My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 200 Zero degrees!Curse!

Chapter 200 Zero Degree!Curse!
After coming out of the VIP room, Jiang Siming casually looked at the many treasures on the second floor.

Looking at the dazzling array of soul guides and soul guide blueprints displayed in front of him, Jiang Siming was not very interested.

The current development of soul guides does not threaten the top soul masters, and Jiang Siming is not interested in learning how to make soul guides.It is the wisest choice to develop one's two major martial spirits honestly.

There was nothing he wanted to buy on the second floor, so Jiang Siming didn't stay any longer, and went directly to the first floor and stood at the door of Jubao Pavilion, waiting for Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong.


Jiang Siming raised his brows slightly, and his eyes scanned the crowd surging in front of the Jubao Pavilion.

"It's really a revenge!" Jiang Siming said a little angrily and a little funny.

Originally thought that Dai Huabin would only target Huo Yuhao, but he didn't expect to include himself.

Outside Jubao Pavilion, several murderous auras had locked on him.

"Since you are looking for death yourself! Don't blame me for being ruthless!" Jiang Siming is not a soft-hearted person. Dai Huabin dared to send someone to kill him, so he had to be prepared to bear Jiang Siming's anger.

A trace of murderous intent flashed across Jiang Siming's Wei Miqi eyes.

"Brother Sima, let's go!"

Huo Yuhao's voice suddenly came from behind.

Jiang Siming looked at the excited Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong, obviously found something good.

"Let's go!" Jiang Siming nodded with a smile.


Outside Shrek City.

The three of them chatted happily, and both Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong were in a good mood when they got what they wanted.

Suddenly, Huo Yuhao, who was originally smiling, became tense and stopped involuntarily.

"What's wrong with Yuhao?" Wang Dong looked at Huo Yuhao who suddenly looked serious with some doubts.

"Be careful, someone is ambushing us!" Huo Yuhao directly activated the mental detection, paying attention to every move around him.

"What! Who is so bold!" Wang Dong couldn't believe it, but his movements were not slow.Immediately put on a defensive stance, although he didn't believe that anyone would dare to attack Shrek Academy students in Shrek City, he still chose to trust Huo Yuhao.

"Brother Tianmeng! Can you detect their strength?" Huo Yuhao hurriedly asked Tianmeng Iceworm for help.

"It's okay, the person next to you should have known about it a long time ago! Does he look worried? Don't disturb brother's beauty sleep!" Tianmeng Bingcan said lazily.

"Brother Tianmeng..." Before Huo Yuhao finished speaking, he was kicked out of the Sea of ​​Spiritual Consciousness by Tianmeng Iceworm's tail.

Huo Yuhao didn't care too much at the moment, he directly took out the signal flare in his arms, and sent a distress signal to the sky.

Magnificent pyrotechnic signals light up the sky.

"Come out!" Jiang Siming's cold voice echoed in the air.

The hidden killer also knew that he had been exposed, and it was meaningless to hide any longer.

"Quick fight!"

The leading man in black jumped out and rushed towards Jiang Siming who seemed the strongest.

The seven men in black who followed behind also waited for an opportunity to surround Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong.

"One soul saint, one soul emperor, five soul kings!"

Both Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong released their martial souls.

The Chaos Clock was also floating above Jiang Siming's head at this moment, and the avenue rune was poured into Jiang Siming's body from Tianling.

Mysterious and mysterious runes emerged from Jiang Siming's body, and the atmosphere of chaos permeated.

"Just try my new ability!" Jiang Siming waved one hand.


Seven icy blue beams of light instantly shot into the bodies of the seven soul masters.

Before the seven soul masters could react, a ray of blue light flashed across the seven of them and instantly froze them into seven human-shaped ice cubes.

Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong stared blankly at the killer who instantly turned into seven human-shaped ice cubes, and pursed their lips unconsciously!
In their hearts, even if Jiang Siming is really at the level of an 80-level Contra, it is impossible to easily achieve this level.


The most powerful soul sage, the leader, broke free from the shackles of the ice.However, his whole body couldn't help trembling. Jiang Siming's real water was extremely cold, and it had already penetrated into his bone marrow.

"God's punishment!" Jiang Siming didn't intend to let him go, a trace of purple lightning flashed in his pupils, and purple runes flowed in his palm.

Seven bolts of lightning fell from the sky, accurately striking the soul sage and the other six ice figures.

"Boom" sound.

