My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 179 Mission

Chapter 179 Mission
The surrounding whiteness gradually faded away, and the great hall towering over the nine heavens loomed in front of Jiang Siming's eyes.

On the throne, the person wearing the Nine Dragons golden robe and looking down on all living beings was exactly the same as Jiang Siming.

Tens of thousands of immortals came to court, and countless figures bowed down on the main hall, and the sound of the Great Dao resounded through the entire palace like the fearful might of heaven.

"What the hell is this place?" Jiang Siming couldn't help muttering to himself looking at everything in front of him.

Jiang Siming stepped into the hall slowly, but the people who worshiped seemed to be unable to see its existence.

Time seems to be frozen.

"You are finally here! I meet you again!" The figure on the throne slowly stood up, looking down at Jiang Siming below.

"It's you!" Jiang Siming looked at the figure that looked exactly like himself without giving in.

"who are you?"

"Gu is your past, you can call Gu an ancient king."

Jiang Siming looked in shock at the man in front of him who looked exactly like him and claimed to be his past man.

Seeing the shock in Jiang Siming's eyes, the ancient king slowly stepped off the throne.

Jiang Siming looked at the ancient king who was getting closer and closer to him, and a sense of oppression without anger and prestige instantly hit Jiang Siming.

"Gu fought south and north all his life. It was Gu who created such a huge fairyland, and Gu gave these people food. However, these people actually wanted to oppose Gu. They should all be damned!" The worshiping figure instantly turned into ashes and disappeared without a trace.

"Gu advocated the equality of all beings, and created the cultivation system. It was Gu who gave these untouchables the hope of living. Even if they betrayed Gu, Gu still tried his best to keep them alive. However, these idiots pretended to be smart and subverted the fairyland. Gu's parents watched Gu's people die at the hands of hundreds of millions of monsters. Is Gu wrong?" The majestic voice of the ancient king resounded throughout the hall.

For a moment the hall was trembling, and Jiang Siming couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness in his heart.

Outside the main hall, the originally sacred sky was now shrouded in a bloody setting sun.

The sound of fighting became louder and louder into Jiang Siming's ears, and the prayers and wailing of countless creatures filled Jiang Siming's mind.

"Look at these untouchables, what they are proud of in exchange for their wisdom is endless massacre! They think that if they overthrow the rule of Gu, they can get real freedom. They don't know that it is the existence of Gu that creates the gate between the two worlds." With the coming, there will be peace for countless epochs." The majestic voice of the ancient king sounded again, only with a hint of helplessness and sadness.

Jiang Siming turned his head unconsciously to look at the flames that surged outside the hall at some point, illuminating the gradually gloomy sky.

"What kind of monster is this?" Jiang Siming looked in horror at the countless humanoid monsters exuding thick black energy and killing wantonly outside the hall.

Jiang Siming turned around, and the ancient king was standing in front of Jiang Siming at this moment, his eyes were turning like a river of stars, and he seemed to be able to see through everything.

"You are lonely in this life, and you are destined to shoulder the mission of being lonely."

"Why should I believe that you are my past?" Jiang Siming had come to his senses at this moment, even though he already believed the other party's words.But Jiang Siming still didn't want to believe the theory of past life and present life.Besides, even if Jiang Siming reached the peak combat power of Douluo, what could he do?

Although Jiang Siming didn't know how strong the ancient king in front of him was, he could easily freeze a world just by relying on the power descended from Jiang Siming's body.To describe strength as unfathomable is demeaning.

Such an existence can't fully fulfill its mission, so what can I do?
"Cowardly! Gu is really disappointed in you!" The ancient king snorted coldly, with a look of disappointment in his eyes.

"I will bear what I have to bear. No one can control my choice and make decisions for me! Even if you are really my past, I am different from you now." Jiang Siming looked firmly at the ancient king. Said.

"System! Break away from the Execution Sword Examination!"

However, the familiar mechanical sound did not appear, and Jiang Siming still stayed in the grand palace.

A domineering aura erupted from Gu Laowang's body in an instant, and Jiang Siming could hardly breathe due to a huge sense of oppression.

"Do you think you can escape? This mission is firmly bound to you and Gu. You have no choice at all! Those monsters will continue to emerge from the gate of the two worlds, eroding the world bit by bit. Heaven and Myriad Realms! Do you think you can settle down? Idiot!"

"What on earth do you want to do?" Jiang Siming looked ferociously, looking at the ancient king who was looking down at him.

"Gu is worthy of the people of Gu. It was they who rescued Gu from the gate of the two worlds, and they also wanted to kill Gu. No one owes Gu's life! Gu is still the number one in the heavens and all worlds. King!" The ancient king shouted loudly, his majesty and dominance seemed to penetrate the entire hall and echoed in the high nine heavens.

The domineering and majestic voice exploded in Jiang Siming's ears like thunder, but it revealed a trace of despair and regret.

The surrounding palaces collapsed layer by layer, turning into ruins.The atmosphere of desolation outside the main hall shrouded again.

"Gu will give you one more chance at the end. Gu can lend you the power of Gu twice. If you are still so cowardly and do not want to make progress. Gu will personally take charge of your body and complete the mission you should undertake."

The ancient king stared at the barren land with his deep eyes, and the aura of self-respect seemed to make the whole wasteland tremble deeply.

The next moment, that figure looking down at the world turned into a beam of light and entered Jiang Siming's body.

"Ah!" A powerful force collided wantonly in Jiang Siming's body.

There seemed to be a river of stars in the deep eyes, looking at the broken throne in front of him.Jiang Siming felt a sense of longing that he had never felt before.

"This kind of power!" Jiang Siming squeezed his fist tightly, feeling the power he had never had before.At this moment, Jiang Siming felt as if he could control everything.Everything in the world is under your feet.

Jiang Siming involuntarily walked towards the broken throne step by step, as if there was a voice in his heart telling him.As long as you sit on the throne, you will be able to possess this power in your body forever.

"Stop!" A majestic voice sounded.

Jiang Siming, who was somewhat insane, also regained his clarity at this moment, and stopped in his tracks.

The temptation of power to people is far greater than power, and Jiang Siming almost fell into the power of the ancient Wang Qiang just now.

"Thank you!" Jiang Siming said into the air.

"System! Break away from the Execution Sword Examination!"

The surrounding barren plains and dilapidated palaces gradually dissipated and turned into ashes, revealing a pure white color.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but shook his head. Jiang Siming had no clue about the assessment of the fourth sword.Jiang Siming really couldn't understand the domineering arrogance of the ancient king.

The current Jiang Siming is still unable to unleash the greatest power of the Zhuxian Sword.

Jiang Siming has already basically believed what the ancient Wang said, if the other party really wants to take him away.I can't make any resistance at all, and I won't talk so much nonsense with myself.

People in previous lives always say that fools are the happiest because they don't know anything.Jiang Siming now finds that even though he knows, there is nothing he can do.It is better not to know.

Jiang Siming didn't want to take on any mission, he wasn't that noble yet.But in the middle of the game, how did Jiang Siming escape?

Besides, Jiang Siming didn't know what those humanoid monsters were?Maybe one day the gate of the two worlds they mentioned will suddenly come to the Douluo Continent.

Jiang Siming needs a strong force to protect the people he cares about.

(End of this chapter)

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