My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 193 The Elder's Care for the Junior!

Chapter 193 The Elder's Care for the Junior!

"Squeak" sound.

The door of the hut was opened again, and Jiang Siming walked out slowly.

"Who are you? Why can you enter the forbidden area?"

Jiang Siming felt the faint murderous aura released by the scruffy old man with a flagon pinned to his waist, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Jiang Siming could probably guess that the old man in front of him was Xuanzi, a level 98 Taotie Douluo.

However, he dared to release murderous aura towards Jiang Siming so easily, Jiang Siming had no intention of giving him face at all.

"This is my home! Do you have any objections?" Jiang Siming said lightly.

Hearing Jiang Siming's answer, Xuanzi's face gradually darkened.Thinking that Jiang Siming was playing him, he is a level 98 titled Douluo, how could he be provoked at will.Slightly squinting his eyes, he didn't pay attention to Jiang Siming at all, after all, Jiang Siming's appearance was too deceptive.

"Young man, tell me the power behind you, and I can give you a sigh of relief."

Xuanzi just finished speaking.

With a sound of "bang", a long trace was left in front of the hut, turning into dust all over the sky.

Jiang Siming shook the fist in his hand, and said with satisfaction, "It seems that the 1 years of sleep are not in vain, the improvement is not small!"

Tens of meters away, Xuanzi, who was on the ground with one hand, looked at the young man in disbelief. Xuanzi didn't even see the lightning-fast punch just now, and felt a huge force from his chest. Come on, fly upside down.

Jiang Siming crossed his hands in front of his chest, and walked slowly towards Xuanzi.

Looking at Jiang Siming who was getting closer, Xuanzi's contempt disappeared completely. He shouted, and a terrifying gluttonous phantom appeared behind him.

Nine soul rings, two yellow, two purple, four black, and one red, appeared before his eyes.A powerful momentum swept towards Jiang Siming.

In the Sea God Pavilion.

The old man sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed opened his eyes at the same time, feeling the powerful aura of the Taotie Douluo coming from the ground, he couldn't help but feel a little bit puzzled.

But he wasn't too worried, after all, the strength of a level 98 titled Douluo was enough to crush the current world.

"I just want to try my current strength? Let's practice with you!" Jiang Siming said, a burst of sword intent soared into the sky, and the familiar touch of the Juexian Sword came from the palm of his hand again.

The soul ring configuration of two purples, three blacks and two reds made Xuanzi's eyes widen in front of Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming waved the Eastern Emperor Bell to cover the cabin behind him, afraid of being destroyed by the aftermath of the battle.

"Twin souls! Such a heaven-defying configuration of soul rings! Who are you?"

"I am your ancestor!" Jiang Siming said with a charming smile, but Jiang Siming did not lie, and whether Xuan Zi believed it or not was his business.

"Junior, don't be too arrogant!"

"Junior? Today I want to let you know what it means to respect the old and love the young!" Jiang Siming's mouth curled into a treacherous smile, and the energy in his body that hadn't been released for thousands of years burst out completely at this moment.

In the Sea God Pavilion.

Countless elders could not help showing shocked expressions when they felt another powerful aura that suddenly erupted, which even overwhelmed Xuanzi's aura.

However, just as the elders were about to explore what happened in the forbidden area, they were stopped by a crooked old man.

"Pavilion Master, what happened?" an old man asked eagerly.

"Go back! I'll take care of this matter!" The stooped old man turned around and looked at the forbidden area behind the mountain, with a flash of expectation and excitement in his eyes.

at the same time.

The inner and outer courtyards of Shrek Academy exploded at the same time, but the back mountain, which had always been regarded as a forbidden area, erupted with two auras reaching the sky at this moment.

A group of students discussed one after another.

Huo Yuhao, who was being reprimanded by Zhou Yi at this moment, couldn't help but be filled with doubts.

First, Jiang Siming disappeared suddenly, and then two such powerful auras erupted from the back mountain.Huo Yuhao couldn't help wondering if it was Jiang Siming who made the noise.

