My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 162 Why Do You Smell Other Women On You?

Chapter 162 Why Do You Smell Other Women On You?
After dealing with the affairs of the palace, Jiang Siming didn't want to keep any more. Jiang Siming asked Jian Douluo to take back the ten soul tool rings. After all, there are no masters in the royal family.

Relatively speaking, it is safer to put it in Jian Douluo's hands. Jiang Siming snatched it back with his own ability, even if Emperor Xue Ye woke up, he can't say anything.

Tang San stayed to detoxify Tang Yuehua, while Jiang Siming quietly returned to Shrek Academy.Regarding Tang Yuehua, Jiang Siming was really at a loss.It was just a misunderstanding at the beginning, but I didn't expect that the other party would never forget it.

Jiang Siming didn't have any feelings for Tang Yuehua, so why should he flaunt in front of Tang Yuehua's eyes to give him the illusion.

In Shrek Academy.

Jiang Siming didn't deliberately hide his whereabouts, leaving exclamations everywhere he went.

"Brother Siming!" Ma Hongjun shouted hastily when he saw Jiang Siming returning to Shrek Academy.

Jiang Siming was stunned for a moment. At this moment, Ma Hongjun was surrounded by a girl who looked eccentric.

"What's wrong? Fatty."

The two walked quickly, Ma Hongjun smiled wretchedly, cast aside the girl with small eyes, put his arms around Jiang Siming's neck and came to the side, and said in a low voice, "Brother Siming, you are my brother, can I help you?" It's easy to find a girl who looks right to you, she is your little female fan, you have to say something nice to me!"

"Okay, fat man! Which girl is that?" Jiang Siming said with a half-smile.

"Hehe, the third brother formed a Tang Sect, and I was the head of the Martial Hall. That girl is Bai Chenxiang from the Min Hall, and I transferred her to the Martial Hall." Ma Hongjun showed an embarrassed look for the first time.

"Then you're planning to rule them out." Jiang Siming raised his eyebrows and said.

"Brother Siming, fat man, it's not easy for me! Just help me!" Ma Hongjun said pleadingly.

"Okay! You call me brother, then I will help you." Jiang Siming didn't care, anyway, Bai Chenxiang and Ma Hongjun could get together even if they didn't have their own matchmaking.

"Hello!" Jiang Siming greeted Bai Chenxiang opposite him with a smile.

The girl waiting on the side seemed a little excited, and said cautiously, "Are you really Jiang Siming?"

"Then do you think I'm fake?" Jiang Siming smiled helplessly.

"No! No! I'm just" the girl hurriedly waved her hands and explained.In a panic, he pulled Ma Hongjun's arm and pinched desperately.

The sudden happiness made Ma Hongjun seem to forget the physical pain, and he just stood there giggling.

It was the first time for Jiang Siming to see Ma Hongjun's expression like this, and he couldn't help laughing at the two of them.

At that time, Jiang Siming did not expect that his influence would be so great, and Bai Chenxiang would worship him so much.However, Jiang Siming was modest. He was tough on the Wuhun Palace and made a big disturbance in Xingluo Zhu's family. Not to mention the younger generation, even the older generation, who would dare to be so arrogant?

"Idol! My name is Bai Chenxiang, you can call me Chenxiang." Bai Chenxiang also calmed down at this moment, but her little face was still flushed.

"Well, Chen Xiang, if the fat man calls me brother, then I will treat you as my sister too." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

"Sister!" Bai Chenxiang couldn't believe it, and with Bai Chenxiang's excitement, Ma Hongjun's arm was about to suffer again.But one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. It is also special to see the two of them like this.

After bidding farewell to the two, Jiang Siming came to the back mountain of Shrek Academy. Apart from Flender and others, there were also the Shrek Seven Monsters. Other Shrek students were not allowed to come to the back mountain. Jiang Siming also found clean.

"It's time to start the plot of Sea God Island!" Jiang Siming murmured.

The more he knew, the more Jiang Siming longed for strength. Jiang Siming couldn't even bear the threat of the Wuhun Temple.What's more, the plane war that may come at any time.


"Yes, master!" The figure of the elf suddenly flashed in front of Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect the elf to recover so quickly.

"Why have I not received a plot task recently?" Jiang Siming couldn't help asking, the system has not issued a check-in task related to the plot for a long time.

"Master, it's not that there's nothing, it's because the master's strength is just stuck at level 60, and the next check-in task must be completed before the level task can be completed." The elf explained.

"Is that so?" Jiang Siming nodded.

"The master still has a plane task waiting to be completed, absorbing the two dragon kings of ice and fire. Xiaoling can tell the master that the rewards of the system are very generous!"

"The two dragon kings with Ice and Fire Eyes?" Jiang Siming almost forgot about this task, mainly because he was not strong enough, so he put this task on hold.

"This should take a long time, right? Okay, then you go back!" Jiang Siming said to the elf.

"Yes, master!" The little elf flashed past and got into Jiang Siming's body again.

"It seems that we must get the soul ring as soon as possible!" Jiang Siming murmured, but the difficulty of the sixth soul ring is really challenging, and the 10-year-old soul beast is not so easy to kill.

Jiang Siming took off the mask and couldn't help but touch the two marks on his head, the black, purple and black prismatic mark and the blood-colored little sword mark.

"Why does Sea God have a god-bestowed spirit ring? You two are the five supreme beings in the God Realm after all, and you don't even have a god-bestowed spirit ring." Jiang Siming complained helplessly.

Although he didn't intend to inherit the mansions of these two great gods, it would be great to be able to cheat a bit.

If the two supreme gods knew what Jiang Siming was thinking at this time, he might cry to death in the toilet, even wanting to prostitute for nothing.

However, the two supreme gods cannot be blamed. When the evil gods baptized Jiang Siming, the power of the evil gods transmitted to the next generation had already reached the limit, and there was no extra power to bestow the god-given spirit ring.

It was even worse for God Asura, the entire inheritance was almost sucked up by the system, so how could there be extra power to bestow the god bestowed spirit ring?
Regarding the inheritance of these two gods, Jiang Siming was a little cautious at first, but after talking with Shen Ming, Jiang Siming completely gave up inheriting the positions of the two gods.Although it is very tempting to be the divine power of the two supreme gods, there are limits to inheriting the power of others after all, and it also cuts off one's own path.

Facing the master of another world's plane, Jiang Siming didn't know how strong the other party was, but if he became a god by tricks, he might not be the opponent's opponent.Both have systems, and there is no one who has an advantage over the other.

Isn't it good that Jiang Siming honestly develops his two major martial arts?

Back in the hut, Jiang Siming could already hear the sound of knives colliding in the room while standing outside the door.

"Gudong, it's terrible again this time!" Jiang Siming couldn't help but think of the last time when Zhu Zhuqing drugged the pile of carbon.

Jiang Siming slowly opened the door, "I'm back!"

The sound of panicked footsteps was getting closer and closer, and Zhu Zhuqing, who was wearing an apron, rushed towards Jiang Siming in an instant, with a pair of jade legs tied tightly around Jiang Siming's waist.

"Ah! Mistress, I'm cooking! It's been hard work!" Jiang Siming said in feigned surprise.

"Why do you have the scent of other women on you?" Zhu Zhuqing sniffed Jiang Siming's scent desperately, like a vigilant kitten checking to see if its owner has touched other kittens.

"Smell? How is it possible?" Jiang Siming couldn't help scratching his head, feeling panicked at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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