Chapter 18

As the sky gradually dimmed, Jiang Siming and Dugu Bo sat on the stone in front of the academy.Both of them were anxiously waiting, it was really boring.In the end, Dugu Bo smoked one after another while listening to Jiang Siming tell a story about opening the whole audience, giving away a head a thousand miles away, shouting 666 all the way, and a crispy conductor.

"If you talk about Sun Wukong, it's amazing. His magic power is boundless. A somersault can cover hundreds of thousands of miles. There are also 72 changes. He is invulnerable to water and fire. He can do anything from heaven to earth. He lives with the sky and the earth, and shines with the sun and the moon. !” Jiang Siming spoke with gusto.

"Stop, let me ask this Monkey King, you said this Monkey King is so awesome. Why do you want to learn scriptures?" Dugu Bo asked puzzled.

"Eh, er, that's because Tathagata slapped him in the ground, and he couldn't be picked out," Jiang Siming said.

"That's ridiculous. You said that there is such a powerful person who is not yet a soul master. He was slapped in the ground by another even more powerful person and he didn't pick it out. It's like this. This person hasn't been picked yet. Slap to death. If such people really exist, then maybe even us Titled Douluo are weak in front of them." Dugu Bo said in disbelief.

"Be confident, take away fear. Also, to be precise, one is a monkey, and the other is not a human." Jiang Siming said deliberately to Dugu Bo.

"You little monster, I'm going to teach you a lesson." Dugu Bo gave Jiang Siming a brain seed as he spoke.Unknowingly, Dugu Bo and Jiang Siming became closer.

"It's fine if you don't believe it, and you blame me for your lack of knowledge." Jiang Siming said angrily.It's no wonder that Dugu Bo didn't believe it, Tang San didn't believe it when he told Tang San at the beginning.Jiang Siming recalled that when he watched Journey to the West when he was young in his previous life, he felt that Monkey King was omnipotent.In the end, he was slapped on the ground by the Tathagata Buddha. At that time, the feeling was indescribable!
The two continued to talk with gusto.

Tang San and his party finally came back after having a big meal in Suto City after the end of the spirit fight.


"Little San, when are we going to get the spirit ring?" Dai Mubai asked
"Well, brother Siming hasn't come back yet, I'm always a little worried. I feel like something is going to happen." Tang San said with a little worry in his heart.

That's right, Jiang Siming sold Tang San everything he didn't say.

"Boss Dai, third brother, what the hell are the two little red dots in front of you? It can't be ghost fire, right?" Ma Hongjun saw two little red dots at the school gate from a distance.

Tang San urged Ziji Demon Eyes to see clearly.

"Brother Siming, it's Brother Siming. But there is an old senior next to him. They are there, huh?" Tang San stopped while talking.

"Little San, what's the matter?" Boss Dai asked.

"It's okay, seeing them is very pleasing to the eye. It's fine with Siming, but what happened to that old man?" Tang San was a little puzzled.No way, the cigarettes produced by the system are so magical.

"Go over and have a look and you'll know." Dai Mubai crossed his hands on his chest, and walked over directly.

Jiang Siming and Dugu Bo were chatting happily when they saw people coming from a distance.They all stood up slowly.

"Brother Siming, why are you sitting at the gate of the academy? How dare you ask this old senior?" Tang San asked politely.Several other people also looked with doubts.

"Little monster, please introduce me quickly." Dugu Bo looked at Jiang Siming.

"Little San, this is Senior Dugu Bo, a titled Douluo. Old man, this is the person I said can help you." Jiang Siming said.

Suddenly, the scene was exceptionally quiet.Except for Dugu Bo, everyone looked at Jiang Siming in surprise.The eyes conveyed "If you are hijacked, you just blink."

After a long time, Tang San said, "Brother Siming, don't joke with me. Can I help Title Douluo?" Although Tang San didn't think that Jiang Siming had any reason to deceive him, he was still full of doubts.

"Let's go back to the academy first, and I'll tell you the specifics slowly." Jiang Siming stretched his waist and said casually.Don't tell me, there is a Titled Douluo standing next to him, everyone is surprised, but I am indifferent, it's really cool.

After talking, everyone entered the academy, and while walking, Jiang Siming asked, "Where did the dean and Mr. Zhao go?"

