My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 261 Capture a little mouse alive!

Chapter 261 Catch a little mouse alive!

A home cooking restaurant.

"The salary is limited, so I can't invite you too well!" Xue Yalin said with some embarrassment.

Jiang Siming received the other party's misunderstanding, thinking that he would eat high-end restaurants every day because he was driving a supercar.

Not to mention eating high-end restaurants, Jiang Siming rarely even came to home-cooked restaurants in his previous life.

To put it bluntly, poor words run through life!
"It's okay, I'm not picky!" Jiang Siming said with a smile.

Xue Yalin looked at the sunny and handsome man in front of her, and couldn't help being a little surprised. It wasn't Jiang Siming's handsomeness that fascinated her.

It's because looking at Jiang Siming before, I always felt that the other party had a gloomy atmosphere, but now he has become extremely sunny and confident.

In the noisy restaurant, the quiet atmosphere at Jiang Siming and Xue Yalin's table seemed very out of place.

"Ask whatever you want!" Jiang Siming looked at Xue Yalin who glanced at him from time to time, feeling uncomfortable, and said a little funny.

"Really? So you are going to tell me!" Xue Yalin said with a surprised smile.

"Ask me, but I won't tell you!" Jiang Siming said seriously.

"Then you might as well not say it." Xue Yalin couldn't help but give Jiang Siming a blank look.

"By the way, what did the director tell you? Should you be able to tell me this?"

"Then why don't you ask him yourself? Since he doesn't want to tell you, I won't tell you!" Jiang Siming shook his head. Liu Yuanshan is a good policeman, and Jiang Siming didn't want these things to make him feel more guilty. .

"Are you going to the class reunion next month?" Xue Yalin asked tentatively.

Jiang Siming knew that the other party was still testing him, so he replied, "If you have time, you can go and have a look!"

"Then it's settled, give me your phone number, and I'll notify you when the time comes!" Xue Yalin said hastily, for fear that Jiang Siming would go back on his word.

If the Jiang Siming in front of him is really the Jiang Siming back then, then he should also know something about the other students in the class.Xue Yalin wanted to use this class reunion to test Jiang Siming again.

After the meal, the two exchanged phone calls and left.

Jiang Siming looked at the sky and stretched, with a murderous look in his eyes.The first thing Jiang Siming has to do now is to find out the truth ten years ago!

Avenge Brother Long and Tao Zi!

At present, although Jiang Siming has no clue, the practitioner who claimed to be from Huangquan who killed that day must know something about Huangquan.

Jiang Siming is a little strange now, since those mysterious forces in the dark are very concerned about Jiang Siming, why they don't take the initiative to look for Jiang Siming now.

Since the people from the Ability Supervision Bureau had already come to Jiang Siming, those people must have known that Jiang Siming was back.

What Jiang Siming has to do is to create momentum, so that those who hide in the dark can't sit still, and jump out on their own initiative!

Guangyu Building, Chairman's Office.

When Guangjun was having a headache from the stack of documents in front of him, Jiang Siming suddenly patted Guangjun on the shoulder from behind, making him jump.

"My mother, you bastard, can you stop scaring me all the time? Are supernatural beings amazing?" Guang Jun couldn't help but give Jiang Siming a blank look.

Jiang Siming smiled, and jokingly said, "Daytime is dead, has the Bai family made any moves recently?"

"What can we do? The gangsters of Tenglong Group have been very stable recently!" Guang Jun said while handing a piece of top-quality blue and white porcelain to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming snapped his fingers, a flame burst out from his hand, and he set himself on fire very pretendingly.

"No, I saw that you were not in a good mood a few days ago! Give me this pretense today!" Guang Jun couldn't help laughing and cursing.

"They're all useless!" Jiang Siming said meanly, waving his hands.

"The Bai family has such a great influence in Dongjiang Province, it is impossible for them to die for a day, and they killed a cultivator that day. You'd better be careful."

Guang Jun waved his hand, and said jokingly: "Let's not talk about this first, tell me first, when did you get married? You even have a doll! You are not righteous! You have to let the little guy recognize me Father!"

"Damn it! When did I get married? Yaya is my sister! Although not my own sister!" Jiang Siming hurriedly explained.

"You liar! Who is that beautiful woman who lives in Villa No. [-]? Don't tell me that she has nothing to do with you? They're all living together! I don't know who to bring here to meet me, and I'll give you a staff officer!" Guang Jun said with a face of disbelief.

Jiang Siming spread his hands, and didn't bother to explain. He probably didn't believe the other party, and then said solemnly, "Dig the ashes, you don't need to secretly investigate what happened back then. Leave it to me to solve it! That matter was not yours." It's as simple as imagined, it's not just a Bai family! It's not just Huangquan involved!"

Hearing what Jiang Siming said, Guang Jun was a little silent, sighed slightly and said, "I know we are not the same way now, and the world you see is more real than I do!
Although I have been investigating the events of that year, I know that I will never know the truth with my ability!Just lying to myself!Now that you're back, my thoughts are broken!
Mazi, I know you will definitely investigate to the end!But you, don't lose it!I don't want to put another stick of incense on Qingming every year! "

Jiang Siming looked at Guang Jun moved, and nodded slowly.Although I was in a mess in my previous life, I was able to make three heart-to-heart brothers!Jiang Siming felt that his work was not in vain!

"Okay, let's sit at home tonight! That bitch doesn't like to go out very much, and I can't bring her out to see you." Jiang Siming patted Guang Jun on the shoulder and said.

"Hey, you still have bronchitis?" Guang Jun said with some contempt.

"I've said it all, I have nothing to do with her. If you really want to see my wife, you may not be able to!"

Jiang Siming could see Guang Jun's yearning for his own abilities, but Jiang Siming cultivated the Wuhun system, which cannot be taught!
However, Jiang Siming completed the system's tasks and obtained the Douluo World Portal, so he may not be able to bring Guang Jun to the Douluo World.


After leaving Guangyu Building, it was not too late, Jiang Siming drove the car casually, and gradually drove to the outside of the city.

With Jiang Siming fully throttled, the purple McLaren will flash by in a flash.

Finally, it stopped in front of an abandoned factory.

After getting out of the car, Jiang Siming leaned against the car door and stretched, as if talking to himself, "Aren't you tired after following me for so long?"

After coming out of Guangyu Building, Jiang Siming felt the changes in the surrounding magnetic field. It seemed that all the cameras focused on Jiang Siming intentionally or unintentionally.

"Aren't you coming out yet?" Jiang Siming shook one hand, the space in front of him fluctuated, and a hole was torn open.A embarrassed figure fell down.

"how is this possible?"

The woman stumbled to her feet and looked at Jiang Siming in disbelief.

"Catch a little mouse alive!"

Jiang Siming looked at the other party jokingly. The other party should be the space-type supernatural being that Xu Zhiwei mentioned that day.But for Jiang Siming, the opponent's ability to use space is still too immature.

"Can you tell me which faction you belong to? This is closely related to your life." Jiang Siming said with a sneer, and he would not feel sorry for the other party just because he was a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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