Chapter 190 Seal
"Where is this?" Jiang Siming opened his heavy eyelids.

The pure white in front of him made Jiang Siming slightly puzzled.

"Am I dead?" Jiang Siming said to himself.

"Obviously you have a system, but you can still be so miserable! You are also a strange thing, right?"

The sudden contemptuous voice made Jiang Siming tremble all over, and he involuntarily propped up his body and assumed a vigilant posture.


The severe pain coming from his body made Jiang Siming couldn't help crying out.

"Who are you?" Jiang Siming looked warily at the strange man in the dragon robe in front of him.

"I'm here to fuck you!" The man in the dragon robe looked down at Jiang Siming as if he was looking down at an ant.

The man in the dragon robe stretched out one hand.

Jiang Siming instantly felt a strong force strangling his neck, and slowly lifted himself up.

"Oh, you are really weak! I didn't expect to meet such a weak chicken in my first plane war!"

Jiang Siming's neck was strangled by that invisible force, his face became more and more red, and the suffocation caused by lack of oxygen made Jiang Siming struggle desperately.

The man in the dragon robe looked at Jiang Siming's painful struggle, with a morbid pleasure in his eyes.

With a wave of the sleeve robe, the oppressive feeling around Jiang Siming's neck disappeared instantly.

Jiang Siming fell heavily to the ground, gasping for breath, staring fixedly at the arrogant man in dragon robe in front of him.

"Ants! The reason why I haven't killed you is because I haven't played enough!"

The man in the dragon robe laughed arrogantly, not paying attention to Jiang Siming at all.Indeed, Jiang Siming may be far from the man in front of him even in his prime.

"You're lucky, it's the world of Douluo! If you kill you, everything in this world will be mine, by the way, including all your women! Let me guess, how many did you collect in total?" Dragon Robe The man said provocatively.

"Xiao Wu? Zhu Zhuqing? Is there Bibi Dong?" The man in the dragon robe looked at Jiang Siming arrogantly.

"You're looking for death!" Jiang Siming looked angrily at the man laughing wildly in front of him, his face became more and more distorted and hideous.

"Presumptuous!" The dragon robe man's figure flashed, and he kicked Jiang Siming to the ground with one foot.


Jiang Siming flew upside down tens of meters away, and a fishy sweetness came from his throat, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Do you feel your weakness?"

The voice of the ancient king came to Jiang Siming's mind.

"Lend me your strength!"

"Gu said, I only give you two chances! This is the first time!"

The pure white space trembled, and a domineering aura filled the entire space.

"What's going on?" The man in the dragon robe felt the overwhelming coercion from all directions, and finally there was a look of panic on his face.

Jiang Siming, who was lying on the ground, stood up slowly at this moment.

The man in the dragon robe also realized that something was wrong at this moment, and swung a huge energy hand with one hand, and slapped Jiang Siming fiercely.

"No matter what you are doing? You must die!" The eyes of the man in the dragon robe flickered fiercely.


Jiang Siming stretched out one finger, and a deep voice echoed in the pure white space.

The big energy hand froze in mid-air for an instant, and even the man in the dragon robe remained motionless, staring at Jiang Siming in horror with his eyes wide open.

At this moment, Jiang Siming is like an ancient king looking down on the world.


Jiang Siming waved his hand again, and the terrifying energy hand dissipated without a trace in an instant.Jiang Siming's will is like the will of heaven, and what he says follows!
Although the man in the dragon robe was restricted physically, he was still active in his mind. Seeing this man who looked like a different person, his pupils dilated more and more, and he couldn't help feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Jiang Siming slowly stretched out one hand, and slowly approached the neck of the man in the dragon robe.


A crisp sound of bone breaking sounded.

Jiang Siming tightly held the dragon robe man's neck with one hand, and slowly lifted him up.

"Do you know why Gu didn't kill you?"

What an irony, this is exactly what the man in the dragon robe said to Jiang Siming just now.

"Leaving you alone is to put pressure on him! No matter how cowardly he is, it's not your turn to teach him a lesson!"

Jiang Siming at this moment is no longer Jiang Siming, but an ancient king who suppressed an era.

"Gujin seals you here! Suffering heartbreaking pain every day!"

Countless runes instantly appeared in the pure white space, turning into countless shackles to wrap the dragon robe man layer by layer, only revealing the unwilling and fearful eyes of the dragon robe man.

A black chain broke through the pure white space, pulling the man in the dragon robe into endless chaos.

The pure white space gradually collapsed, revealing endless chaos.

"Is this power unbearable?" The ancient king slowly raised his right arm, and fine cracks appeared like broken ceramics, which looked extremely terrifying.

The ancient king raised his cracked hand to point at the center of his eyebrows, and gently raised it.

A purple diamond mark and a red small sword mark danced in the hands of the ancient king.

"Boring!" There was a trace of contempt in the eyes of the ancient king, and he disappeared into the chaos with one wave of two marks.


On Douluo Continent.

The sky-reaching beam of light gradually fell back and submerged into the deep sea again.

After that, Jiang Siming, whose body was covered in cracks, seemed to be broken at any moment, also submerged into the deep sea.

As the surrounding light became dimmer, the huge pressure of the sea water made Jiang Siming Zhou Shen start to freeze, freezing Jiang Siming into a huge ice cube bit by bit.

The strange thing is that the cracks on Jiang Siming's body are moving regularly at this moment, as if they are healing at an extremely slow speed.


Sword Douluo and the others, who had stopped the fight at this moment, ignored the seriously injured Wuhundian group who wanted to escape.

What made them even more concerned was that Jiang Siming had disappeared, leaving only a huge ice cave with a diameter of nearly ten kilometers on the ice.

"He's still alive!" Xue Di murmured, if Jiang Siming died, Xue Di would definitely be seriously injured.

Although he couldn't feel Jiang Siming's breath now, Xue Di was sure that Jiang Siming was still alive.

The Wuhun Hall had already retreated, and there was no need for the Snow Emperor to stay at this moment, turning into an ice-blue streamer, plundering towards the extreme north.


"We seem to be wrong! He really has this strength!" The God of Evil smiled helplessly.

Although Jiang Siming has not yet become the master of the plane, the God of Good and the God of Evil can clearly feel Jiang Siming's aura in that beam of light.

Now that the beam of light has disappeared again, but their original power has not been deprived, it can only show that Jiang Siming has succeeded.

Looking at the god of evil who smiled wryly, the god of kindness couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and the sense of crisis that had been lingering in his heart gradually disappeared.

"Maybe it's not too late to make up for it now." The God of Kindness touched his chin and said.

The God of Evil was stunned for a moment, and said half-understanding, "You mean..."

(End of this chapter)

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