Chapter 246

"How did they find us?" Xuedi still hadn't realized it, but she also believed that Jiang Siming would not aim at nothing.

"The power of technology!" Jiang Siming said lightly.

"Technology? What is that?" Xue Di said in a daze.

"You will understand later!"

Now that he is rich, Jiang Siming doesn't plan to live in that dilapidated little house forever.

I have to find a time to buy a house and buy some home appliances.

It doesn't matter if Jiang Siming and Xuedi live alone, they don't have much requirements for material life.

But now that there is an extra Yaya, Yaya has to go to school no matter what, it is really inconvenient to live in the suburbs!

No matter how poor you are, you can't afford poor education!

What's more, sooner or later he will pick up his parents to go to the city, and his parents are getting older. Jiang Si obviously must find a stable job so that his parents can feel at ease after they meet.



As soon as he entered the door, a petite figure immediately threw himself into Jiang Siming's arms.

"Brother, I thought you didn't want Yaya anymore!"

"Be good, Yaya, don't cry. How could my brother not want Yaya? My brother went to buy breakfast for Yaya!" Jiang Siming patted Yaya's back and said softly.

Xuedi, who was a little stunned, pursed his lips. He didn't expect Jiang Siming to have such a gentle side.

"Wipe your tears, crying will make you ugly, Yaya must look beautiful!" Jiang Siming gently wiped the tears from the corners of Yaya's eyes.

For Yaya, Jiang Siming is now her only relative.

Although they had known each other for a short time, in Yaya's heart she already regarded Jiang Siming as her only support.

"Yaya don't cry anymore, Yaya wants to become beautiful! I will marry my elder brother in the future!" Yaya stopped her sobs and said seriously with a small face.

"I..." Jiang Siming was choked and speechless. Who instilled these ideas in her at a young age?

"Yaya, you are my brother's sister. My brother does not want to repay you for taking care of you, you know? You can't say such things in the future!" Jiang Siming said seriously, and he couldn't help slandering secretly in his heart. He originally did a good deed, but now How does it look like child abduction.

"Oh! Got it, brother!" Yaya lowered her head and whispered.

Jiang Siming looked at Yaya who had done something wrong and shook his head helplessly. He had to send Yaya to school quickly, and pay close attention to ideological education.

"Come on, brother bought you breakfast, eat it quickly!"

"Bun!" Yaya looked at the steamed bun in Jiang Siming's hand, her eyes lit up!
On the simple small table, the three of them sat around together, which felt a bit warm.

"The food in this world is interesting, but it seems to have some strange toxins?" Snow Emperor frowned and said.

"Poison?" Yaya looked at Xue Di with some doubts, and there was a small bun stuffed in her mouth, which looked extremely cute!

Xue Di was stunned by this sudden gaze, his ice blue eyes were a little at a loss.

"Yaya, don't listen to sister Xue'er's nonsense, what kind of poison is there? Don't worry, eat it!" Jiang Siming looked at the awkward atmosphere and hurriedly said.

"Oh!" Yaya nodded half-understood, not only did not move away from Xuedi's body, she was obviously curious, but she didn't dare to speak!
What has such a little girl full of fear experienced?

Jiang Siming: "I have to go out later, you two stay at home and be good!"

Yaya wiped the oil stains from her mouth, and said obediently: "Yaya will be good."

"What are you going to do? I'll be with you!" Snow Emperor thought that Jiang Siming was looking for those practitioners and wanted to follow along.

"Forget it? You stay with Yaya. I don't feel relieved to leave her alone at home." Jiang Siming waved his hands, turned around and opened the door to leave.


City North Warehouse.

Jiang Siming pointed at the trembling little bastard, and said viciously, "You, bring your boss here!"

No matter how developed the economy is, and the social system is constantly being refreshed, there will always be some shadows, and punks are one of them.

Jiang Siming looked at the wailing hooligans and shook his head helplessly.

Jiang Siming wanted Yaya to go to school, and he needed an ID card to buy a house.But the tricky thing is that Jiang Siming has a black account now!
We can only attack them like the protagonists in urban novels!Make an identity for yourself!
Relying on Jiang Siming's strength to beat these weak gangsters was a piece of cake, and the few gangsters who beat them in a dozen breaths couldn't hold their heads up.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant! We are not easy to mess with!" The little bastard who was still standing backed up while talking harshly.

Sure enough, no matter how badly you are beaten, you must be in place!You can lose in a fight, but you can't lose in momentum!


In the Tianhai clubhouse, an extremely luxurious room.

Four hot and charming women are massaging a man with a long scar on his chest.

"Use some strength! Didn't you eat?" The man shouted coldly.

The maids couldn't help trembling, they knew that the man in front of them was not a good lord.

Suddenly the door was pushed open, and a burly muscular man approached.

"Boss, someone is causing trouble!"

The man who was sitting on the massage chair waved his hand, and several maids hurried out of the room as if they were about to receive an amnesty.

"Really?" The man stretched his waist with a lazy face, but the long scar on his chest was full of fierceness.

"Someone is making trouble?"

"I don't know. The brother who escaped said that there was only one person who came to make trouble. It seems to be a practitioner." The muscular man tilted his neck and said eagerly.

The lazy man smiled jokingly, "Why, are your hands itchy?"

"That's a little bit! It's been too comfortable in recent years, and some people have forgotten how we got started!" The muscular man licked his lips and said with a fierce face.

"Ah Zheng, be careful, I'm afraid he's not a simple person, if possible, catch someone alive! It's best not to kill anyone! I'm afraid they are sure of this when they do it at this time!
But since someone dares to make trouble, be prepared to bear our wrath! "


The muscular man named Ah Zheng clenched his fists and made crackling noises, a look of ferocity flashed in his eyes.


"Brother, you smoke!"

A gangster respectfully handed Jiang Siming a cigarette, and lighted Jiang Siming fawningly.

Jiang Siming took a sharp puff and spit out a big circle. The last time he smoked was 1 years ago.

"Boy has a future, I'm optimistic about you!" Jiang Siming patted the little gangster on the shoulder and said optimistically.

Looking at this scene, the other punks couldn't help cursing the traitor secretly.

Jiang Siming also had a panoramic view of the expressions of these people.The group of people in front of them can be regarded as gangsters at best.That's why Jiang Siming didn't kill him.

These people don't even have a murderous look on their bodies. It can be seen from the fighting that basically everyone has a set of eight punches, a set of moves that are as fierce as a tiger, and the result is only five damage.

 In the next chapter, I was blocked from playing sidelines. I will apply for lifting the ban as soon as possible. ˙˙()˙˙

(End of this chapter)

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