My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 240 Dad, Mom, Here Comes My Chapter!

Chapter 240 Dad, Mom, I'm Back!

"System, activate the healing function! The energy supply is the half-way original mark of Snow Emperor! The target is Snow Emperor"

Jiang Siming looked at the sleeping Xuedi and muttered to himself, "This is not because I tricked you, this is the only way I can save you now!"

Without the half-way original mark on Jiang Siming, Xue Di's desire to quickly recover his strength may be useless.

But it was helpless for Jiang Siming to do this. Xuedi still had breath here at the moment, but it was no different from being dead.

The strength in the body has been almost exhausted, the original source has almost dried up, and now there is only this breath left.

"Ding, the self-healing function is being activated! The cured target is locked: Snow Empress."

Shrouded in the pure white holy light, Xuedi, who had almost lost her vitality, gradually turned rosy and glowed with vitality again.

Seeing Xuedi gradually recovering from his injuries, Jiang Siming also felt a little relieved.

"System! Is there a way to go back?"

"Ding, unknown!"

"Sure enough, it's getting more and more unreliable!"

"If I can't go back, then what's the point of your existence?" Jiang Siming twitched his lips and said disdainfully.

This time the system did not answer Jiang Siming's words and chose to remain silent.

Holding the black diamond-shaped gemstone in his hand and looking at the card slot in the distance, Jiang Siming still hesitated after all.

Now there are only two options. One is to try your luck to see if the Holy Spirit Cult will hold another blood sacrifice, and then take the opportunity to escape from this place. To put it bluntly, it is no different from waiting to die.

The second is to try to open the bone altar, maybe you can return to the main world.

Although according to the young man's words, opening the altar of white bones will return to work, but even he himself has never opened the altar, Jiang Siming is not sure what will happen after opening the altar.

"The main world!" A little sadness appeared in Jiang Siming's eyes, and some would recall the scene in the strange space in the extreme north.

To be honest, Jiang Siming was a little scared, fearing that if he really could go back, he might already be a different person!
I don't know if the dilapidated little courtyard is still there?I don't know, is the person who lives in the small courtyard still there?
"What world?"

"Huh?" Jiang Siming was stunned, and found that the Snow Emperor in his arms had woken up so quickly.

"Are you awake? You made me miserable this time! What kind of temper do you think you had that day? Our situation is a bit worrying!" Jiang Siming said, changing the subject.

Xue Di lowered his head slightly and remained silent.

This time it was indeed extremely dangerous. Xue Di was already desperate, but was saved by Jiang Siming.

Xue Di's mood at this moment is very complicated, but the mood that has been calm for hundreds of thousands of years is a little turbulent at this moment.


"What?" Jiang Siming thought he had heard wrong, but Xue Di was actually saying sorry just now.

"Thank you for saving me again this time!"

Jiang Siming looked at Xue Di in his arms who looked like a child doing something wrong, and couldn't help pursing the corners of his mouth.He really had never seen a Snow Empress like this.

"Just treat it as me repaying your favor! Maybe I would have died long ago without you?" Jiang Siming shook his head and said with a smile.

In the overseas war, if there was no Snow Emperor, Jiang Siming's body would probably be ashes by now.

"Wait a minute, why can't I feel the essence in your body?" Xue Di suddenly frowned and said.

"It must be gone, otherwise, why do you think you woke up so quickly, and your injuries have recovered! Just now you were almost belching, and if you don't use your half-way source, what can I do to save you?" Jiang Si Ming spread his hands helplessly and said.

"Oh!" Xuedi looked at Jiang Siming who was a little excited, but didn't even refute, but obediently agreed.

Of course, Jiang Siming, our straight man of steel, didn't notice it at all.

"Now our biggest problem is how to get out? Now we have two paths, one is to go to another world, and the other is to wait for death!"

"Another world? God Realm?" Xue Di was a little confused. In his impression, the concept of world was only Douluo Continent and God Realm.

"You think too much. The world we are going to may be ruled by a group of ordinary people. It is possible that we will never come back."

Jiang Siming paused, looked at the Snow Emperor in his arms, "So are you willing?"

Seeing Jiang Siming's face getting closer, Xue Di couldn't help but blushed, and said softly, "Can you let me go first?"

Only then did Jiang Siming realize that he was still holding Xue Di, and he let go of it in embarrassment.

"Is there really no way to go back?" Snow Emperor asked worriedly.

Jiang Siming frowned, but still shook his head and said, "There is almost no hope."

"It's up to you!" Xue Di raised his head, looked at Jiang Siming firmly and said.

Feeling Xuedi's gaze, Jiang Siming looked at the diamond-shaped gemstone in his hand, and squeezed it heavily, as if he had made up his mind.

Without hesitation, he neatly placed the diamond-shaped gemstone in the last groove.

"Back away!" Jiang Siming took Xue Di's hand and flew down the altar of bones.

In an instant, seven beams of light of different colors rose into the sky, and the earth and rocks above the head were instantly broken, revealing the gray sky.

The space on the bone altar gradually shattered and distorted, revealing black chaos.

A deep vortex appeared on the bone altar.

"It seems to be true!" Jiang Siming looked at the vortex similar to when he came here, and the excitement in his heart became more and more difficult to conceal.

Jiang Siming has lived for too long, stayed on Douluo Continent for too long, so long that he has almost forgotten everything belonging to the world.

I don't know when, Jiang Siming completely regarded himself as a member of Douluo Dalu, and now the hope of going back is in front of him, Jiang Siming doesn't know whether he is happy or sad.

"Yeah! You hurt me!" Xue Di suddenly said in a low voice.

Only then did Jiang Siming realize that Xuedi Ruanyu's little hand was turning red from being pinched by him at this moment, so he quickly let go.

"Sorry, thought of something! Are you all right?"

Xue Di's face turned slightly red, but quickly returned to normal, "It doesn't matter, is this the passage to another world? What kind of place will it be?"

"Maybe for us, that is a place where there is no killing!" Jiang Siming looked at the deep vortex and said deeply.

Xue Di looked at the man beside him, his eyes were a little inexplicable, his mouth moved slightly, but he still didn't say anything after all.

"Let's go! Staying here is waiting to die, why don't you see what's inside?"

Holding Xuedi's hand, he slowly walked into the black hole.


In the forest somewhere.


"You look like you're throwing up, my clothes are all dirty!"

"It's all your fault!"


A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Siming patted Xuedi's soft and slippery back to help him relax.

Jiang Siming was also speechless looking at the snow emperor who was throwing up in the dark. He has heard of motion sickness, seasickness, seasickness, and plane sickness. What the hell is this dizziness?

Jiang Siming helped Shun Qi while observing the surrounding situation. Looking at the cypress and poplar trees in his memory, Jiang Siming's inexplicable feeling became more and more profound.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

(End of this chapter)

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