My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 171 Yin Yang Reversal Pill, 1 Sword Flying Immortal

Chapter 171

"There's no reason! Even if I'm possessed, why don't I feel anything?"

Jiang Siming shook his head, unable to figure out what was going on?It's like drinking and drinking fragments, all the memories of just now are just absorbing the spirit ring bestowed by the gods.

"Ding, the sign-in is successful! Reward a Yin-Yang Reversal Pill. Function: A magical little pill that can change the sex of all creatures under the rules. It is a must-have for the whole person when traveling at home! Five-star praise from all worlds!"

Jiang Siming "..."

"Si Ming, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Jiang Siming's expression change again, he thought something happened to Jiang Siming again?

"Ahem! It's okay!"

Jiang Siming coughed twice in embarrassment. Although the system was unreliable in the past, it was quite serious, but today's reward is too serious.

"Brother Siming, what is your sixth soul skill?"

Tang San asked.

Everyone also cast curious glances, they just saw with their own eyes that Jiang Siming's sixth soul skill is blood red, which represents a 10-year soul ring, the highest among soul rings.

Jiang Siming looked at the expectant eyes of the crowd, and his body trembled. The Juexian Sword was already in his hand, two purple, three black and one red, and six soul rings were suspended around his body.

Although everyone knew that Jiang Siming's sixth spirit ring was the Wannian Soul Ring, they couldn't help but be amazed when they saw the deep red color.

"The sixth soul ring, the first soul skill, the sword takes a picture."

As soon as Jiang Siming finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared in place.

Dozens of Jiang Siming's figures appeared all around, surrounding everyone.


"Wrong!" Dozens of Jiang Siming shook their fingers together and said in unison.

"There are so many mes, only one is real, but every one can be me, and every one can be none."

As he spoke, one of them, Jiang Siming, swung his sword towards the surface of the lake, creating a shocking wave.

Before everyone could react, Jiang Siming from the other direction also swung his sword.

Just as everyone was shocked by this perverted skill, dozens of Jiang Siming all burst into laughter.

"Maybe every one of them is me!"

Dozens of shocking sword qi soared into the sky, instantly converging into a phantom of a sky-shattering long sword.

"what happened?"

Just as everyone was amazed, Bo Saixi's figure suddenly appeared, obviously attracted by Jiang Siming's domineering aura.

"The second soul skill, One Sword Flying Immortal!"

Dozens of Jiang Siming's figures gathered together, but the sky-shattering phantom did not disappear.

With the wave of Jiang Siming's arm, the phantom of the Potian sword was swung out with astonishing power.

The target was Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi.


Bo Saixi yelled, and a majestic phantom rose from behind Bo Saixi. The configuration of eight black and one red stunned the Shrek Seven Monsters, Shui Yue'er and others.

"I'll go! Third brother! Isn't this great offering too perverted? Do you think Siming can beat him?" Ma Hongjun swallowed involuntarily.

"I don't know!" Although Tang San said so, he didn't believe that Jiang Siming could really shake the 99th-level Title Douluo, but the shocking phantom in front of him made Tang San a little shaken.

"Drink!" Jiang Siming yelled, and kicked the majestic phantom fiercely.

"Quick back!" Tang San shouted hastily, the giant sword was getting closer and closer to Seagod Phantom, but the coercion it caused on Tang San and the others was also getting bigger and bigger.

Everyone retreated to the outside of the ring sea, and the next moment, a small mushroom cloud slowly rose.

"Damn it, is this shit still a human?"

Dai Mubai couldn't help but swear, can such an attack really be tolerated by humans?

Although the others didn't speak, they couldn't hide the shock in their eyes at all.Jiang Siming's strength left a deep imprint on their hearts.

The huge explosion didn't seem to have any impact on the majestic Sea God.However, the huge pothole in front of Sea God Mountain showed how powerful the collision just now was.

Jiang Siming held the sword in one hand, and the clothes on his upper body were already torn, revealing his tight muscles and 12-pack abs.I'm a little embarrassed now.

One Sword Flying Immortal is powerful, but its shortcomings are also obvious.It will slow down the action. If it is a real battle, Bo Saixi will have enough time to kill Jiang Siming with one blow before the sword falls.

Bo Saixi looked at Jiang Siming who was on the opposite side of the big pit, and there was inevitably a hint of shock in his eyes.With only 60 level soul power, such a powerful blow can be delivered.In Bo Saixi's eyes, Jiang Siming could not only be described as a genius son, he was God's own son.

"Senior! Offended!" Jiang Siming cupped his hands at Bo Saixi.

Just now Jiang Siming just wanted to test how strong his move was, so he deliberately lured Bo Saixi out.

After Bo Saixi was shocked, his eyes became impassive again.Turning around, he disappeared in front of Jiang Siming.

The others also rushed over at this moment, looking at the pothole with a diameter of [-] meters, they all looked at Jiang Siming with monster-like eyes.

When a group of people were watching the monster, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly stepped forward.

Jiang Siming was a little overwhelmed by Zhu Zhuqing's sudden move, and subconsciously took a step back.

That's right, Jiang Siming, who never flinched even in the face of great danger, took a step back at this moment.

Everyone was also surprised, and then they looked like they were watching the show. Although they didn't understand what happened, it didn't prevent them from eating melons.

"Put on your clothes!"

Without saying a word, Zhu Zhuqing gave Jiang Siming a long gown, and then turned his head shyly.

Jiang Siming was stunned for a moment, and then realized that his shirt was riddled with holes.

"It's not gone yet!"

However, Zhu Zhuqing, who was blushing, glared at such a whispered word.

Seeing this, Jiang Siming hurriedly put on his long gown.

"Haha!" Dai Mubai and the others couldn't help holding back their laughter, even Tang San had a smile on his face.

Ma Hongjun was the most savage, he burst out laughing directly.

No matter how strong Jiang Siming is, he will never be able to escape the strict control of his wife.

"Fatty! I see that you are not serious about your cultivation recently, do you want me to help?" Jiang Siming squeezed his fists and gave Ma Hongjun a vicious look.

The laughter stopped abruptly, Ma Hongjun looked at Jiang Siming convulsively.

"Brother Siming, I don't think there's any need for this, right? I'm serious about my cultivation."

"If there is something, change it, if there is nothing, let's encourage it!" Jiang Siming smiled sinisterly.

Several other people couldn't help shivering when they saw Ma Hongjun's expression as if he was eating shit.

"You talk, I still have to pass the assessment!" Dai Mubai slipped away before Jiang Siming could make a move.

Seeing this, several other people hurried away.

"Hey! You bunch of dishonest people!" Ma Hongjun shouted, but no one paid any attention to him.

"Come here! Master Gen, have a good chat, what were you laughing at just now?" Jiang Siming showed a vicious look, and squeezed his fingers.

The scene that followed was too brutal. Ma Hongjun, who was already too fat, actually swelled up again at this moment.

"~~ Pot, I rubbed it!" Ma Hongjun, who was swollen like a pig's head, was speechless at this moment.

Jiang Siming waved his hands. Although it was cool to beat people without using soul power, it was really tiring.

"Seeing how hard you were beaten by me, I forgive you."

Just as Ma Hongjun breathed a sigh of relief, a black shadow suddenly hit him.Ma Hongjun subconsciously tried to block the subsequent fist with his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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