My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 244 The Sudden Explosion

Chapter 244 The Sudden Explosion

"Then stop crying, where are Yaya's parents? Can I take you to find your parents?" Jiang Siming said with a smile.

"Yaya doesn't have parents." Yaya said tears began to come out again.

Jiang Siming suddenly got dizzy, and hurriedly said, "Then Yaya will follow big brother from now on?"

Yaya wiped away her tears, looked at Jiang Siming expectantly and suspiciously, and said cautiously, "Really? Big brother!"

Jiang Siming stood up, touched Yaya's greasy hair gently and said, "Since I met you, we are destined!"

"But those bad guys will make trouble for big brother!" Yaya lowered her head silently, because he was kind-hearted and didn't want to make trouble for Jiang Siming.

"Don't worry! Brother, don't be afraid. My surname is Jiang, and my name is Jiang Siming. From now on, you can call me Brother Jiang! Will you call me Jiang Yaya from now on?" This kind little girl couldn't help feeling a little more pity.

"I'm going to do something with his brother first, and I'm taking Yaya to buy clothes, okay?"

"Thank you brother!" Yaya lowered her head and whispered.

A sense of inferiority comes from the day after tomorrow, and it may take a long time to change.

Jiang Siming shook his head. Although the social system in the main world is far stronger than that of the Douluo Continent, no matter how bright it is, there will be a dark side.

Jiang Siming is not a saint, he can't save everyone, and he doesn't have the will.Just being bumped into by myself, that can be considered fate.


Jiang Siming took Yaya to a gold and silver jewelry store first.


Although Jiang Siming and Yaya, who were dressed somewhat sloppily, didn't seem like people who wanted to buy things, the waiters didn't make too much trouble.

Entering the door is a customer, and the truth of doing business will never change.

Jiang Siming originally thought that he was going to use some pretense to slap his face, but it seemed that he was thinking too much.

"Hello, is gold recycled here?" Jiang Siming said politely, and took out a gold brick from his pocket.

The clerk at the reception couldn't help covering his face, and looked at Jiang Siming in surprise.

Gold is priced by gram, and a gold brick is taken out at once.Not everyone can do it, and not many people will go to gold shops to sell gold bricks, because the real rich don't need to get money from it.

"Excuse me sir, the value of your gold brick has exceeded my scope of functions, please wait a moment, I will report to the manager!" The clerk said apologetically, and then left in a hurry.

After a while, a fat middle-aged man ran over with a big smile on his face.

The middle-aged man looked at the gold bricks Jiang Siming placed on the counter, and immediately beamed with joy. This is a big deal!

"Sir, I am the manager, please follow me to the inner hall!"

Jiang Siming nodded and followed him to the inner hall.

"Sir, please give me the gold brick to appraise it first!"

"No problem!" Jiang Siming handed over the gold brick without any hesitation.


"Sir, your coffee."

"Another glass of juice, please." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

"Good sir." The waiter at the side bowed slightly and said respectfully.

After a while, a glass of juice was brought and placed in front of Yaya.

"Brother!" Yaya stared at the glass of juice in front of her with small eyes, full of longing, and kept swallowing.

"Drink!" Jiang Siming touched Yaya's little head and said softly.

"Thank you, brother!" Yaya picked up the juice in her little hand, and tasted it carefully, afraid that she would drink it all at once, and she would never drink it again.

Half an hour later, the lobby manager trotted over with excitement.

"Sir, your gold brick weighs three kilograms, the gold content has reached 96%, and the market price has reached 370 per gram. This is already a considerable amount. I need to report it to the head office. I really can't do it." Lord!" The lobby manager said hesitantly.

Jiang Siming looked at the fine-looking lobby manager, and said flatly, "350 a gram, I want to see cash! Is that okay?"

The purpose of the main world is to have money to do things easily, and Jiang Siming would rather let him make money than waste time.

Hearing what Jiang Siming said, the other party immediately smiled and said, "In that case, Wang will make an exception for Mr.


Holding a card of more than 100 million, Jiang Siming immediately took Yaya to buy a decent set of clothes, and took her to have a good meal.

To be honest, Douluo Dalu really can't compare with the main world in terms of food attainments alone.

Although many foods in the main world contain trace amounts of toxins, the human immune system can completely evolve these toxins. Of course, eating indiscriminately will still cause some nauseating diseases.

But to Jiang Siming, these toxins are naturally not a serious problem.

After that, Jiang Siming went to the post office to write a letter and sent 1000 yuan home.

This is also the result of Jiang Siming's deliberation. The elderly don't use bank cards very much, so it's better to come in cash.

The reason why I didn't send too much money was because my parents would not dare to spend it.It's better to send 1000 yuan first like ten years ago.

Things always have to be done step by step, and there must be a buffer space.


"Yaya is so beautiful!" Jiang Siming couldn't help pinching Yaya's pink face, and the dust faded away, and that delicate and lovely face was fully displayed.

Just when Jiang Siming wanted to take Yaya home.

Suddenly, a loud bang came from the north of the city.

Pedestrians on the road were discussing, what happened?I thought it was a military exercise!

Only the corners of Jiang Siming's mouth raised slightly, and there was an extremely strange fluctuation in the air at the moment, which was very similar to but slightly different from the soul power in Jiang Siming's body.

"There are also practitioners in the main world?" Jiang Siming murmured, but he was not too surprised.

The strange young people in the undead world were sacrificed by blood from the main world, so it means that there must be practitioners in the main world.

What Jiang Siming was curious about was how they opened the channel to other planes!

The reason why the evil soul masters of Douluo Continent are able to open up the world of the undead is mostly because the world of the undead is a demiplane attached to the Douluo Continent.

But the practitioners in the main world can also open the channel, which made Jiang Siming very curious.

But this also gave Jiang Siming hope of returning to Douluo Dalu.

"This world is not as simple as it seems on the surface!"

Jiang Siming was not in a hurry to find out. Now that cultivators are hidden from the world, some people dare to make such a big commotion in such a bright day. I am afraid that they have underestimated the power of technology in the main world!

Without Jiang Siming's perverted ability to teleport in space, it would be unrealistic to avoid satellites and cameras everywhere.

"Let's go, Yaya, let's go home!"



(End of this chapter)

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