My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 276 The Qin Family Has an Invitation

Chapter 276 The Qin Family Has an Invitation (Merged)
"Are you here?" Jiang Siming finally showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the silent atmosphere, more than a dozen figures sneaked into the Bai Family Manor silently.

Under the night, 18 figures formed a weird circle, their hands quickly formed seals, bloody streamers spread from their feet, and outlined a strange bloody formation.

A strange chant echoed in the air.

The deep chant seemed to possess magical powers, and with the faint stream of blood, everyone showed a look of madness and obsession.

"What's going on here?" Jiang Siming also heard the faint singing, but he didn't feel it at all, and even felt a little harsh.


Suddenly, an 18-bone chain drilled out from the ground directly pierced through the chests of the 18 people who were obsessed with it.

"Why! My lord! Help me!"

Painful and unbelievable cries did not slow down the rapidly draining vitality!

Viscous blood trickled down the bone chain, the flickering light of the bloody formation became more and more dazzling, and the swaying ripples were like wriggling bugs, making people shudder!

"Even my own people are not spared! You are really cold-blooded!" Jiang Siming's eyes were slightly dignified. Originally, he wanted to see what the other party was up to, but he didn't expect such a move. Who would have thought of it?

This posture seems to be some kind of ritual, Jiang Siming can't tell, is it sealing something?Or summon something?But such a bloody method must be a bad thing!
A huge eye broke through the ground, and the hideous and evil hole seemed to be examining the world.

"What the hell is this? Why does it always feel familiar?" Jiang Siming muttered to himself.

The giant eye at this moment is exactly the same as the demon eye summoned by the evil soul master in the swamp, except that the demon eye in front of him is obviously a shrunken version.

However, when Jiang Siming arrived, the devil's eye had already turned into a channel vortex, so he had never seen the form of the devil's eye.

The huge pupils in the darkness kept wriggling, and the ground trembled slightly, as if it might burst out of the ground at any moment.

"Turn your flesh and blood into a prison, and use your soul to be imprisoned forever!"

The majestic voice sounded from nowhere, echoing in midair.

Jiang Siming could feel the energy in the air converging towards the 18 people.

"Do you want to make a move? It seems to be sealing something!" Jiang Siming muttered to himself.

The dozens of figures in front of him might have something to do with the Underworld, but an inexplicable feeling told Jiang Siming that he couldn't do anything!

Feeling the oppression, the devil's eyes trembled crazily and wanted to break free, but the red light of the bloody formation shrank sharply.

The body pierced by the bone chain shrank rapidly. Knowing that the devil's eye, which was originally three or four meters in diameter, turned into a bead, the 18 figures were completely withered, as if they had been dead for many years!
Suddenly, a huge hole was torn apart in the space above the bead transformed by the devil's eye, and a big hand stretched out to grasp the bead, pulling it closer to the crack in the space.

"Leave it to me!" Jiang Siming took advantage of the fact that the crack in the space hadn't completely closed, and picked up the Absolute Immortal Sword, making every move to separate the world.

At the last moment when the space crack closed, sword energy was successfully injected into it.After all, Jiang Siming's movements were one step slower!
"Who the hell is it?" Jiang Siming murmured.

Jiang Siming looked back at the eighteen haggard figures, deep in thought.

What the hell was that huge eye just now?Why did the feeling that affected my emotions just now arise?

Jiang Siming's head was a little big for a while, which made his already poor IQ even worse.


In a dark and strange space, like the Shura field of hell, a throne of bones is suspended in the air strangely, and a strange figure is contemplating on the throne of skeletons.

"Master, you are injured!"

"Speed ​​up the collection of demon eyes! Our time is running out!" A majestic voice echoed in the air from nowhere.

"Understood! But as for that person, are we really going to let him go? If this subordinate can ensure that His Royal Highness is safe and sound, kill him!" The figure on the Skeleton Throne asked with some doubts.

"Do your job well!" The majestic voice sounded again, this time full of coldness.

"Yes! My lord! This subordinate is talking too much!" The figure on the throne looked respectful, not daring to overstep.


Inside Villa Nine.