The seven soul masters in front of them instantly turned into frost all over the sky, and disappeared completely, as if they had never appeared before.

Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong, who originally thought there would be a fierce battle, stood there blankly, looking at Jiang Siming's calm performance in disbelief.

"That's right, it's a little more powerful than I imagined!"

Jiang Siming nodded in satisfaction. Although the soul sage just broke free from the shackles of Zero Degree, it also greatly restricted the opponent's actions. In a real battle, only a few breaths can determine life and death.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the plot mission, the system self-heals to 59%. Unknown functions are turned on at 25%!"

"Unknown function!" Jiang Siming couldn't help touching his chin, curious about this unknown function.But what makes him a little apprehensive is that the system can repair itself instead of relying on high-quality energy.So where does the system get its energy from?
"Brother Sima! You are the second most perverted person I know!" Wang Dong looked at Jiang Siming with some admiration, and couldn't help swallowing.

How domineering and powerful it is to decide the life and death of others with a raised hand.

"Oh? Then who is the first pervert?" Jiang Siming asked with some interest.

"Of course it's Jiang Siming's ancestor! But Brother Sima, you and Jiang Siming's ancestor are only one character apart. Could it be that the strength of such a name is abnormal?" Wang Dong rubbed his chin and said pretending to be contemplative.

"Yuhao, are you okay?" Jiang Siming looked at Huo Yuhao who was still in a daze, and reminded him aloud.

"It's okay! Brother Sima is really powerful!" Huo Yuhao said to Jiang Siming with a smile.

Jiang Siming spread his hands helplessly, Huo Yuhao's character was still too cautious.But it's not a bad habit to like to think when things happen.

"Brother Tianmeng! Did Brother Sima use the Ultimate Ice just now?" Huo Yuhao finally couldn't help asking.

"Not only the ultimate ice, but also the lightning that day was also the ultimate attribute! It's hard to imagine two extreme attributes appearing on one person! It's incredible!" Tianmeng Iceworm sighed.

"Isn't this guy creating too many miracles? It's a miracle that he's alive!" the sleeping Bingdi said suddenly.

"Bingbing, can't you tell me who he is? You keep talking like that, I'm going crazy with curiosity!" Tianmeng Bingcan's originally serious face instantly became distorted.

"Get lost! If he doesn't tell himself, I can't tell." Bingdi still didn't reveal Jiang Siming's identity.

If Jiang Siming's identity is leaked out, I am afraid there is no soul master who can not wonder why Jiang Siming can live past 1 years.

Snow Emperor's half-way original imprint is still on Jiang Siming, if something happens to Jiang Siming, Snow Emperor will definitely bear the blame.The Ice Empress absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen.

"Yuhao, why are you acting weird?" Wang Dong pushed Huo Yuhao, who was in a daze, with a worried look on his face.

"I'm fine!" Huo Yuhao replied with a smile, and couldn't help looking at Jiang Siming who was calm and calm again.


On the head of Shrek City.

Six or seven figures stood facing the wind on the top of the city, looking at the three of Jiang Siming in the distance.

"Old Xuan, what kind of person is this disciple Jiang Sima? One person has two ultimate attributes at the same time! And I remember his martial soul is a sword! It seems to be twin martial souls!" Mr. Lin, who wanted to take Jiang Siming as his apprentice.

At this moment, Mr. Lin looked at Jiang Siming with even more scorching eyes. Where can he find such an apprentice?
Xuanzi narrowed his eyes slightly. What surprised him was not Jiang Siming's strength, but that someone dared to sneak attack Jiang Siming.

Originally, he wasn't going to take care of this matter, but when Jiang Siming was involved, the nature of this matter rose several notches.

"Originally, I wanted to take him in as an apprentice, but I didn't expect this kid to have a strong temper! I actually refused!" Elder Lin at the side said to himself like an outsider.

"Ahem!" Xuanzi, who was originally in deep thought, coughed twice in fright when he heard what Elder Lin said.

"What do you say?"

"I..." Elder Lin seemed to realize something was wrong with Xuanzi, and pursed his lips.

"Xiao Lin! I advise you to get rid of this idea!" Xuanzi patted Elder Lin on the shoulder, and disappeared over the top of the city in a flash.

"Does this kid have a strong background? Could it be Mr. Mu's illegitimate son!" Mr. Lin murmured in surprise.

Fortunately, Xuanzi left in time, otherwise, if he heard this sentence, he would have to get sick from anger.Where is the chaos in this generation?

(End of this chapter)

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