi's words, Jiang Siming couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart at the moment, and he could probably guess the cause of the matter. It seemed that the breath of the little fox caught Bingdi's attention.

Jiang Siming's whole body, and only the little fox's came from the extreme north.Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor have a close relationship, and Jiang Siming would not be surprised if he also knew Little Fox.

Jiang Siming calmly took the sleeping little fox out of his arms.

"Bing Bing!"

The originally calm Ice Emperor suddenly became agitated, and the aura around him suddenly exploded. Countless shards of ice swirled around one person and one scorpion at high speed, and a huge ice tornado rose from the fingertips.

The ice-blue light instantly enveloped the huge Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion.

"Damn it, this is not going to be a bigger move!" Jiang Siming had released the Chaos Clock again at this moment, giving himself a defense without dead ends.He was also ready to run away at any time, this was the top soul beast on the list of fierce beasts, Jiang Siming was really a little scared.

When the light dissipated, what appeared before her eyes was a loli with twin ponytails.

Jiang Siming looked at the almost perfect girl in front of him, and his eyes couldn't help but straighten.

The little girl in front of her didn't seem to feel Jiang Siming's weird gaze on her at all, and snatched Jiang Siming's little fox at night.

Jiang Siming was a little overwhelmed at the moment, and had no idea what the other party's intentions were.

Jiang Siming looked at the little loli who didn't respond to his consciousness at all, and finally decided to speak first.

"Your Excellency, Ice Emperor, this time I am here to find out why the little fox suddenly fell into a deep sleep?"

Bingdi, who was stroking the little fox, slowly raised his head, and cast a cold glance at Jiang Siming with his green eyes.

"What's your relationship with Xue'er?" There was something different in the cold voice.

"Ah?" Jiang Siming was a little confused, so the other party should be referring to Snow Emperor, but Jiang Siming couldn't say that he was chased and killed by Snow Emperor, could he?

"For so many years, you are the third human being who dares to break into the forbidden zone. But you are the weakest one. With your low strength, how can you get into Xue'er's eyes!" Between the words of the loli in front of her It smells like vinegar.

"I'm so special..." Jiang Siming was a little confused at the moment, and he didn't understand why the other party said that.

The little loli in front of her glanced at Jiang Siming again, touched the little fox in her arms, and said again, "Come with me!"

"Wait, Your Excellency Ice Emperor, the purpose of my visit this time is to solve the current situation of the little fox. Can you tell me what happened to the little fox first? If you can solve it, then my purpose of coming here is also considered complete." It is." Jiang Siming said.

"I asked you to come with me, where is there so much nonsense?" The little loli in front of her exuded a fierce air.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but his face darkened. Looking at the other party's expression, the other party was not at all surprised by the current state of the little fox. Jiang Siming was relieved, and the only thing he had to consider now was how to get out.

Jiang Siming still doesn't know what the purpose of the Ice Emperor is. Although he has not harmed him now, Jiang Siming never chooses to put his life in the hands of others.

"Your Excellency, Ice Emperor, don't you think it's a bit too domineering?" Jiang Siming was ready to fight at any time.

If the beast in front of him was the Snow Emperor, Jiang Siming would be obedient without saying a word.But it's just the Ice Emperor, Jiang Siming may not necessarily give face to the other party, Jiang Siming is still sure of getting away.

"Boy, don't force me! I haven't done anything for ten thousand years." Little Lolita's emerald green eyes were shining brightly at this moment, and the aura around her exploded instantly.

"Then try!"

The Immortal Trapping Sword appeared in Jiang Siming's hands at some point.

"Dream!" The phantom purple light flashed away.

However, the Ice Emperor in front of him was only slightly stunned, and the next moment countless shards of ice rolled up from the ground, trying to block Jiang Siming's retreat.

Jiang Siming's feet had already started to freeze.

"Useless struggle!" At this moment, the Ice Empress was still holding the little fox with one hand, and mobilized countless ice with the other hand.

"Floating life is exhausted, a lifetime of prosperity! A lifetime of loneliness!"

Another sword was swung out, time seemed to freeze for a moment, prosperity and desolation alternated, playing a perfect song.

There was a trace of confusion in the eyes of the ice emperor, Jiang Siming seized the opportunity, released the chaotic clock instantly, restrained his breath, and quickly passed through countless icicles.

In just two breaths, Jiang Siming had already disappeared from Bingdi's sight.

"Didn't you read the almanac when you went out? You're so lucky!" Jiang Siming's heartbeat quickened a bit. He had just entered the edge of the forbidden zone when he met such a big boss.

