My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 167 The Flying Sword

Chapter 167 The Flying Sword
A quarter of an hour later, the man in the yellow robe emerged from the light curtain again.

"You two, please follow us."

Jiang Siming and Tang San looked at each other and nodded at each other.

The two followed behind the two men in yellow robes, getting closer to the light curtain.

"System, can the energy of this thing be absorbed?" Jiang Siming asked the system in his heart.

"Ding, feel the miraculous energy, do you absorb it?"

Jiang Siming paused and said, "Don't suck too much, just enough to cure my hands and appearance."

Sea God Island has a level 99 titled Douluo Town, Jiang Siming dare not let the system go too far.

Two men in yellow robes had already entered the light curtain, Tang San did not hesitate to follow in.

Jiang Siming paused before the light curtain, and stepped into the light curtain with one foot.

Waves of ripples appeared on the light curtain, and a wave of blue energy instantly enveloped Jiang Siming.

"Ding, the healing function is being performed."

An indescribable coolness filled Jiang Siming's whole body.

The two yellow-robed soul masters stared at the scene in disbelief, kneeling down on their knees to worship Jiang Siming in front of them.

"Lord Seagod appears!"

Tang San also looked at Jiang Siming in a daze, I shouldn't be the inheritor of Sea God, why do you feel that you are the genuine one?
However, at this moment, in the center of Sea God Island, in the Sea God Temple, the figure like an old monk trembling slightly at this moment.

Waiting for the light to disappear, Jiang Siming couldn't help but let out a moan, "Great!"

The injury on his arm had completely recovered, Jiang Siming clenched his fists, and a strong breath swept out instantly.

Jiang Siming, who came back to his senses, looked at the two yellow-robed soul masters kneeling on the ground and couldn't help being stunned.But he knew that the other party kneeling was not him, but Sea God.

As the blue light around Jiang Siming disappeared, the two yellow-robed soul masters also slowly stood up.He looked at Jiang Siming with more and more respect.

Jiang Siming touched his nose, feeling a little guilty. It was okay to secretly absorb other people's energy, but he was misunderstood that the sea god appeared.

Following the guidance of two yellow-robed soul masters, they walked through a virgin forest, and a magnificent city gate appeared in front of them.

A tall and straight figure stood in front of the city gate, watching the arrival of a group of people.

"City Master, someone brought it here." The two yellow-robed soul masters said respectfully.

"Go down!" The majestic middle-aged man in front of him is none other than Seahorse Douluo, one of the Seven Sacred Pillar Guardian Titled Douluo.

"Yes!" The two retreated respectfully.

"Two, the Lord of the Seahorse City."

Jiang Siming and Tang San looked at each other, cupped their fists at Seahorse Douluo in front of them, and briefly introduced themselves and the purpose of their trip.

"So you two also came to Seagod Island to practice? I wonder if you have companions?" Seahorse Douluo asked.

Jiang Siming and Tang San couldn't help being overjoyed, it seemed that Zhu Zhuqing and the others had arrived one step ahead of them.

"Senior, we did get separated from our companions." Tang San said with some joy.

"Hehe, come with me!" Seahorse Douluo said with a smile, leading the two into the city.

Jiang Siming and Tang San looked at the bustling scene in the city with some curiosity.

It has to be said that the life of the residents of Sea God Island is thriving, and everyone is friendly and cheerful, feeling a bit like a paradise.

After a while, the three of them came to the city lord's mansion, and saw Dai Mubai and his party who were eating.

"Siming!" Zhu Zhuqing looked at Jiang Siming who was behind Seahorse Douluo, and screamed excitedly, not caring that his mouth was full of oil.

All of a sudden, he rushed into Jiang Siming's arms and hugged Jiang Siming tightly.

Looking at the excited beauty in his arms, Jiang Siming couldn't help stroking Zhu Zhuqing's smooth long hair, and patted Zhu Zhuqing's back.

Several other people also noticed the arrival of Jiang Siming and Tang San, and they all stood up excitedly.

"Si Ming, Xiao San, I knew you were all fine!" Dai Mubai said with a loud laugh, stepped forward and patted Tang San's shoulder heavily.