"Miss Xue'er, I don't intend to offend you! I just want to invite nephew Simingxian to my Qin's house to have a talk."

It was Qin Bei who spoke, but the snow emperor opposite was as cold as a thousand years of ice, staring at Qin Bei vigilantly but didn't say a word.

"Miss Xue'er, you should tell me something!" Qin Bei also looked helpless.

The woman in front of her who was so beautiful that she even surprised her, except for telling her name at the beginning, she never said a word after that.

Qin Bei could feel the terrifying chill emanating from Xue Di's body, and knew that the other party was not an ordinary person.

"Come to find fault?"

A hand was caught off guard on Qin Bei's shoulder.

"I'll go!" Qin Bei was taken aback, and when he turned around, he saw Jiang Siming looking at him with a displeased face.

"I..." Before Qin Bei could finish his sentence, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

At this moment, the two of them were already in the wasteland outside Jiangcheng.

"Listen to me." Qin Bei seemed a little flustered, he could feel Jiang Siming looking at him very unkindly.

Before he could finish another sentence, a huge fist came over.

"Wait a minute. Don't slap your face!"


"Beast! Don't slap your face!"


The screams were continuous and lasted for half an hour.

"Huh! It's so comfortable!" Jiang Siming looked refreshed.

Jiang Siming was a little upset that he made a trip for nothing this time.Qin Bei hit the muzzle of the gun!
Qin Bei, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog just now, stumbled up.

"You no no no no."

Qin Bei, who was swollen like a pig's head, couldn't even utter a complete sentence at this moment, and stared at Jiang Siming with resentment.

"Get out! I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense with you right now!" Jiang Siming said a few words before disappearing in place.

Qin Bei, who was stunned in place, looked confused at the moment, messing around in the wind alone.



Jiang Siming reappeared in Villa No. [-] with a relaxed face.

"Where have you been? I've experienced the aura you have in Douluo World before." Xuedi asked, frowning.

"Huh? What breath?" Jiang Siming also frowned.

"It seems to be similar to the breath produced by those evil soul masters when they treated me as a sacrifice, but there seems to be some difference. I'm not sure!" Xue Di shook his head slightly.

"Is it a giant eye?"

Snow Emperor nodded.

Jiang Siming touched his chin, lowered his head in thought.

"It seems that the bastard youth should have been sacrificed by the people of Huangquan and Hell. So the so-called blood disaster in Huangquan and Hell may have come from that undead world?"

The stagnation in Jiang Siming's heart loosened a little, if the blood disaster that the underworld and Huang Quan were worried about was the invasion of the world of the undead.Jiang Siming wasn't so worried anymore.

After all, what is scary is not the strength of the enemy, but the unknown danger.

But after thinking about it, Jiang Siming frowned slightly again.

"What does the world of the undead have to do with me? Could it be that I will open the world of the undead?"

"What are you talking to yourself?"

Jiang Siming raised his head and saw Xuedi looking at him like a fool.

Jiang Siming pursed his lips, and said with some resentment, "I found out that you have failed your studies!"

"Ha ha!" Said Xue Di, and went upstairs without looking back.


"I shouldn't have bought her a mobile phone in the first place! Don't learn from the good ones, and learn from the bad ones, and even use it!" Jiang Siming said with black lines all over his head.


Jiang Siming, who finally had some clues, was in a much happier mood. Although he still didn't know much about the underworld and Huangquan, he had at least understood some of the other party's goals.

If the world of the undead can cause troubles to Huangquan and the underworld, their strength and background will not be enough to threaten Jiang Siming.

The next day, after Jiang Siming sent Yaya to school, Qin Bei's extended Lincoln stopped in front of Jiang Siming again.

"I wonder if you have a tendency to be masochistic!" Jiang Siming said seriously.

Qin Bei's face was black, and his face was full of Tee Mo.If you can't fight again, what should you do?There were still bruises on his face from yesterday's beating.

I am a dignified golden core monk, and I never even have a chance to fight back against the opponent!It's a shame, and what's even more sad is that the other party is a few years younger than himself!
"My old man would like to invite you to Qin's house for a talk! Set up a date for you and Keqing as soon as possible."

