My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 307 Jian Tongming's Cleverness

Chapter 307 Jian Tongming's Cleverness
"It's nothing." The woman shook her head, her lips moved slightly, but she still didn't say anything after all.

"Go ahead, strengthen your guard!" The leader soul master ordered in a low voice.

The whole team moved forward slowly again.

"What's the matter with you, Wei Na? You are not someone who dares to say something!" Another woman with a cold temperament who was a little suspicious at the side asked with some doubts.

The woman named Wei Na replied in a low voice as much as possible, "I seem to feel the breath of another Heavenly Sword."

"What? You actually brought out the Heavenly Sword!" the woman with a cold demeanor said incredulously.

"My father asked me to carry it for self-defense, but I didn't expect that there was another Heavenly Sword in the Star Dou Forest. I just don't know which force it is from! The other party should have sensed me, and we will meet sooner or later " Wei Na said with some concern.

Those who can wield the Heavenly Sword are definitely not idle people, they must be people from the four superpowers.

"Why don't we hurry up and leave! Although the Heavenly Swords have signed a non-interference treaty, you are not the current owner of this Heavenly Sword." The woman with a cold temperament frowned and said persuasively.

"No, we're already here! We can't just go back without getting anything. Besides, if the other party really wants to attack me at such a short distance, it's impossible to escape unless I give up the Heavenly Sword." Wei Na shook Shaking his head, he said firmly.


"Mu Xue, listen to me! If the other party really attacks us, I will definitely put everyone's life first."


The place where Shrek and his party are located in the distance.

Jian Tongming finished absorbing the soul ring of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, and everyone was going to rest for a while to replenish their physical strength.

Huo Yuhao was grilling the meat hard. The meat of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear was very delicious.

Jiang Siming, who was leaning on the big tree at the side, raised the corners of his mouth a little interestingly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I go!"

Huo Yuhao, who was preparing to cook bear paws, yelled in surprise.

"what happened?"

Wang Dong'er rushed up immediately, looking like a little daughter-in-law.

"What a strange soul bone!" Huo Yuhao took out a crystal clear hand bone from the bear's paw.

Xuanzi, who was happily nibbling on the barbecue at the side, also flashed over quickly when he heard Huo Yuhao's words.

"External spirit bone! You guys are really lucky!" Xuanzi said with a sigh after taking the spirit bone.

Soul bones are things that can be encountered but not sought after, and it is even more difficult to obtain external spirit bones. I didn't expect to be met by these little guys so easily.

"What about this soul bone?" Xuanzi subconsciously glanced at Jiang Siming who was still leaning against the big tree and remained indifferent.

Seeing that the other party didn't respond at all, I thought the other party meant to let me allocate.This caused Xuanzi to be in trouble all of a sudden.

Xuanzi was more inclined towards Huo Yuhao and the others in his heart, but Jian Tongming was Jiang Siming's apprentice after all, and he was countless times older than himself in terms of seniority, not to mention that this soul beast was killed by Jian Tongming, who should it be given to? ?
After Xuanzi analyzed a wave, because Wang Donger already possessed the left and right arm spirit bones, he lost the conditions for competition.

So there are only three other people who can absorb this spirit bone.All of a sudden, the three of them looked at you and me, but they didn't know what to say.

This is a soul bone, and it is a unique external soul bone.Who can have no selfishness?

"Old Xuan, I give up!" Jian Tongming said suddenly.

The others, including Xuanzi, looked at Jian Tongming in shock, unable to believe the other party's choice.

Logically speaking, Jian Tongming killed the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear. He should be the most competitive one. Why did he give up?
"Don't look at me, my sword is my only weapon! Loyalty to my sword is my choice!" Jian Tongming said with firm eyes.

Xuanzi couldn't help but took a deep breath, able to resist the temptation of the external spirit bone.It's no wonder Jiang Siming likes such a mind.Even if the talent is mediocre now, he will definitely be able to create a path with his own strength.

"I respect your choice, and I believe that you will be able to rely on your own strength to reproduce the original glory of the Seven Killing Sword!" Xuanzi said sincerely.

Huo Yuhao and the others also looked at Jian Tongming in admiration. With such a thing on them, could they really make such a determination?

Jian Tongming nodded at several people, and then walked towards Jiang Siming who was beside him.Leave the soul bones to Huo Yuhao and Xiaoxiao to compete.

"Master" Jian Tongming lowered his head as if he had done something wrong.

Jiang Siming looked at the other party with interest, even he didn't expect that this kid would give up the external spirit bone.Didn't all my previous arrangements come to nothing?
The reason why Jiang Siming didn't make a move immediately was that he hoped that the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear would be killed by Jian Tongming.In this way, other people would not compete with Jian Tongming for this soul bone if they had any shame.I just didn't expect this kid to give up by himself.

"Are you trying to gain their friendship through a soul bone?"

"Or are you trying to curry favor with them?"

Jiang Siming's words pierced Jian Tongming's heart like a sharp knife.

"Master, I..." Jian Tongming lowered his head in shame.

Although what he said just now sounded good, Jian Tongming was actually very reluctant in his heart.After all, it is an external soul bone, how could it be possible not to be tempted?

"Sword holders, it is better to bend than to bend. This kind of careful thinking should be played less in the future."

"I don't care whether what you just said is true or false, since you have said it, you must do it! Be loyal to your sword!" Jiang Siming said majesticly.

"Yes!" Jian Tongming nodded heavily.

"After a while, I will take you to a place where I have trained. I hope you can stick to it."

"I will definitely not disappoint Master's hope." Jian Tongming said firmly.


In the end, the soul bone still fell on Huo Yuhao, and Jiang Siming had nothing to say about this.

The four of them embarked on the journey of finding a suitable soul beast again.


"What do you think of the little guy Jian Tongming?" Jiang Siming asked Xuanzi, who was at the side.

"The ideal is lofty, but I'm afraid this road will be full of thorns." Xuanzi couldn't help but shook his head and said.

He is not a fool either, the chance of Jian Tongming having such a high awareness at such a young age is still very small.As for what's tricky in it, Xuanzi, who is a human being, couldn't point it out in public.

"I think he can succeed because he is cruel enough to himself!" Jiang Siming nodded in satisfaction as he watched Jian Tongming go away.

Giving up an external soul bone not only gained the friendship of the three of them.Moreover, he was forced to strengthen his own path, which was a wise choice.Although it is a little smart, but still smart.

(End of this chapter)

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