Chapter 316
"Who dares to come to my Asura Temple to act presumptuously!" That majestic and familiar voice sounded again.

"So what if you're presumptuous? Come and bite me if you have the ability!" Jiang Siming said shamelessly.

So what if the other party is God Shura?After all, the power of the God Realm could not come to the Douluo Continent completely, and it could not threaten Jiang Siming at all.

"Boy, don't be too presumptuous! The old man can beat you into a pig's head with a wave of his hand, do you believe it?" The majestic voice suddenly became a little annoyed, as if he didn't frighten Jiang Siming and make him a little angry.

Jiang Siming was really curious now, as if the other party was waiting for him here on purpose.Jiang Siming was 100% sure that he did not trigger the inheritance mechanism when he came, but the other party woke up.

And this voice was inexplicably familiar, but for a while, I couldn't remember who it was.

"Hehe!" Jiang Siming couldn't help but rolled his eyes, it was useless for the other party to say such unnutritious words.

"Do we know each other?" Jiang Siming asked tentatively.

The majestic voice suddenly fell silent.

"Since you don't tell me, I'm not interested in knowing! Bye bye!" Jiang Siming pretended not to care, as if he was ready to leave at any time.

"Wait! You kid, has your curiosity been eaten by dogs?" The voice sounded again, but it was different from the previous majesty, since it brought out a bit of helplessness and laughter.

"Who the hell are you?" Jiang Siming really felt that the other party's tone was very familiar.

"I didn't expect you to forget even me in 1 years!" A faint sigh slowly remembered, and there was a hint of sadness in the air.

In front of the Shura Temple, there was an old man with white hair and a sword style, looking at Jiang Siming not far away with a smile on his eyes.

For some reason, Jiang Siming's glasses frame got a little wet, but he couldn't restrain the smile on his face.

The figure in front of him was so familiar, Jiang Siming always smiled like a fool.Involuntarily walked towards the old man in front of Shura Temple.

"I knew you, old fellow, would not die so easily..."

Jiang Siming made a sudden effort, and rushed to the old man in an instant, hugged him fiercely, and patted his back heavily.

"You bastard, you suddenly disappeared while playing with the old man! Do you know that I thought the old man would send the white-haired man to the black-haired man!"

The old man slowly pushed away the agitated Jiang Siming.In his heart, he had long treated Jiang Siming as his own child.

"Bad old man, do you know that I always thought you were dead?" Jiang Siming said excitedly with a smile.

That's right, the old man in front of him is Jian Daochen Xin!
According to the plot in the original book, Sword Douluo would be killed by Rakshasa God, so Jiang Siming always thought that Sword Douluo would not be able to escape this catastrophe without himself interfering with the plot.However, he did not expect that the other party not only survived, but also became the new Shura God.

"The old man also took your light, otherwise it would not be my turn to take the position of the five great god kings!" Sword Douluo said with a smile, seeing Jiang Siming again, Sword Douluo was also very happy!

"Taking my light? What happened back then? How did you become the God of Shura, an old fellow?" Jiang Siming said with a little doubt.

"After that battle, the Spirit Hall basically existed in name only. Just when the two empires thought that the Spirit Hall was completely destroyed, Bibi Dong actually became the Rakshasa God! And Bibi Dong's daughter Qian Ren Xue has also achieved the position of the God of Angels. Suddenly, the pressure on the two empires is unprecedentedly huge!"

"Fortunately, Xiaosan has also achieved the Seagod position, but it still seems a bit difficult to face the two great gods at the same time." Sword Douluo said.

"So you should be at a disadvantage!" Jiang Siming asked while rubbing his chin.

"That's right, everyone thought we were doomed at the time. It's just that God Shura and the God of Evil descended suddenly, and they just chose me and your little girlfriend. In the end, we turned defeat into victory!" Sword Douluo was a little grateful He looked at Jiang Siming intently.

Being in the position of the five supreme beings, Sword Douluo knew far more than the others.He also clearly knew that he was able to obtain the god position at the beginning, it was entirely out of the evil god and Shura god who wanted to please Jiang Siming.

"These two guys are really generous!" Jiang Siming was also a little dumbfounded.

Jiang Siming never expected that the God of Evil and the God of Shura would be so decisive. In order to please Jiang Siming, they gave away two supreme gods.This is almost handing over half of the rights in the God Realm to others!

"Seriously, do you know how many people are worried about you when you disappear? The biggest advantage of you kid is that you can take care of things by yourself. But this is also the biggest disadvantage, you are only you Is it?" Jian Douluo said with a face full of resentment.

"As if you can help me?" Jiang Siming complained without saving face.

Hearing what Jiang Siming said, Jian Douluo went up and slapped Jiang Siming away, and said with a frustrated face.

"You kid has grown up!"

Jiang Siming in the distance patted the dust off his body, stood up with a wicked smile on his face.

This is the familiar taste!This is the correct way for two people to get along!
"Bad old man, don't blame me for not reminding you. It's fine for you to bully me now, but be careful that I bully the one above!" Jiang Siming pointed shamelessly at the top of his head.

"The one on the top? Which one on the top?" Jian Douluo suddenly asked in confusion.

Jiang Siming looked at the other party with contempt, and said with a sneer, "Fake it! You keep pretending! You old man, you still have such a high combat effectiveness when you are old! I really didn't expect it!"

Sword Douluo: "???"

"Hey! Could it be the romantic debt you owed when you were young? There seems to be big news in this wave!" Jiang Siming said more and more jokingly.

"Damn! What the hell are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Jian Douluo said angrily after being stared at by Jiang Siming's meaningful eyes.

Jiang Siming looked at Jian Douluo and I was already a little angry, and he was no longer trying to hide it, and said bluntly:

"I met the descendants of the Seven Killing Sword in Shrek Academy, and I'm training on it right now."

"You mean to say that you met the descendants of the Seven Killing Sword!" Jian Douluo said with wide-eyed disbelief, rubbing his chin and thinking repeatedly.

"This old man actually has descendants!" Jian Douluo seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly laughed like a child.

Suddenly Jian Douluo's expression changed, and he stared at Jiang Siming with wide eyes.

"What did you just say? The descendants of the old man are practicing above?"

"What's wrong?" Jiang Siming scratched his head, not understanding the other party's sudden impatience.

"Did someone tell you that you are a pervert?"

(End of this chapter)

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