Chapter 227

"Collect the formation!" Following Gu Zhujian's order, the Dou Ling team quickly got rid of the entanglement of Shrek and others.

The vajra shield was magnified several feet high and embedded heavily on the ring, protecting Gu Zhujian and others behind him.

"No, they are assembling soul tools! Stop them!" Huo Yuhao sensed the movements of the Fighting Spirit team through mental detection, and hurriedly reminded loudly.

Because Jiang Siming has been wandering around the audience, the original plan that each person was responsible for some parts to assemble the Thunder Cannon was forced to abort.

Gu Zhujian can only assemble the parts of each part together, and the others try to delay the time as much as possible to complete the assembly of the Thunder Cannon in a very short time.

"I'll open the way!" Dai Yaoheng let out a roar of a tiger, exuding a terrifying aura all over his body.

"White Tiger Shatter Kill!"

The huge killing mark hit the diamond shield fiercely.

Behind the vajra shield, Chi Hengyu suddenly spit out a big mouthful of blood, and the vajra shield that was originally shining with golden light split into pieces in an instant.

"Heng Yu!" Everyone in the Dou Ling team couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's too late, buy time for the captain!" Chi Hengyu said before falling heavily on the ground.

"Quick! Don't let Heng Yu get hurt in vain!" Gu Zhujian, the captain, said loudly, but the movements in his hands didn't stop at all, and the scattered parts gradually formed the appearance of a giant cannon.

"It's the captain!"

"Qingfeng! The key is up to you!" Yuan Sai, who was the Terrorclaw Bear Wuhun, said before blocking Dai Yueheng who was rushing over quickly.

A gleam of purple flashed in Qingfeng's eyes, and a strong purple light emanated from the martial soul called the Bead of Mystery, instantly enveloping everyone in the Fighting Spirit team.

From the outside, all the members of the Dou Ling team at this moment have become blurred, their whereabouts are difficult to determine, and even the fluctuation of spirit power has become very blurred.

Dai Yaoheng, Ling Luochen and the others were slightly taken aback by the sudden appearance of the purple light, and then plunged into the purple light without the slightest hesitation.

"It's a pity! Such a rare fantasy martial soul should be a killer move." Jiang Siming shook his head, there was no suspense in this match.

Bead of Mystery's illusion-like soul ability has no effect on Huo Yuhao who has mental detection.

Jiang Siming didn't choose to rush into the purple light. The defensive soul masters of the Dou Ling team had lost their fighting power. Gu Zhujian, the captain with the strongest combat power, was also fighting hard at this moment to assemble the soul guide.

The current Dou Ling team is no longer a threat to Huo Yuhao and the others, and Jiang Siming doesn't plan to get involved.

But always pay attention to the situation in the purple light to prevent any unexpected situations.


"Your Majesty, I don't understand that the spirit skills of the control-type soul masters of Shrek Academy's reckless aggressive fighting spirit team seem a little too impulsive!

What made me feel even more strange was that the kid who had been wandering around the audience was clearly unfathomable, but he seemed to be a little passive and ready to fight! "

On the imperial city, the old man respectfully said to the young man beside him.

"This student of Shrek seems to have seen it at the Starlight Auction House before, but he doesn't seem to have any sense of existence!

Do you think it is possible that Shrek Academy has secretly cultivated a group of elites among the elites, and because the students who participated in the competition had problems this time, they had no choice but to let him play! "Xu Jiawei said speculatively, it can be seen from the battle.

The tacit understanding between Jiang Siming, Huo Yuhao and others was almost zero.Such a person should be temporarily arranged to play.

"Your Majesty, do you want to check it out?" The old man pushed Xu Jiawei's ears slightly, and said in a low voice.

"No! So far, Shrek Academy has no conflict of interest with us. Even because of the Duke of White Tiger, it can be said that our relationship with Shrek Academy should be the best among the four empires. There is no need to offend Shrek. Huge monster!" Xu Jiawei rejected the old man's idea without hesitation, and looked at Jiang Siming on the field with deep meaning.

"However, the Sun Moon Empire should be interested in the secrets of Shrek Academy." Xu Jiawei said intentionally or unintentionally.

"Your Majesty's meaning..." the old man said with some guesswork.

"That Heavenly Sword comes from Shrek Academy!" Xu Jiawei said cryptically, leaving the old man aside.

"Understood, Your Majesty!" The old man nodded, and continued to say with some hesitation, "Your Majesty, if you use the Sun Moon Empire as a weapon like this, you may be in a lot of trouble!"

"Trouble? If something goes wrong, it's their own trouble to go to Shrek Academy. What does it have to do with us?" Xu Jiawei said coldly, turning aside the old man.

"Understood!" The old man bent slightly and said respectfully.The so-called companion is like a tiger, but the old man dare not be careless about the young king in front of him.


on the playing field.

At this moment, the situation on the field has become one-sided. Lone Bamboo Sword has set up the fort at this moment, but the firing of the Thunder Cannon takes time to recharge.

But only Yuan Sai and Gu Zhujian, the captain, were left in the Dou Ling team.

With a "boom", Yuan Sai slammed heavily beside Gu Zhujian.

"Captain!" There was a long bloodstain on Yuan Sai's chest, and he looked at Guzhujian unwillingly.

"Don't worry! I'll hold them back!" Gu Zhujian's eyes were slightly red at the moment. As the captain, he lost the battle so quickly this time, and he had an inescapable responsibility.

"Admit defeat! You have no chance!" Dai Yueheng said coldly, looking at Gu Zhujian standing in front of him.

"I won't admit defeat! Dou Ling will never give up!" Lone Bamboo Sword roared.

The Purple Brilliant Bamboo behind him grew wildly, blocking the Thunder Cannon behind him.

"You are a man, then let me completely defeat you! You go and stop the recharging of the soul tool!" Dai Yueheng's eyes became fierce.


Wang Dong and others quickly rushed behind Gu Zhujian.

"Don't even think about it!" Gu Zhujian wanted to rush towards the crowd, but was stopped by Dai Yueheng.

"Your opponent is me!"


Wang Dong kicked Yuan Sai who was lying on the ground to the sidelines.

"Quick! Yuhao is the only one who understands soul tools, what should I do?"

Huo Yuhao couldn't help frowning as he watched the thundering power in front of the huge cannon muzzle, and said, "This is a giant thunder cannon! It has a built-in feeding bottle! I can only try to see if I can destroy its core formation! Time may be too late Already!"

"Not good! It's too late! The core array has been changed! The time required to recharge has been shortened! Run, the thunder cannon fires spherical energy! It will cover the entire arena!" Huo Yuhao roared loudly.

"But senior Dai Yueheng is still fighting there!" Beibei looked anxiously at Gu Zhujian and Dai Yueheng who were entangled together.

"Come on!"

"Hey! I wanted you to handle it yourself!" Jiang Siming finally stood up.

A huge thunder ball of light has formed in front of the thunder cannon's muzzle.

However, a figure suddenly appeared and blocked the muzzle.

(End of this chapter)

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