My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 342 Ning Ritian

Chapter 342 Ning Ritian

"Shrek Academy never pursues hegemony, I just provide you with a choice. Besides, after breaking away from the Sun Moon Empire, who else on this continent do you think can provide you with protection besides Shrek Academy?" Xuanzi confidently said, Said.

Shrek Academy has stood for thousands of years not only because Shrek Academy does not participate in power disputes.It is because of the huge and profound foundation that there is no one person or country on the mainland that can shake it.

"I need time!" Jing Hongchen said in a low voice.

"I told you to give you ten days to think about it. After ten days, Shrek Academy will announce it to the world! Hall Master Hongchen will be the honorary dean of the Soul Guidance Department of Shrek Academy!" Xuanzi said lightly.


In a certain city in mainland China at the moment, Jiang Siming, who is really having fun, doesn't know that the plot has changed a lot.

"Xiaoer, a jug of wine and two dishes of side dishes."

"Alright, sir!"

Jiang Siming felt very comfortable while drinking the high-quality Hua Diao while looking out the bustling window.

"Have you heard? There is another super master on the mainland!"

In the restaurant, more than a dozen people gathered around a wine table, discussing in full swing at the moment.

"When did it happen? Why haven't I heard anything about it?"

"That's because you are ignorant. Some time ago, a super master appeared in Mingdu, the capital of the Sun Moon Empire. I heard that even the dark holy dragon, Dragon Emperor Douluo Long Xiaoyao, who had been reclusive for a long time, appeared in Mingdu!"

"I've been talking for a long time, let's talk about the main point! Which faction's master is it?"

"Which one else could it be? Shrek Academy! I have to say that Shrek Academy has been standing for thousands of years, and its foundation is quite profound!"


Listening to these remarks, Jiang Siming unconsciously raised his mouth a little.This feeling of being hidden in the city, pretending to be forceful and invisible is not bad.

"Brother, drinking here alone, don't you feel a little lonely?"

A handsome young man in expensive clothes sat down opposite Jiang Siming uninvited, looking at Jiang Siming with a smile.

Jiang Siming frowned slightly, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Drinking alone is really boring, Xiaoer has two jars of sorghum spirits!"

"Okay, guest officer!" The waiter also replied very happily.The wines sell well and they also take a high commission, so they are naturally happy to hear this kind of big customers.

"Under Ning Ritian! I don't know your surname?" You asked politely, young man.

"Your surname is Jiang, and your name is Sima!" Jiang Siming drank the wine in his cup and replied with a smile.

"Guest officer, please use your wine slowly!" Xiaoer carried two jars of sorghum wine with some difficulty.

Jiang Siming was not stingy either, and directly threw a gold soul coin over.

"Reward you!"

"Thank you, guest officer! Thank you, guest officer!" The waiter also smiled happily, nodding and bowing.A gold soul coin is worth half a year's income.

"Looking at Brother Jiang's extraordinary behavior, who is he from?" Ning Ritian asked with a smile.

"I'm used to meeting people by their alcohol capacity. After drinking for three rounds, let's talk about other things!" Jiang Siming directly opened the sorghum wine jar in front of him, and the strong aroma of wine permeated instantly.

"Okay! Then Ritian will give up his life to accompany the gentleman today!" Ning Ritian didn't pretend, and was too lazy to drink that jar of wine.

"drink wine!"

The two directly used the wine jar as a cup and drank happily!

The other people in the restaurant were also stunned, blowing a lot on the bottle directly.But there are really very few people who directly blow to the jar!
After drinking for three rounds, Ning Ritian's cheeks were slightly flushed.

Jiang Siming nodded secretly, he could see that the other party was also a soul master, and he didn't hold a lot of alcohol.In this case, since there is no use of soul power to evaporate the alcohol in the body, it has to be said that it is the right way to behave in the world.

"If Brother Ning is going to die, you don't have to be too persistent!" Jiang Siming said with a smile.

Ning Ritian didn't take it too seriously, he waved his hand and said, "Brother is a good drinker!"

"We can have a good chat now, where did I behave abnormally, which aroused my brother's interest!" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

Ning Ritian's expression changed slightly, he took a deep breath, and tried his best to sit upright on the stool.

"Xiongtai's portrait has been known to all major forces, and it is not easy for Xiongtai to hide in the city!" Ning Ritian said meaningfully.

"So fast?" Jiang Siming wasn't too surprised, he was already famous in Shrek Academy.It should be considered normal for his own portrait to spread.

"Let me formally introduce myself, the chief disciple of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. Ning Tian is my younger sister."

"Oh?" The corner of Jiang Siming's mouth raised a smile. The other party should know that he rejected Ning Tian, ​​and he could still talk so peacefully.It is indeed a bit of a gentleman!
"Brother Jiang, please don't get me wrong. I don't mean to blame. I just want to make friends. After all, a genius like Brother Jiang is destined to become a generation of powerhouses in the mainland in the future. Because of my Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect martial spirit Being special, it is natural to maintain a friendly attitude towards a genius like Brother Jiang." Ning Ritian can be said to have lowered his attitude very low.

"Really? Rumor has it that the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile School possesses the Seven Heavens Sword, so why do you care about that?" Jiang Siming said with a meaningful smile.

"Hehe!" Ning Ritian suddenly smiled wryly, but didn't say anything more.

Jiang Siming read something from Ning Ritian's expression, it seemed that something happened to Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School.The key to this situation is obviously related to the Heavenly Sword!
"Rongrong, it seems that the things I left behind not only did not help the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School, but seemed to harm them." Jiang Siming couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

"Brother Ning and I hit it off right away. I wonder if I can recommend it? I just want to visit the number one auxiliary sect in the mainland, okay?" Jiang Siming asked tentatively.

Ning Ritian did not expect that Jiang Siming would take the initiative to make such a request, but it happened to be in Ning Ritian's arms.Originally with the intention of making friends, the other party put forward such a condition and it would be more conducive to Ning Ritian's performance.

"Since brother Jiang thinks highly of it, I naturally have no objection." Ning Ritian agreed with a smile.


In the Star Dou Great Forest thousands of miles away.

A 6000-year-old sword-shaped grass was cut off with a single sword!
"Junior Tongming's strength seems to be stronger again!" Huo Yuhao couldn't help but praise.

He didn't mean to cater to Jian Tongming, but a real compliment.Being able to kill a 6000-year-old soul beast with the strength of the soul sect is not an exaggeration in the Arabian Nights!
The other people accompanying him couldn't help but nodded, their strength was also recognized by them.

"Thank you senior for the compliment, it's actually okay!" Jian Tongming couldn't help scratching his head, being praised by this group of geniuses is something to be proud of.

(End of this chapter)

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