Chapter 278
"Mazi, if one day I stand against you, I hope you will not be soft!"

The black line on Jiang Siming's forehead became more and more dense, and he said with a serious face, "There will never be that day! You will always be my brother!"

Guangjun smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Some people are born without a choice. This is the shackles of blood, the shackles of fate!" Guang Jun said indifferently.

"I was born with no talent for cultivation. I am neither a supernatural being nor a cultivator. I thought those disgusting things would never concern me, but fate made me meet you!"

"As the little Highness of the Temple of the Wheel, I face my brother on the one hand and my father on the other. I can only choose to escape!"

"Turning Wheel Hall?" Jiang Siming couldn't help but frown, he had never heard of this name before.

"Everyone in the practice world knows about the Underworld and the Underworld, but they don't know about the truly terrifying Ten Temples of Hades."

"Ma Zi, in fact, the day I met you, I had the idea of ​​killing you! It's just that I didn't expect to become good brothers with you by accident. Maybe this is fate!
I have no cultivation talent, and I will never be able to inherit my father's position.I don't want to be a waste in the eyes of others, I want my father to be proud of me!But I still can't do that, because you are my brother! "Guang Jun said with a smile, but he was full of helplessness.

"Since the end of the last great era of cultivation and the fall of the leader of Huangquan, Bianhua, there has been no distinction between Huangquan and Hell. And now only my father, the King of Hades, is left in the Ten Palaces of Hades! My father's greatest wish is to be able to Restart the era of great cultivation! However, his most beloved son is a waste! How ironic!"

"The death of Taozi and Brother Long is also because of my hesitation! I could have stopped everything, but I hesitated!" Guang Jun's tears kept dripping down, and the deep self-blame hidden deep in his heart was completely Erupted.

"I'm the one who's sorry for Brother Long and Taozi!"

Jiang Siming looked at Guang Jun in front of him with mixed feelings for a while, he didn't expect that his good brother's father not only almost killed his adoptive father and mother, but also killed his two brothers.

"Mazi, don't let Lin Hui fall into my father's hands! Then there will be no room for change!" Guang Jun roared.

"Let me calm down!" Jiang Siming waved his hand wearily, even though he had already made some guesses before that.But the joke of fate seemed to be a bit too big, which made Jiang Siming a little unacceptable.



Jiangcheng at night was much more lively than during the day, and Jiang Siming's depressing atmosphere seemed incompatible with the lively atmosphere.

His enemy is his good brother's father, Jiang Siming is actually a little self-deprecating at this moment!Brother Long and Taozi had to take revenge, but Jiang Siming was caught in a tangle at the moment.

"Handsome guy, can you add a WeChat account?"

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend!" Jiang Siming forced a grin and said.

"Wait a minute, handsome guy! Give me some face!"

Jiang Siming smiled politely as before, but didn't intend to stop.

"Boy, I think you're quite crazy! Our sister Lan asked you for a phone number, is it so disrespectful?"

A group of people immediately gathered around.

"Handsome guy, you can't escape my palm!"


There seemed to be a faint coercion in the deep voice, which shocked everyone present.

Jiang Siming was in a bad mood at the moment, and these people were at gunpoint.

While everyone was in a daze, Jiang Siming didn't want to be too serious, so he left directly.


The swimming pool on the top floor of Villa Nine.

Jiang Siming sat alone, looking at the gray sky, drinking loneliness alone.

Is Guangjun wrong?
No!He was right.Between two difficult choices, everyone hesitates.

What makes Jiang Siming sad is not Guangjun's deceit and concealment, but that he has hesitated in his determination to take revenge at this moment.

Maybe this is the situation that Guangjun faced back then, with his best brother on the inside and his father on the other.

Now that it's Jiang Siming, if that moment comes, will he really be able to do it?Wouldn't Long Ge and Tao Zi's revenge be avenged?Could it be that the brothers turned against each other?Or never get in touch with each other!This is not what Jiang Siming wants to see!
"No matter what, the Underworld must be destroyed!"


Three days passed in a flash, and Jiang Siming almost calmed down his emotions.

Brother Long and Taozi have to avenge their revenge, perhaps this is just a trick of fate.

That stretched Lincoln stopped in front of Villa Nine.

When Jiang Siming got into the car, Qin Bei looked at Jiang Siming with a smile on his face.

"Let's go! The old man has already made preparations over there, and he's ready to wash you off! Take advantage of this opportunity, and let's see you clearly. Maybe your mind will change. But..."

"Can I trouble you to shut up!" Jiang Siming frowned, really speechless about the chatter in front of him.

Qin Bei was quite sensible. He could see that Jiang Siming was not in a good mood, so he obediently kept his mouth shut.No way, the weak have no right to speak.


Yanjing Tianhong Airport.

The two of them took the special plane of the Qin family and enjoyed the top service.But Jiang Siming wasn't in the mood to experience it right now.

What made Jiang Siming's mood worse was that as soon as he got out of the hatch, he saw a dozen supercars parked outside, and a group of arrogant young people in the second grade.

"These guys really came! It seems that you have aroused their great interest!" Qin Bei looked at Jiang Siming's reaction with some curiosity.

But what disappointed him was that Jiang Siming was still expressionless, and Qin Bei couldn't help feeling a moment of silence for these guys in front of him.

A few days ago when Jiang Siming was in a good mood, Qin Bei was swollen like a pig's head when he was in a good mood. Now Jiang Siming is gloomy. If these guys really annoy Jiang Siming, I'm afraid it will really end badly. .

Jiang Siming's formal style is not afraid of anything, he dares to openly challenge Huangquan Jifu, and he, the second master of the Qin family, can beat him up as soon as he wants!

"Li Tianming, your big nephew is older than you! Don't be overwhelmed by that time! Then it will be a joke." The undisciplined young man leaning on the Bugatti Veyron, turned aside Li Tianming Said.

"Ye Mingshan, in terms of seniority, you should also call me second uncle, besides, do you need your Ye family to take care of our Li family's affairs?" Li Tianming also responded unceremoniously, even though he was a little upset with Jiang Siming, However, there is no room for outsiders to intervene in their own affairs.

"Brother Ming, that's what you're talking about! Aren't we all here to support you? If you really lose your momentum in front of a bastard! Then you'll lose face!" Another The young man next to the supercar also said in a strange way.

These people said they were here to cheer, but in fact they were just here to watch the fun.

Li Tianming has black lines all over his head, even though he is superior to this group of people in terms of seniority.But the actual age is there, and the strength is also similar, and the actual right to speak is not high.

(End of this chapter)

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