My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 29 Special Training Begins

Chapter 29 Special Training Begins

"Our training starts today. I don't care if you are ready or not. The only thing I ask of you is to obey." The master said seriously.

"Understood!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"Now, according to your number, carry the basket with the corresponding number on your back. You are not allowed to use your soul power, and run around the village 100 times." The master pointed to the basket full of stones behind him.

"This is terrible!" Ma Hongjun couldn't help but said.

"Fatty, if you don't want to be a grass chicken for the rest of your life, you have to climb 100 laps." Dai Mubai said full of fighting spirit, strictly speaking, Jiang Siming and him practiced together the longest.And now the gap between them has widened to unimaginable proportions.Although his soul power has always been much higher than that of Jiang Siming, in terms of combat power, there is no comparison at all.Even if Dai Mubai couldn't compare to Jiang Siming, he didn't want to be far behind.

Everyone is not discussing.They all picked up their baskets.Recently started running laps.Only Jiang Siming stayed where he was and looked at the master suspiciously.

"Teacher, don't I need to practice today?" Jiang Siming always felt a little bad.

"You don't need to carry a basket, look there." The master pointed to the boulder not far away and said.

"No! Teacher. I can't hold or carry such a big rock at all." Jiang Siming said helplessly with one hand.

"This is not something I should consider. You need to solve it yourself." The master grinned, turned and left.

"Well, it seems that I can only be tied and dragged with a rope." Jiang Siming quickly tied the stone with a rope and tied the end of the rope around his waist.

Taking a deep breath, he started chasing the Shrek Seven Monsters.It left a long trail on the ground.

"It's really heavy! But fortunately, I can hold on." Jiang Siming's physical fitness has reached a terrifying height.In terms of physical fitness and potential alone, I am afraid that few people can compare with it.

Jiang Siming slowly caught up with the Shrek Seven Monsters.

"Boss Dai, did you hear a strange sound?" Ma Hongjun asked suspiciously when he heard the sound of Jiang Siming dragging the stone.

"I said fat man, you haven't even arrived yet, did you start to hear hallucinations? I said long ago that you should lose weight now." Dai Mubai said mockingly.

"Boss Dai, I seem to have heard it too. It came from behind us." Tang San said.

Everyone glanced back one after another, turning their heads back in horror.Only Zhu Zhuqing looked at Jiang Siming with some distress.

"I'm going, am I really dazzled? Boss Dai, is Siming really human? It's too perverted." Oscar said in disbelief.

"The more we understand Brother Siming, the more we feel that there is a huge gap between us and him. But we must not lose heart, and we must not let Brother Siming leave us too far. Come on everyone!" Tang San said encouragingly.

"Little San is right, everyone, come on!" Dai Mubai shouted.

"Come on!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"The momentum is good." Jiang Siming squeezed into the ranks of the team.

"Listen to me, the speed is even. Don't create too much gap. Exhale after three steps, inhale after three steps." Jiang Siming reminded.

Everyone followed suit.

After each lap, the master asked them to drink a glass of salt water and continue to run.

After 25 laps, everyone's physical strength began to decline.

"Rongrong, can you hold on?" Oscar looked worriedly at Ning Rongrong, whose face was flushed.

"I'm okay." Ning Rongrong said with difficulty.As the proud daughter of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, she became the bottom existence among the Shrek Seven Monsters.Ning Rongrong didn't say anything on the surface, but she was very unwilling to admit defeat in her heart.

"Everyone, calm down. We have the same number of stones in our baskets. However, there are auxiliary soul masters in our team, which does not match our respective physical fitness. The teacher can't make such a mistake. So it must be to let us share the burden by ourselves." The weight of the stones in the basket." Tang San speculated.

"Little San is right. Master should be testing our flexibility and team spirit." Jiang Siming agreed.

"Zhuqing, give me your basket." Jiang Siming said worriedly.Zhu Zhuqing's face was already a little red.

"No need, I can do it." Zhu Zhuqing looked at Jiang Siming firmly.Jiang Siming is so good, Zhu Zhuqing wants to work hard to match Jiang Siming.

The relationship between two people is always cracked because of one party's inferiority complex.

Jiang Siming naturally saw Zhu Zhuqing's careful thinking.To love someone is to give enough respect.Jiang Siming chose to respect Zhu Zhuqing's choice.

"Okay, but if you can't hold on anymore, you must give it to me." Jiang Siming said in an inviolable tone.

"Yes." Zhu Zhuqing wanted to refuse at first, but looked at Jiang Siming's firm eyes.I was moved in my heart.

"Okay, you two stop showing your affection. It's too difficult for us." Dai Mubai couldn't help but said.

After the 50th lap, Zhu Zhuqing's basket had already reached Jiang Siming's body.The baskets behind Tang San and Dai Mubai also became heavier and heavier.

On the 100th lap, Zhu Zhuqing was already lying in Jiang Siming's arms.Dai Mubai also had an Oscar on his chest, and Ning Rongrong was on his back.Xiao Wu lay on Tang San's back.

"There is still the last 100 meters, it's almost there." Jiang Siming also said with some difficulty.

Finally everyone fell at the finish line.Only Jiang Siming stood holding Zhu Zhuqing, gasping for breath.

"Si Ming, you are so amazing. I was thinking about repairing this road a few days ago, but today you will finish it for me. But this is voluntary, and the dean will not pay you." Flender said jokingly.

The road around the village has been flattened by boulders.Jiang Siming smiled helplessly.

"Flender, take them to the medicated bath. Jiang Siming, stay here," the master said.

"Teacher, can I send Zhuqing back first?" Jiang Siming looked at Zhu Zhuqing in his arms with some worry.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here." The master turned around and said lightly.

A quarter of an hour later.

"Teacher, you have something to do with me." Jiang Siming said respectfully.

"Si Ming, your talent is the strongest I have ever seen in my life, and it is even unprecedented. Do you regret asking me to be a useless person as your teacher?" The master said with emotion.

"Teacher, although we haven't been together for a long time, I, Jiang Siming, respect you and admire you." In the original book, the master treats his disciples with great care.For Tang San, he did not hesitate to fight Poison Douluo to the death, and even went to meet the person he least wanted to see for Tang San.The master has suffered a lot of indifference in his life, so as long as someone gives him a little love, he will definitely repay it.

So Jiang Siming doesn't regret it, Douluo World is a world where the strong are respected.It is not easy to find someone who is trustworthy and willing to give his life for you.

"Good boy. You are a good boy." The master's eyes were slightly red.He patted Jiang Siming on the shoulder.

"Si Ming, I'm actually looking for you. I want to ask about your ultimate combat ability." The master said straight to the point.

"If you try your best, you can kill a level 60 soul emperor." Jiang Siming didn't count the external soul bone and the second martial soul.After all, Jiang Siming didn't want to expose these two hole cards early.Although the master is not an outsider, Jiang Siming didn't bother to explain.

"Are you sure it's a kill? Not a defeat?" the master said in disbelief.

"With my current strength, I have about a 60% chance of winning against Mr. Zhao. It should be enough to kill a level [-] soul emperor." Jiang Siming put his chin on his head and thought for a while.

"Okay! I need to think about your training plan. Let's go first." The master touched his chin and said in thought.

"goodbye teacher."


(End of this chapter)

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