"Principal and Teacher Zhao. They should have gone to collect the money. Today when we were fighting spirits, they suppressed a lot. The amount is a bit large, so, uh uh." Tang San said embarrassingly.

"Understood." Jiang Siming replied.

Afterwards, everyone returned to their dormitories, and the three of Jiang Siming began to talk about specific matters.

Dugu Bo stood beside him with his hands folded as if he was a worldly expert.

"Brother Siming, I don't know what this senior Dugu needs from me?" Tang San couldn't help asking.I still feel a little worried.

"Little San, don't be nervous. The old man won't do anything to you? To be precise, he doesn't dare." Jiang Siming looked at Dugu Bo playfully.

"Hmph." Dugu Bo snorted unconvinced, but did not deny it.

The more Tang San heard, the more confused he was, how powerful the Titled Douluo was, why should he be afraid of him.Could it be because of Brother Siming?
"The old man has some problems with his body. I want you to take a look." Jiang Siming said directly.

"I don't know what kind of illness Senior Dugu is?" Tang San didn't delay, after all, it was Jiang Siming who brought it.What's more, you are a titled Douluo, even if you have no choice, I'm afraid you won't lose your status to do anything to yourself.

Dugu Bo said lightly, "The old man has accumulated toxins in his body for many years. It is a congenital defect of Wuhun. I wonder if you have a way to solve it?"

Tang San suddenly felt unbelievable, he was good at poison, even his father didn't know about it.After all, the matter of "Xuantian Treasure Record" is too important.Jiang Siming recommended him to Dugu Bo, obviously knowing his own strength.

Jiang Siming knew early on that Tang San would have such doubts in his heart, so he showed his true feelings and said, "Little San, don't worry too much. I won't harm you after all, you are my brother after all."

Tang San stared closely at Jiang Siming, took a deep breath, and let it out again, "Brother Siming, I believe in you. I will try my best to solve Senior Dugu Bo's problem, but the herbs needed I'm afraid it's hard to get."

"You don't have to worry about this, the old man's Ice and Fire Yinyi is not a treasure of heaven and earth." Uncle Dugu said confidently, his compulsion suddenly improved.

"Ice and Fire Yin Yang!" Tang San was shocked when he heard that.

"Boy Tang, as long as you can solve the hidden dangers in the body of the old man and granddaughter, I will allow you to come and go freely in the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye." Whether it is for people who use poison or cure diseases, this is an irresistible temptation at all.

"Okay." Tang San made the final decision. He believed in Jiang Siming very much. He believed that Jiang Siming would not harm him. Tang San's mental power was extremely strong, and he could feel the truth of Jiang Siming's emotional fluctuations when he spoke just now. of.Although he didn't know how Jiang Siming knew his secret.Maybe it was accidentally exposed when we were together as children.

"However, Senior Dugu, you may need to wait for a while. I just reached level 30. It takes time to obtain the spirit ring." Tang San said.

Of course Dugu Bo agrees, his problem has not exploded yet.But in the world of soul masters, delaying others' cultivation is like killing one's father and taking one's wife.After all, only by obtaining the soul ring can one proceed to the next stage of cultivation.

After Tang San left.

"As expected of Haotian Douluo's son, little monster, what kind of people have you befriended? Why do I feel that the word genius is becoming more and more common?" Dugu Bo couldn't help sighing.After all, he is also a Titled Douluo, Jiang Siming is not afraid that he has strength.Tang San had no fear of Dugu Bo.This made him feel very humiliated.

"Maybe birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups! But I am definitely the strongest." Jiang Siming said pretendingly.

"Okay, I'll go first. If he's ready, you can bring him to the Binghuo Liangyi to see me." Dugu Bo turned around and left with a trace of reluctance.Dugu Bo is obviously cold on the outside and hot on the inside, he has opened his heart to Jiang Siming.In fact, Jiang Siming has been defined as his friend or a deeper level.

After Dugu Bo left, Jiang Siming began to recall the content of the original book.

"Dugu Bo has already appeared earlier, but the impact is not great. So it should be interesting to enter the Star Dou Forest this time?" Jiang Siming pondered.

(End of this chapter)

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