My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 257: All the prosperity will come to an end!

Chapter 257 All prosperity will end!
Jiang Siming shook the air, and a embarrassed figure fell hard onto the rooftop.


The old man couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood again, his face was covered with a mixture of saliva and blood, which looked extremely permeable.

"Boy, if you kill me! Huangquan will never let you go! If you kill Guangjun, the old man will recommend you to join Huangquan as the deacon of Huangquan! Explore the end of cultivation and share the road of longevity!" The old man was completely panicked at this moment. Never expected Jiang Siming's strength to be so terrifying, it's simply unfathomable!In the opponent's hands, he is as weak as a newborn baby!
"The end of cultivation? The Dao of Longevity?" Jiang Siming seemed to have heard something ridiculous. If the goal of Huang Quan was really as the other party said, or the ambition was so lofty, how could he participate in secular disputes?
"Even if it is Yama, who wants to take my life with me! You have to weigh it! Huangquan? What is it?" Jiang Siming sneered, waving his palm, and slapped the old man fiercely with his huge soul power hand.

With a sound of "Boom", a human-shaped depression was left on the roof, and the old man was lying in the pit in a horrible way, with a look of despair on his face.

"As long as my life is spared, I would like to be one of your dogs!" The old man was already terrified at this moment, and the boundary between life and death had never been so blurred.

Jiang Siming walked slowly to the side of the old man, and asked coldly in a condescending manner, "Tell me, did Huang Quan participate in the assassination of Jiang Huanyuan and his wife ten years ago?"

Jiang Siming didn't believe that Tangtang's other party touched the Bai family and the practitioners just for a mere Guangyu Group.Jiang Siming suspected that it was related to the assassination back then!

Hearing Jiang Siming's words, the pupils of the terrified old man suddenly dilated, and a look of panic appeared on his face.But what a horror it is to overshadow the horror of death at this moment!

With full power of domineering aura, Jiang Siming at this moment is like a king descending into the world, ruling the world!

Jiang Siming's questioning was deeply embedded in the old man's soul, and your lofty attitude crushed the old man's spirit!


The old man shouted hysterically. His body, which was already deeply injured and exhausted, was beating his head desperately with strength from nowhere.

Jiang Siming was also caught off guard by everything that happened suddenly before him, but he was unfamiliar with the cultivation system of the world, and had no idea what happened to the other party!
But it is certain that the question Jiang Siming asked must have touched on a certain secret!
"Tell me! I'll help you end your pain!" Jiang Siming said hastily. He didn't want to let the other party die without asking anything.

"Blood catastrophe is coming! All prosperity will come to an end!"


With the last cry of death, the old man who was struggling desperately lost his vitality completely!

It hurts so badly!What a vicious and cruel method!

At this moment, Jiang Siming's face was full of solemnity, his mind was in chaos, and he couldn't figure out what was wrong?

If someone targets their parents, then it is impossible for parents to spend these ten years in peace!Then it is very likely that the assassination a year ago was just a trial!
Who is it for?Jiang Siming couldn't figure it out. Ten years ago, he was just an ordinary wage earner, so what was there to target?


Guang Jun patted Jiang Siming on the shoulder. At that moment, Guang Jun saw Jiang Siming's furious scene, in addition to being shocked, there was also a sense of strangeness that had never been felt in his heart.I and Jiang Siming are already people from two worlds!
"Pick out the ashes, I'll leave the corpse here to you first, I'm a little tired!" Jiang Siming shook his head, and disappeared without a trace in front of Mr. Guang.

"Mazi, forgive me! I just don't want Brother Long and Tao Zi to die in vain, so you must live!" Guang Jun said to himself with some self-deprecation towards the place where Jiang Siming disappeared, and lit a fire in his hand The machine was thrown at the struggling old man curled up into a ball.

The thick black smoke disappeared without a trace against the backdrop of the night!

The night is already deep.

Jiang Siming quietly returned to Villa No. [-] of Jingtai Haoting without alarming Xuedi and Yaya.

The living room on the first floor was exceptionally quiet, Jiang Siming sat on the sofa somewhat dejectedly, and lit a Yuhua stone.

To be honest, Jiang Siming originally guessed that the purpose of the old man was Lin Hui's special physique, and it was just incidental to help the Bai family acquire Guangyu Group.

I didn't expect that my random question would involve the events of that year!This also shows that it is not ordinary people who assassinate their parents, but practitioners or supernatural beings!
All of this is full of coincidences, and the assassination happened not long after he disappeared!

What's even more coincidental is that Taozi and Brother Long saved their parents, which is not normal at all!Perhaps the assassination was simply a temptation!
Could it be to test whether Jiang Siming is really missing?But what can a small employee who has no power to restrain a chicken do?What threat can it bring to these organizations with mysterious power?
Jiang Siming took a deep breath of the Yuhua Stone in his hand, unable to figure out the cause and effect relationship.Although all of this seemed completely like a coincidence, Jiang Siming's intuition told himself that it was definitely not just a coincidence!
"Blood catastrophe is coming, and all prosperity will come to an end!"

The old man's words before his death echoed in Jiang Siming's mind for a long time. What is the blood disaster?
"Ding, delay the bloodbath! Reward the Douluo Plane Portal!"

The sudden system notification sound shocked Jiang Siming, who had been a little slumped, and his head turned rapidly again!

An hour has passed.
three hours have passed
five hours.
The sun in the sky gradually rose through the layers of mist to shine on Jiang Siming's beautiful profile, but at this moment, the solid wood floor under Jiang Siming's feet was already piled up with soot, and his eyes looked a little red and swollen.

"This is my life? It's better to say it's a complete conspiracy!" Jiang Siming muttered to himself with some self-deprecation.

Maybe everything from the moment I came to Douluo has an exact script!So what is your own emotion and your own contribution?
"Do you understand now? You really let Gu down!"

The voice of the ancient king, who had been silent for an unknown amount of time, sounded again.

"You said that I am you, and I am also a king! But I don't think so, I don't have such great ambitions! I hope my life is simple enough, and occasionally pretend to be aggressive! My loved ones can be safe! This is what I want Live!" Jiang Siming continued with a hoarse voice:
"I don't want to be a hero!"

The ancient king was silent, this time he didn't mock Jiang Siming, he didn't call him a waste!
Rather than saying that the ancient king is Jiang Siming's past, for example, the ancient king is Jiang Siming's previous life.They have the same soul, but Jiang Siming has the heart of a mortal!
This is also doomed that Jiang Siming will never become king!
"Gu can tell you right now that this world has been restarted countless times!

Countless times your choice is so selfish, I have been trying to lead you to the right path!But in the end you will still become that cowardly old Taoist priest!
So what if you have more power?Even if it is Gu, who is Gu's opponent throughout the ancient future?Not even that old Taoist!But Gu couldn't stop a failure after all! "

"Whether it's the past or the future, only the present can be changed! Do you understand?" This was the first time that the ancient king had received so many words from Jiang Siming.

"What the hell is it? Since it's something that even you can't change, why did it fall on me?" Jiang Siming growled almost questioningly.

"Because the mistakes that Gu once made! It's also the mistakes you once made! It's not so much a mission, it's more like guilt! The only thing Gu has regretted!"

 Whether it is the past or the future, only the present is the only thing that can be changed.

  Come on for the college entrance examination!
(End of this chapter)

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