Chapter 26
Tang San here.

"Xiao Wu, are you alright?" Tang San just hugged Xiao Wu into his arms with eyes red from crying.

"Brother, I'm fine." Looking at Tang San's red eyes from crying, everyone was worried about her.Xiao Wu was more and more moved.

"Where's Jiang Siming? He's going to save you. Where is he?" Zhu Zhuqing's cold words carried a hint of worry.

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu in his arms, and you also asked, "Xiao Wu, brother Siming, is he alright?"

"Brother Siming, it's fine. He, uh. Anyway, there are some things to deal with. I don't know how long it will take." Xiao Wu said a little at a loss.After all, he didn't know where Jiang Siming had gone.Da Ming and Er Ming didn't tell her.

"I'm going to find him." Zhu Zhuqing said before leaving.

"Zhu Zhuqing, calm down. Xiao Wu said that Jiang Siming will be fine. Jiang Siming's strength is probably not worse than mine. If he can't beat him, he can still escape. Since something happened to hold him back, it means that this matter is true. It's very important. It's useless to go with your strength." Zhao Wuji stopped Zhu Zhuqing in time.

Just as Tang San was about to say something, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the jungle.The surprise attack launched against Tang San, Tang San's mental power is extremely powerful.Feeling the danger, the legs exerted force quickly, and he did a backflip, avoiding the fatal blow.However, the powerful shock threw him violently.After many times of buffering, Tang San supported the ground with one hand and suffered some skin trauma.

The black shadow was gradually exposed in front of everyone.The alternating black and red lines look very strange.An oval shell that looks like an ugly bug.

"Be careful! It's a blood beetle. It should be ten thousand years old. Everyone is ready to disperse and retreat at any time. Xiao Ao, Flying Mushroom Sausage." Tang San made the most correct judgment.Zhao Wuji was already injured, and none of them could stop the ten thousand year blood beetle.

When Oscar heard this, he immediately threw everyone out of the flying mushroom sausage.Oscar didn't have combat missions, so he made a lot of flying mushroom sausages to prevent accidents.

Then everyone ate the flying mushroom sausage.A pair of red transparent thin wings protruded from the back.

Everyone then fled in different directions.

The blood beetle let out a weird roar.Quickly curl into a ball.He randomly chased after Zhu Zhuqing.No one expected that this soul beast would be so decisive.

Flying mushroom sausage effect will disappear soon.Zhu Zhuqing looked at the blood beetle that was chasing after him.It seemed to recall the same scene that year.

The wings on Zhu Zhuqing's back turned into a little bit of light and slowly dissipated in the air.

With a buffer, Zhu Zhuqing landed safely.He looked at the blood beetle that was chasing after him.Quickly mobilize the soul power to move forward quickly.

"No, my soul power will be exhausted sooner or later." Zhu Zhuqing gritted his teeth, still not giving up.

"If that person is still there, will he save me?" Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help showing a rare smile.

The long chase game has angered the blood beetle.After the blood beetle let out a roar, it speeded up.Long tentacles protrude from both sides.

The distance between Zhu Zhuqing and the blood beetle is rapidly shortening.

He could feel the breath of death getting closer and closer behind him.Zhu Zhuqing slowly closed his eyes.

The blood beetle's long tentacles were about to touch Zhu Zhuqing.

There were three sounds of steel colliding behind him, followed by a loud bang.

Jiang Siming, who came back to look for everyone, heard movement in the distance.I feel bad in my heart.Quickly rushed over.

Unexpectedly, when I first arrived, I saw Zhu Zhuqing, a sexy girl with a vulgar blood beetle and salty trotters.

Can Jiang Siming agree?Immediately, he swung three swords and knocked out the blood beetle, the scum of the soul beast.

Zhu Zhuqing felt himself falling into a warm embrace.

When Zhu Zhuqing opened his eyes again, he was already hugged by Jiang Siming.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the profile of the handsome man hugging her, and became more and more convinced that Jiang Siming was the one who saved her back then.

"It's okay." Jiang Siming turned his head, looked at Zhu Zhuqing who was staring at him and said.

Looking at Jiang Siming's dark eyes, it seemed that there was magic attracting Zhu Zhuqing.

"Zhu Qing, are you okay?" Jiang Siming looked at Zhu Zhuqing in surprise.

"No, it's okay." He buried his head in Jiang Siming's chest as he said, and his chest that had begun to take shape also pressed against Jiang Siming's body.

Jiang Siming thought of a sentence in his mind, "Little friend, do you have a lot of question marks?"

"No, Zhuqing. Men and women can't kiss each other." Jiang Siming felt a blush.Although it is said that he has lived two lives, Jiang Siming is a real virgin!

"Jiang Siming, were you the one who saved me in the Star Forest five years ago?" Zhu Zhuqing buried his head deeply in Jiang Siming's arms.He hugged Jiang Siming tightly with both hands, as if he didn't want Jiang Siming to leave for a moment.

"Five years ago? Let me think about it. Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. It seems to be the case. But I never leave my name when I do good deeds, and I often help old ladies cross the road." Jiang Siming said shamelessly.In his heart, he sighed secretly, as if he was going to steal his brother's wife!
"Can you marry me?" Zhu Zhuqing said straight to the point.

"No, Zhuqing, is this repaying your favor?" Jiang Siming said in surprise.There was a rush of carelessness in my heart, "Does this count as abducting an underage girl!"

"From childhood to adulthood, in my life, there has never been any help. There has never been warmth in the family. You are the first person who is willing to help me. The person who helped me escape the fate of the family." Zhu Zhuqing said slightly sadly Said.

Jiang Siming then slowly pushed Zhu Zhuqing away.For some reason, I have deep sympathy for the stubborn and resolute girl in front of me.

"Zhuqing, calm down. In fact, I didn't know at the time that it was a test for your family. I just did what a righteous soul master should do. If you want to thank me for helping you escape the fate of your family, then If you want to force yourself to like me, then have you fallen into another prison?" Jiang Siming really said to him suddenly.Jiang Siming is not Liu Xiahui, who is not in trouble, but with the modernization thinking of his previous life, Jiang Siming cannot accept the so-called repayment of kindness with his body.

Zhu Zhuqing lowered his head, his eye sockets gradually turned red, and tears kept swirling in his eye sockets.

"What's wrong with me?" Zhu Zhuqing seemed to be questioning.

Jiang Siming couldn't help touching Zhu Zhuqing's hair.Lifting her head, she gently wiped away the tears with her hands.

"Don't cry, you are fine, Zhuqing, we are still young. Sometimes when two people are together, it is not a momentary impulse. It is a long-term touch. The impulse is always short-lived, and the rest of the time can only be helpless Accept it silently. I don't want you to make a wrong decision, but make you unhappy. In that case, I will blame myself." Jiang Siming enlightened carefully.

"Can you give me a chance? Let me prove it." Zhu Zhuqing looked firmly into Jiang Siming's eyes.

Jiang Siming really didn't know how to deal with it.But he didn't want to disappoint Zhu Zhuqing.

"Okay, then let's start a trial period first. Let's be boyfriend and girlfriend. If you regret it, tell me." Jiang Siming rubbed Zhu Zhuqing's soft hair.

If you want to say that a beautiful lolita girl confesses to you, Jiang Siming, an old virgin with two generations, won't be moved, it must be a lie.However, Jiang Siming had a dream of pursuing pure love based on the view of love in his previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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