They were all very excited to meet again after parting from each other.

Seeing these people like this, Seahorse Douluo didn't bother them, smiled and left silently.

After talking about it, Dai Mubai and the others finally calmed down.

However, Zhu Zhuqing was really hanging on to Jiang Siming, unwilling to get off, and unwilling to separate for a moment.

Sensing everyone's meaningful gazes, Jiang Siming also smiled awkwardly.

After a full meal, Seahorse Douluo reappeared and led the crowd to the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, only separated by a lake from the Seahorse Sacred Pillar on the triangular platform.

"Everyone, you still have a choice now. The difficulty of the assessment is strong or weak, and it may be life-threatening. Once it starts, there is no possibility of quitting!" Seahorse Douluo reminded.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, except for Bai Chenxiang, even Shui Yue'er had experienced life and death, so what's the point of taking a little risk in order to improve her strength?
"Senior, we won't back down, let's get started!" Tang San said firmly.

"Very good! If that's the case, then this lake in front of you is the first step of your test." Seahorse Douluo showed admiration in his eyes.

Saying that, Seahorse Douluo appeared on the triangular altar in the center of the lake in a flash.

"Hmph! It's just a small lake!" Dai Mubai said as he was about to jump into it.

"Wait, Boss Dai, Senior Haima said that this is the first step of the assessment, I'm afraid it won't be that simple." Tang Sanyu said vigilantly.

Everyone echoed and agreed with Tang San's opinion.

"Let me go first!" Jiang Siming said aloud, of course he knew that the lake in front of him was completely under Seahorse Douluo's control, so he could give them an example.

Everyone looked at each other, and there was no objection. If Jiang Siming couldn't make it through, then they would probably be cool too.

He summoned the Absolute Immortal Sword and threw it with one hand.The Absolute Immortal Sword was suspended in midair.

Jiang Siming smiled and extended his hand to Zhu Zhuqing.

Although Zhu Zhuqing was a little puzzled, he subconsciously stretched out his hand.

Everyone was also puzzled, what exactly does Jiang Siming want to do?
I saw Jiang Siming embracing Zhu Zhuqing with one arm, and jumped onto the Juexian Sword.

The two stepped on the Absolute Immortal Sword and flew towards the opposite bank.

The breeze blew through the hair tips of the two, Jiang Siming gently put his arms around Zhu Zhuqing's slender waist, and leaned his head on the soft shoulder of the beautiful lady, looking very enjoying it.

Sensing Jiang Siming's intimate actions, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but blushed slightly.

The appearance of the two of them at this moment really looks like a fairy couple.

"Damn it, I'm a little envious of Brother Siming's martial spirit. If I can pick up girls like this, Fat Lord, I'll be out of the order soon!" Ma Hongjun murmured dumbfounded.

But as soon as Ma Hongjun finished speaking, a sharp look made Ma Hongjun's back go cold, and he couldn't help but be smart.

"It's interesting!" Seahorse Douluo on the opposite side looked at the two flying with Yujian, and didn't show a smile.With a light wave of one hand, huge waves instantly set off on the lake.

Everyone on the shore couldn't help being a little surprised, Tang San said slowly, "I'm afraid this lake is completely under the control of Senior Haima."

Looking at the huge waves coming ahead, Jiang Siming didn't panic at all, and pointed to the sword.Swinging a sword energy with one hand, a huge wave like a thick water wall was opened up a door.

After crossing the huge waves, Jiang Siming and Zhu Zhuqing landed steadily on the triangular altar.

Seeing Jiang Siming who passed so easily, Seahorse Douluo showed some curiosity, pursed his lips, but didn't say anything more.

With Jiang Siming's proof, everyone also headed towards the other side.

The difference from the original book is that with the bug of Shuiyue'er, an ice road directly appeared on the lake.The huge wave controlled by Seahorse Douluo was directly blown open by Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer, and everyone rushed to the Triangle Altar with ease.

Seeing that everyone came to the triangle altar so easily, Seahorse Douluo, who was originally calm and composed, had a slightly stiff expression.The test I mentioned didn't seem to have the slightest obstructive effect.

But who made Shui Yue'er a soul master who played with ice?
(End of this chapter)

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