Fortunately for Jiang Siming at this moment, as long as he leaves the restricted area, he plunges into the white snow.With the hidden ability of the Chaos Clock, you can completely escape from danger.

"It's only one step away!" Jiang Siming had already seen the endless whiteness at this moment.

However, a huge scorpion tail suddenly rose from the ground, wrapping Jiang Siming tightly.

The two-horse loli was still holding the little fox, and slowly appeared in front of Jiang Siming, looking at Jiang Siming with playful eyes.

Jiang Siming's face darkened, a fierce sword energy erupted, and the scorpion's tail was instantly torn apart.

"Fight!" Jiang Siming gritted his teeth, victory was in sight.As long as he can temporarily hold Loli in front of him, he can get out of trouble.

The Absolute Immortal Sword and the Killing Immortal Sword are impressively in hand, the two swords merge into one, and the fierce sword energy and killing power are instantly intertwined.

The originally calm Bingdi looked at Jiang Siming's rising aura, his eyes changed slightly.

"Sword Qi leaves traces!"

A ruthless look flashed in Jiang Siming's eyes, and he swung a huge sword aura hundreds of meters long.

Jiang Siming didn't care about the result, and rushed straight to the snow field. There was not much soul power left in his body, and success or failure depended on it.

However, at the next moment, countless shattered ice wrapped Jiang Siming in an instant, and the extreme cold made Jiang Siming gradually lose consciousness.

At this time, the Ice Emperor's eyes showed a touch of shock, the ice crystal attached to his right hand gradually receded, and a deep blood red was very conspicuous.

All the icicles thousands of meters behind him disappeared.

"This wound can't heal!" The Ice Emperor looked at Jiang Siming who was frozen into ice in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel a little more jealous in his eyes.

Looking at the wound that cannot heal, the power of killing is raging.The wounded piece of flesh was instantly wrapped in ice and fell off from the Ice Emperor's right hand.

In a huge ice cave.

The beautiful woman sat on the ice bed, dangling her white legs like jade, looking at the little loli in front of her with a smile on her face.


"What on earth do you want to do? Why would Bingbing follow this kid?" The loli girl said questioningly while touching the little fox in her arms.As he spoke, he pointed to Jiang Siming who was lying on the ice bed beside him.

"I don't know, I just feel that he is very special." The beautiful woman said innocently, resting her chin.

"Did you fall in love with him?" The loli girl's eyes appeared a little misty, as if full of grievances.

The woman floated up in the air, and came to the Lolita girl, holding that finely carved face and said, "Bing'er, it's impossible for us."

"Hmph!" The loli girl turned her head away without saying a word.He just quietly put his right hand behind his back.

"Are you injured?" The woman was a little surprised, and stretched out her hand to pull out the right hand that the loli girl had carried on her back.

"I want you to take care of it!" The loli girl looked a little aggrieved, but she didn't pull her hand back.

"You! You are still so stubborn!" The woman seemed a little helpless, her hands lightly supported the wound, emitting a faint blue light.After a while, the originally conspicuous wound gradually disappeared.

"Boy, is it enjoyable to eavesdrop on our conversation for so long?"

Suddenly he remembered the sound, which exploded in Jiang Siming's ears like thunder. Jiang Siming, who was lying on the ice bed, slowly opened his eyes and sat up cross-legged.

Looking at the two big men in front of him, Jiang Siming smiled helplessly.

"I don't know what's the matter that Xue Di came to me?" Jiang Siming knew, no matter how stupid he was, that the little fox's deep sleep was probably Xue Di's trick to get him to come to his door.

"As expected, you did not disappoint me, you were chosen by God." Snow Emperor said with a smile.

The Ice Emperor on the side couldn't help but look at Jiang Siming in shock. No matter how powerful Jiang Siming's performance was before, he was far from as shocking as the successor of the god.

Jiang Siming touched the lines on his forehead subconsciously. He didn't expect Xuedi to recognize that the beast god Ditian himself was a descendant of the god's blood, and it made sense to recognize it.But how did Snow Empress know about it?

"Don't be surprised, I'm of the same type as you, but different." Snow Emperor looked at Jiang Siming who was a little surprised and explained.

The jade finger pressed lightly on the forehead, and a snowflake imprint gradually appeared.

Jiang Siming looked at the mark that suddenly appeared on Xue Di's forehead, his pupils dilated.

"Strange?" Snow Emperor smiled, and continued, "Unfortunately, even with the inheritance, I still can't break through the last barrier. I can't sense the existence of the God Realm."

"So you want to sense the God Realm through me, and you want to sneak in?"

 Maybe I can't write it well, but I really want to write it well.

(End of this chapter)

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