"It really is him! I didn't expect him to be dead! And he has become so strong!" Bingdi's tone was full of shock.

"Bingbing, who are you talking about?" Tianmeng Bingcan eagerly wanted to know the answer.

However, the Ice Empress fell into silence and did not speak again.

Huo Yuhao also heard what the Ice Emperor said, and he knew that the Ice Emperor must be talking about Jiang Siming, so he couldn't help but feel even more puzzled.

"Anyway, you can't mess with this person! Never mess with him!" Bing Empress reminded Huo Yuhao in a heavy tone.

At the beginning, Jiang Siming, who was only a level 50 soul king, was able to hurt the Ice Emperor. The Ice Emperor couldn't imagine how much Jiang Siming had improved after 1 years?

Maybe Jiang Siming had already reached the realm she dreamed of.


Over the back mountain.

A yellow meteor slammed into it heavily, and the surrounding flowers, plants and trees instantly turned into ashes, and a huge hole was opened on the ground, as if the entire back mountain was about to be split into two halves.

"Cough cough!"

The dust dissipated, revealing Xuanzi's head like a pig's head with a blue nose and a swollen face.

"No more fights, no more fights! I don't know how to respect the old and love the young at all." Xuanzi lost his temper at the moment, and started playing tricks.I really didn't expect that the young man in front of me could have such strength, and he was still unknown.Such a terrifying person, Xuanzi must not provoke him into an enemy of Shrek Academy.

During the fight with Jiang Siming just now, he didn't feel the murderous aura on Jiang Siming's body. Jiang Siming seemed to be just trying to beat himself up, so Xuanzi was also acting upright at this moment.

Jiang Siming didn't expect that his current strength was so strong, and the soul power in his body had reached an extremely terrifying level.

These 1 years have truly been an earth-shaking change.

"Be merciful!"

As soon as the holy golden dragon shadow flashed by, the stooped old man stood in front of Xuanzi.

Jiang Siming looked at the crooked old man in front of him, and probably guessed his identity. In the future, he will be Mu En, the current master of the Sea God Pavilion.

"Old Mu!"

"Xuanzi, you're impulsive again!" Mu En looked at Xuanzi who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and said, somewhat dumbfounded.

"Dare to ask if you have opened the restriction!" Mu En looked at Jiang Siming with burning eyes.

"I opened the restriction!" Jiang Siming nodded.

Dragon God Douluo Muen's old hands were trembling at this moment.

"You are! Jiang Siming's ancestor?"

Jiang Siming was a little surprised, it seemed that Tang San and the others had intentionally left the restriction, hoping that he would be able to lift it one day.

"Yes, you are from the teacher's line, right?" Jiang Siming's eyes gradually softened.

At this moment, Xuanzi looked at this scene with a swollen pig's head in shock and doubt.

"Junior Yu Xiaogang's lineage, Mu En, the current master of the Sea God Pavilion. Meet the ancestors!"

"Forget it, I don't want to reveal my identity. I don't want others to treat me as a monster. As for the junior behind you, the reason why I beat him up is because I care for the junior as an elder!" Jiang Siming deliberately said the word junior Extremely heavy.

Xuanzi behind him couldn't help twitching the corners of his swollen mouth when he heard Jiang Siming's words.

"I don't want to make too much publicity. You and I know about this matter. At most, the junior in the back knows. No one else can know, understand?" Jiang Siming didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

After all, there is a Holy Spirit Sect on the current Douluo Continent, if they know the existence of a monster like Jiang Siming who has lived for more than 1 years.I'm afraid it will keep causing trouble for Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming's goal now is to complete the plot tasks and figure out what the system wants.I don't want to waste my brain like I did when I dealt with Wuhundian.

 Thank you Shengxiao Yushu for rewarding 1000 starting coins

  Thank you for the 100 starting coins rewarded by the little cuties who love you

(End of this chapter)

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