My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 32 Despicable and Shameless Jiang Siming

Chapter 32 Despicable and Shameless Jiang Siming
Jiang Siming saw that everyone was asleep and unconscious.Feeling like a headache, it's impossible to leave them here, no matter what?But fortunately, Sui Yu Xuan is a combination of board and lodging.Jiang Siming passed Zhu Zhuqing's silky jade legs with one hand, and carefully picked her up.

Jiang Siming slowly moved to the front desk and said softly, "Please open eight upper rooms."

The lady at the front desk looked at Jiang Siming strangely.I don't blame people for thinking about it, you said that you came to open a room with a drunk girl in your arms.It is too big to ask for eight upper rooms at once.But she is just a receptionist, so she naturally knows what to say and what not to say.

Jiang Siming's face was full of helplessness, who said he ran into a group of drunks?I can't drink, and I'm pretending.

"Sir, I'm sorry. There are not so many rooms anymore, and now there are only four upper rooms. Do you see?" The lady at the front desk said respectfully.

Jiang Siming thought for a while, Boss Dai, Xiaosan, Oscar, Fatty and the four of them can live in one room.Xiao Wu and Rong Rong each have a room.There's only one room left, God's will!Jiang Siming unconsciously stood where he was, laughing foolishly.

"Sir, sir. Are you okay?" The lady at the front desk looked at Jiang Siming more and more strangely.

"Ahem, it's okay. Well, I need four rooms." No matter how thick-skinned Jiang Siming was, he couldn't bear it.

"Okay, here is your room card." The lady at the front desk said respectfully.

Jiang Siming returned to the private room and looked at the people who were already snoring.Looking at Zhu Zhuqing in his arms, he burrowed into his arms again, feeling helpless on his face.The evil god's hook slowly stretched out from behind.Throw Dai Mubai and the others into their room first.Just as he was about to go out, Jiang Siming's bad taste suddenly came. After 1 minute, he looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, closed the door and left.If the Evil God Hook could speak, he would definitely scold Jiang Siming. This is the first time I used Lao Tzu for this kind of thing. I am not a human, but you are a real dog!

Then they arranged Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong to their own rooms respectively.Still carrying Zhu Zhuqing to the last room.The evil god hook lifted the quilt, Jiang Siming held his breath, and carefully placed Zhu Zhuqing on the bed.

"En." Zhu Zhuqing hummed softly.

Jiang Siming's mother complained in his heart, "What are you doing? Don't do it."

Compared to Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong.Zhu Zhuqing's development is so exaggerated that it cannot be exaggerated.

"Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form." Jiang Siming thought silently for a while.Slowly pull up the quilt and cover it for Zhu Zhuqing.

Then Jiang Siming sat cross-legged on the ground and went through the mirror training every night.

What Jiang Siming didn't know was shortly after he closed his eyes.Zhu Zhuqing suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the not so handsome man in front of him.A happy smile appeared, and then he closed his eyes drowsily.

the next day.

"Ah!" There was a loud scream.It woke up Jiang Siming.Immediately, he found that there was an extra blanket on his body, and looked at Zhu Zhuqing who was still sleeping soundly.Jiang Siming stood up cautiously and came to the bedside.The sun shone on her eyelashes, trembling slightly.It may be the reason why he drank too much wine last night, and there was still a faint blush on his face.Jiang Siming couldn't help scratching Zhu Zhuqing's tall and straight nose lightly.

The cute little face wrinkled his nose slightly.After waking up leisurely, Zhu Zhuqing opened his eyes and saw Jiang Siming who was close at hand.Panicked for a while, he pulled up the quilt with both hands and buried his head in the quilt.

"Little slob, get up. You have a soul fighting competition tonight, and I'll take you shopping during the day, okay?" Jiang Siming said softly.

Zhu Zhuqing stuck out his eyes tentatively and blinked, expressing his agreement.

Suddenly there was another quarrel, which attracted the attention of the two.Jiang Siming turned his head away with a wretched smile.He probably guessed that it was Tang San's person.The two of them washed up and left the room.

When he came to the hall, Jiang Siming saw Dai Mubai and others looking at him angrily, even Tang San, who was always calm, lost his eyes for a while.

"Jiang Siming, tell me, did you do it?" Dai Mubai hissed.

"Impossible, this is fake. What I dreamed about last night was obviously" Oscar was still shaking his head in disbelief.

"Jiang Siming, let me tell you. I am not pure anymore." Dai Mubai said sadly.

Jiang Siming watched the joke go too far.Hurry up and confess.

"I was wrong, I was wrong." Jiang Siming begged for mercy.Zhu Zhuqing beside him had a puzzled look on his face.

"What happened?" Zhu Zhuqing asked Jiang Siming.

"Don't say it, or I will kill you." Dai Mubai hastily stopped.If you let the girls know that the four big men slept all night without clothes on, they won't be able to raise their heads in the future.

"It's so noisy, what are you arguing about here so early in the morning?" Rong Rong and Xiao Wu were also woken up.Fortunately, the other people in Suiyuxuan are people with a little money, and they are very discerning.Seeing how extraordinary these people are, they didn't want to make trouble.

"Boss Dai, I was wrong. Forgive me." Jiang Siming said suddenly and seriously.Of course, this is obviously a way to confuse the "enemy".

"Brother Siming, why don't you get beaten up by us today? How can you make up for my young heart?" Ma Hongjun said weeping.

Tang San came back to his senses, and also nodded.

Oscar glanced at Ning Rongrong, his face blushed unknowingly.Dai Mubai looked at the disappointing Oscar, and pushed him.Signaling him to unite the front.

"Oh, yes. Siming, we must beat you up this time. Be obedient and tie yourself up," Oscar said.

"Okay, let you deal with it. I don't use soul skills or martial souls, and I just stand still and let you beat me up, how about it?" Jiang Siming spread his hands helplessly.

Dai Mubai and the others obviously achieved their goal, so they said viciously, "It's not too bad, but you have to dare to tell this matter. I will die with you."

"Okay, but let's forget about today? You guys still have a game tonight." Jiang Siming said, "Cool, cool, I'm scared."

Now that they exchanged glances, they all nodded.

They nodded, but Xiao Wu and Rong Rong didn't agree.

"Brother, tell me, what's going on? Why didn't I understand after listening for a long time?" Xiao Wu looked at Tang San and asked.

Tang San smiled awkwardly, but didn't speak.After all, it is really hard to say.

"Little Ao, tell me." Ning Rongrong saw that Tang San had no breakthrough here, and asked Oscar instead.

Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong, wanted to say but Dai Mubai covered his mouth.

"Zhuqing, just ask, aren't you curious? What if Brother Siming did something to offend you?" Ning Rongrong said to Jiang Siming provocatively.

"Rongrong, don't talk nonsense. I'm your brother Siming." Jiang Siming was in a hurry, why did he involve himself?
"No, I'm not curious. I trust Siming." Zhu Zhuqing said gently, holding Jiang Siming's hand.

Ning Rongrong still wanted to ask, but Dai Mubai hurriedly stopped, "Rongrong, you just have to remember. The four of us sacrificed a lot in exchange for a chance to defeat Jiang Siming."

(End of this chapter)

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