My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 165 Crisis Resolved

Chapter 165 Crisis Resolved
"Everyone be careful!"

Jiang Siming really wanted to scold himself to death at this moment, because he really underestimated the strength of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.Jiang Siming always thought that the Beast God Ditian was the current peak combat power in the Douluo Continent, but I am afraid that the deep sea demon whale king in front of him is.

"What's the deal with this shit?" Jiang Siming really had no way to do it right now, if he was on land, Jiang Siming could still buy time for the Shrek Seven Monsters, Shui Yue'er, Bai Chenxiang and others.

But on this vast sea, there are dangers everywhere, where can everyone escape?
The sea surface became more and more violent, and the deck tilted more and more from side to side.

Jiang Siming came to Tang San's side, and solemnly patted Tang San's shoulder, "Little San, protect everyone! Tell the crew to leave this sea immediately!"

"Si Ming (brother)!" Everyone shouted in unison with anxious expressions.

Jiang Siming was preparing to face the immediate crisis alone.

Another big wave hit, and the merchant ship flickered on the sea surface. At this moment, everyone on the deck was already soaked.

"Roar!" A loud roar came suddenly.

The pitch-black sea seemed to awaken a terrifying monster, and a huge ball of light suddenly appeared.

A shocking power enveloped the entire sea area, and the sea surface became calm again in an instant.

Looking at the sea that suddenly calmed down, Jiang Siming and the others did not feel any sense of relaxation.

"What kind of monster is this?" Dai Mubai said in horror, looking at the huge moon-like eyes that formed a huge contrast with the pitch-black sea.


The merchant ship seemed to have been hit hard and shook violently.

"I'm going to lure this monster away. You guys wait for the opportunity and leave this sea area as soon as possible." Jiang Siming said seriously.

Jiang Siming jumped up, the sword glow of the Immortal Sword in his hand flickered, and instantly transformed into a huge phantom of sword energy.

"How big is this shit?" Jiang Siming got closer to those terrifying eyes, more and more surprised at the huge size of this deep sea demon whale king.

"Kill God Possessed!"

"Evil awe-inspiring!"


Fully activating the three skills, Jiang Siming's aura soared to the extreme at the moment.

However, the giant eye under the sea seemed to reveal a hint of surprise at this moment.The soul ability of this human being in front of him can actually affect the strength of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

The sea was churning, and in the dark night, under the moonlight, a huge figure like land was gradually revealed.The purple scales looked a little strange against the moonlight.

"One sword separates the world!"

Hundreds of meters of gray sword energy tore through the sea water, rushing towards the mountain-like monster.

"Boom!" After a loud noise, the monster in front of him seemed to be completely enraged, and let out a deafening roar.

Now on the merchant ship.

"Siming!" Zhu Zhuqing looked at Jiang Siming floating on the sea with worry on his face.

"Let's go!" Jiang Siming looked at the Deep Sea Demon Whale King who seemed to be getting more irritable, and roared loudly at the merchant ship behind him.

"Let's go! We can only be a drag here!" Tang San gritted his teeth and said with determination.

The navigator and dozens of crew members are all hiding in the cabin at this moment.

Tang San turned the rudder quickly, taking advantage of the aftermath of the waves spreading from a distance, and quickly fled to the distance.

After determining the direction of progress, Tang Shan fixed the rudder, his eyes full of firmness.

"Zhuqing, please help take care of Xiao Wu! I'm going to help Brother Siming." Tang San said seriously.Tang San, who has a 10-year-old spirit bone, has the ability to fly. Maybe he can't help Jiang Siming deal with the monster in front of him, but he can rescue Jiang Siming at the right time.

"Third brother, you must come back safely." Ma Hongjun no longer had the old playful smile at this moment, and his face was full of seriousness.

Tang San nodded solemnly, turned into a little blue light, and flew towards the direction of the huge energy field in the distance.

"He's just playing with me!" Jiang Siming had stopped swinging his sword at this moment, and his attack didn't hurt the opponent at all.At most, it was just a flesh injury. The Deep Sea Demon Whale King was completely capable of killing himself with one blow, and he was just teasing himself.It's like humans teasing ants.

"Brother Siming!" Tang San also rushed to Jiang Siming's side, completely seeing the huge monster in front of him, and his heart became more and more shocked.The aura exuded by this soul beast even far surpassed the two forest emperors Da Ming and Er Ming.

Jiang Siming looked at Tang San, and couldn't help but feel happy.Looking at the merchant ship in the distance, I couldn't help but feel a little anxious, "It's not enough, we need to delay some more time."

"Little San, be ready to catch me at any time." Jiang Siming was already ready to open the door at this moment.

Absolute Immortal Sword, Killing Immortal Sword, and Trapping Immortal Sword.Three peerless fairy swords were suspended in midair, emitting three distinct sword auras of gray, red and purple.

In the dantian, the three original sword qi circulated.

The three different colors of gray, red and purple are slowly merging at this moment.In fact, Jiang Siming was constantly climbing, and the clothes on his body could no longer withstand the huge energy impact at this moment, and dissipated little by little.

Jiang Siming held a huge white sword phantom thousands of meters away and slashed fiercely at the hill-like figure.

As the sword light passed, the sea water evaporated and disappeared, and a sword slash seemed to be silent.

Jiang Siming's soul power was exhausted at this moment, and he could no longer sustain himself floating above the sea. With a "plop", it fell into the sea.

Shocked Tang San finally reacted, and plunged headlong into the sea water.

The moment Tang San grabbed Jiang Siming, a white beam of light that almost illuminated the entire night sky shot up into the sky.

The deafening roar brought a huge sound wave, rolling up the monstrous waves, and pushing the two people who had just surfaced into the water again.

However, the monstrous waves also caused the merchant ships in the distance to leave this sea area at a faster speed, and Zhu Zhuqing and others were considered to be completely out of danger.

Under the surface of the sea, Jiang Siming had already fallen into a coma, and Tang San, who was the only one who remained awake, felt a powerful spiritual force locked on the two of them.

"Damn it! What should I do?" Tang San was a little anxious at the moment, there was not even a place to stay in the sea, and the sense of fear and panic from the deepest part of people slowly occupied Tang San's heart.

At this moment, a blue light curtain emanated from Tang San's 24 bridge moonlit night, enveloping the two of them.

"I can actually breathe underwater?" Tang San was a little surprised by the sudden blue light curtain.

But the next moment bloody blood surrounded the two, and a huge eye appeared in front of them. Tang San looked at the huge eye that suddenly appeared, and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, the huge figure didn't stay for too long before leaving, as if it didn't see the two of them.

Tang San didn't care about being surprised, and quickly led the unconscious Jiang Siming away in the opposite direction of the monster.

(End of this chapter)

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