"The marriage contract was made by Li Changsheng, what does it have to do with me?" Jiang Siming refused without any hesitation.

"Big brother, I'll call you big brother, okay? If you don't go, the old man will have to skin me! Let's put aside the matter of the marriage contract, and you haven't seen it yet, so why make a decision so early? You just go with Let me go!" Qin Bei was completely discouraged, and said pleadingly.

"Not interested!" Jiang Siming said and was about to get out of the car and leave.

"Wait!" Qin Bei hurriedly pulled Jiang Siming back.

"We'll talk about whether to marry or not? Don't you want to know why Huangquan and the underworld haven't taken action against you? You did what happened to the Bai family, right? The Bai family is a chess piece of Huangquan, and you pulled it out. However, Huangquan Difu can bear it, don't you think it's strange?"

"Say!" Jiang Siming was still expressionless, but in fact Jiang Siming was also very curious about this point.

"I don't know about this matter, only the old man knows." Qin Bei shook his head helplessly.

When did the Qin family take so much trouble hiring someone?Even the other four families didn't give face so badly, Qin Bei felt a pain in his heart!
Jiang Siming paused, lowered his head and thought.

Seeing that the other party finally hesitated, Qin Bei couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.She secretly said arrogantly in her heart, "Wait! When you marry my eldest niece, I will let you call me second uncle! You must be subdued!"

"Don't go!"

"That's right, wait, what did you say? Don't go!" Qin Bei's eyes were about to pop out, so why did you think for so long just now?playing me?

"Do you need to be so shameless? Why did my old man support you back then, or did you think that Li Changsheng, the number one heir of the Li family, would be able to keep you? The old man was the real head of the Qin family back then!"

"Then go!" Jiang Siming nodded.

Qin Bei: "..."

In fact, when Qin Bei mentioned Huangquan and the underworld, Jiang Siming was already preparing to go to the Qin family to find out.Just go as soon as you say, isn't it too shameless?
"Give you some time to prepare. I'll pick you up tomorrow. Then don't go back on your word!" Qin Bei is afraid of the old man in front of him. It doesn't matter if he is strong, but the key is to be shameless and act like a strong man nor.


The bored Jiang Siming wandered the street casually, his super handsome appearance attracted a lot of attention.

Suddenly a phone call came in, making Jiang Siming, who was in a good mood, look a little gloomy.


Tianhai Elementary School.

In the office, Yaya stood aside with an aggrieved expression on her face.

"Mr. Wang, I'm not that unreasonable person. Today I only asked the parents of this little girl to apologize to my son. I can stop pursuing it." Because the middle-aged man with a greasy head Said.

Wang Nan also had a look of embarrassment, and there was nothing wrong with it.It is inevitable for children to make a lot of trouble and be naughty.

Both parties are responsible, but the middle-aged man in front of him is obviously a protective type.

"Dad, forget it!" The little boy behind the middle-aged man tugged at the corner of his father's clothes, with a troubled expression on his face.

"Mr. Liu, you haven't understood what happened. Are you a little hasty? It's normal for children to have some conflicts, and we can't use extreme methods to deal with it?" Wang Nan said seriously and calmly.

"My son is being bullied, can I ignore it?" The middle-aged man said more and more excitedly.

Originally, the middle-aged man didn't want to make a big deal out of it, but he couldn't hold back his excitement for a while, so it developed into a situation that is already a bit gunpowder.

"Oh!" Wang Nan also sighed in embarrassment.

The office door opened slowly.

Jiang Siming walked in with a gloomy face, looking at Yaya who was crying with pear blossoms and rain.

"So what happened?"

"Mr. Jiang, please don't be angry!" Wang Nan was also amnesty at this moment, and finally someone came to share some pressure.

"It's like this..."

"How do you want to deal with it?" Jiang Siming asked flatly.

Jiang Siming didn't want to make this matter a big deal, and he didn't need to get angry because of the conflicts between the children. He wasn't that narrow-minded yet.But if the other party is aggressive, then no wonder Jiang Siming.

The middle-aged man was also stunned. He didn't expect the other party to be so young and speak so confidently. Could there be something to rely on?

 I feel a little sick today, the update is late ()
(End of this chapter)

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