My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 249 Jiang Siming's Anger

Chapter 249 Jiang Siming's Anger

"Ma Zi, do you want me to arrange arrangements for you tonight?" Guang Jun smiled wretchedly.

"Forget it, it's not bragging, ordinary things can't catch my eyes!" Jiang Siming said disdainfully, pursing his lips.

"Hehe! I believe you! How did the two t's in the dormitory get here?"

"Cough cough."

Hearing what Guangjun said, Jiang Siming couldn't help but think of the unbearable past.Who hasn't been young and frivolous?
"Ha ha……"


Tianhai clubhouse.

A purple McLaren parked aggressively in front of the clubhouse, but was not stopped by anything.

It was Guang Jun and Jiang Siming who got out of the car.

"How is it? Brother, isn't this clubhouse pretty good?" Guang Jun said a little braggingly.

"It's not bad, it's not bad, but why does it look so deserted?" Jiang Siming said teasingly, curling his lips.

In front of the entire clubhouse, except for a purple McLaren, there is nothing else, which is extremely abnormal for a high-end clubhouse.

Guang Jun paused slightly, as if he was a little embarrassed and said, "You kid will hurt me as soon as we meet!"

Jiang Siming could see that the other party must have encountered some difficulties. After all, groups with a dark history like Guangyu Group are more likely to be targeted than ordinary groups.

"I said, let's do business safely and steadily from now on! In today's world, don't try to make a fool of yourself!" Jiang Siming reminded.

"Don't worry! I've put down all the dirty things in the past few years, but it's impossible for the company to accept everyone, but it's impossible for those brothers who have followed all the way to let them go! Sooner or later, I will give them a Settle down!" Guang Jun waved his hand and said.

Walking into the Tianhai Clubhouse, Jiang Siming was a little surprised by the magnificent scene in front of him. Although the Tianhai Clubhouse was far inferior to the local tyrant gold hall of the Qibao Liulizong, it was also Jiang Siming's first high-end place to enter and leave the main world. .

"Chairman!" The maids on both sides bowed respectfully.

A hot woman in uniform trotted over.


"Xiaohui, this is Mr. Jiang! From now on, I will enjoy all my privileges in the Tianhai Club!"

"Yes, Chairman!"

Lin Hui was slightly stunned, and looked curiously at the extremely handsome man beside Guangjun.

She has been with Guangjun for a long time, and it is the first time she has seen someone who can enjoy this kind of treatment.

"One box of Niulanshan, three boxes of Harbin beer! 500 barbecue skewers, delivered to the room I usually use!" Guangjun said.

"Understood!" Lin Hui replied respectfully, and when she left, she couldn't help but glance meaningfully at Jiang Siming, who was always smiling.

"This is what you call a big meal? It's shabby enough!" Jiang Siming complained without any politeness.

"Have you got it? Those high-end things are not as delicious as barbecue! Let's go!"

The two pushed and went upstairs, like two teenagers who hadn't entered the world, as if they had returned to their college days.


"Let's do it together!"

A cup of Niulanshan enters the throat, and the spicy feeling fills the throat cavity.

"Tell me, what happened in the past few years?" Jiang Siming said to Guang Junman.

"After you disappeared inexplicably, Tao Zi, Brother Long and I investigated you!" Guang Jun still drank a cup suddenly, and his eyes turned slightly red.

"What happened?" Jiang Siming had a bad feeling.

"Ma Zi, your life experience may not be that simple!" Guang Jun said suddenly with a serious face.

Jiang Siming's pupils shrank slightly, and he slowly put down the wine glass that had just reached his mouth.

"After you disappeared suddenly, the three of us were going to visit our uncle and aunt! It turned out that someone wanted to assassinate my uncle and aunt! Taozi and Brother Long are idiots, they are dead!" Guang Jun, who was so groggy in front of him, couldn't help but shed tears at this moment!
Guang Jun violently tore off the clothes on his chest, revealing a long, hideous scar.

"What the hell is going on!" An astonishing murderous aura radiated from Jiang Siming's body uncontrollably!
Jiang Siming was furious!Anyone who touches my brother will be killed!
"Who did it? Tell me!"

"My son, don't be impulsive! I've been investigating all these years, but I have no clue of the killer! It seems that there is a strong force blocking my investigation, but I found out that you were not born to your uncle or aunt. Great doubt!"

Feeling Jiang Siming's almost substantive murderous intent, Guang Jun said hastily.Although he didn't know what Jiang Siming had been through these years, he probably didn't have a good time!

"In recent years, I have also thought about bringing my uncle and aunt to protect me, but my uncle and aunt rejected my idea, and even rejected my funding. Fortunately, after this and that time, no killer will continue to act! Otherwise, I would His mother will live in guilt for the rest of his life!" Guang Jun clenched his fists desperately and said through clenched teeth.

Jiang Siming took a deep breath, trying to calm down the restlessness in his heart.

This is definitely the most complicated day for Jiang Siming. The parents who have raised him for more than 20 years are actually adoptive parents?
His brother died again inexplicably, Jiang Siming's mood was extremely complicated.

Jiang Siming patted Guang Jun on the shoulder, and said apologetically, "Thank you!"

"Come on? Who is with whom between us?" Guang Jun wiped away his tears and said with a look of disgust.

"Where are Brother Long and Taozi buried?" Jiang Siming poured another glass of wine into his throat. This time, he didn't deliberately dissolve the alcohol in his body. Jiang Siming needed to get drunk now.

My brother sacrificed his life to protect his parents!
What a great irony this is, as a son, he doesn't even know the murderer now!What's the use of Jiang Siming's extreme strength?

"I don't know, those guys took away the bodies of Brother Long and Taozi! I was stabbed and passed out. After waking up, I found myself in the hospital. After I was discharged from the hospital, I was relieved when I confirmed the safety of my uncle and aunt. One breath!"

"Plop" sound.

Jiang Siming actually knelt in front of Mr. Guang at this moment. Jiang Siming had never knelt in front of anyone except his parents.

Even if you are an emperor or even a god in Douluo World, you have never made Jiang Siming kneel down.

"Mazi, what the hell are you doing?" Guang Jun was taken aback, and tried to help Jiang Siming up, but found that Jiang Siming's knees seemed to be nailed to the floor, motionless.

"Puhui, you can afford this kneeling! You, Tao Zi and Brother Long saved my parents' lives! Jiang Siming owes you all!"

"Stand up for me! Otherwise, you're not my brother!" Guang Jun was drunk at the moment, pointing at Jiang Siming in a rage and yelling loudly.

Jiang Siming ignored Guangjun at all and brought up a glass of wine.

"This cup is toast to you, and to Taozi and Brother Long!"

"You bastard!"


That night, the two of them drank in the dark.Jiang Siming, who had never been drunk before, was completely drunk for the first time.

The two of them didn't know how much they drank, they only knew that the wine was a carton after carton!The barbecue on the table has not been touched!

 Chapter 244 is blocked, and it will take two days to unblock it.Book friends in some places may not understand, sorry m(._.)m
  it's all my fault

(End of this chapter)

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