My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 352 Sloppy

Chapter 352 Sloppy

At this moment, Jiang Siming, who is far away in the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School, is enjoying the hot spring comfortably.

A slender figure slowly emerged from the hazy mist, with surging power hidden under the tight white muscles.

There were glistening drops of water hanging on the wet hair, but a pair of eyes as deep as black holes showed a sense of leisure at this moment.

"Is it finally here?" Jiang Siming's eyes suddenly changed, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and he murmured.

From the moment Jiang Siming stepped into the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile, he sensed that there were only six sword seals in the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect.And now the seventh sword seal also appeared in the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile School.That means that one of the royal family of the Sun Moon Empire has also arrived at the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Although Jiang Siming didn't know why his things fell into the hands of the Sun Moon Empire, there must be something tricky about it.Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect can't just be a power dispute between internal and external sects.

The Sun Moon Empire probably also played a considerable role in it.Jiang Siming has been waiting for Ning Caichen to tell him everything, but the other party doesn't seem to trust him.Or there are other plans.


"It's already this time, are you still in the mood to take a hot spring here?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded, but Jiang Siming, who was still enjoying the hot spring, seemed not to have heard it, and was still at ease.

"What? Even you have shot, it seems that I can't hide my strength!" Jiang Siming sighed slightly, and said with some disappointment.

"It's still too late to go, otherwise you will die without a burial!"

The cold voice sounded again, even with a little fear in his tone, without the slightest intention of joking.

"Let me die without a place to die? It's a pity that no one in this world can do this yet."

"I'll give you a piece of advice! Don't let Ye Xishui appear here! Otherwise, she will die! The same goes for you, if you leave here, don't come back!"

Jiang Siming's tone was extremely flat, and Long Xiaoyao, who was hiding in the dark, felt an unprecedentedly strong murderous aura.

Long Xiaoyao is a level 99 Title Douluo anyway, how could he not be angry when he was threatened like this?Besides, he came to remind him kindly, so there was no need for the other party to say anything more because he was so ungrateful.

"I hope you will still have this calmness!" Long Xiaoyao said with a cold snort.

"Do you really think I'm joking?"

At that moment, the mist that filled the hot spring seemed to freeze instantly.

Long Xiaoyao, who originally wanted to retreat, suddenly felt that the whole world seemed to be targeting him and rejecting him.A deep sense of powerlessness permeated Long Xiaoyao's heart.

"You can't! You are much worse than Ditian!" Jiang Siming's disdainful voice sounded slowly.

"I usually don't give people opportunities, you should cherish them!"

As soon as the words fell, Long Xiaoyao felt that the force of heaven and earth that had originally repelled him suddenly disappeared, and instantly felt a lot more relaxed.

However, Long Xiaoyao's heart was as overwhelming as mountains and seas, and it was difficult to calm down!
"What kind of monster is this? Is he a man or a god?"

At this moment, Long Xiaoyao's heart is full of shock and doubts. Who else on the continent with such strength can stop him?I have been concealing my own strength, what is the purpose?
With such terrifying strength, what can he not get?

"I won't let Xishui appear!"

Long Xiaoyao flew away in a hurry after leaving his words. If he had been confident that he could fight Jiang Siming in a [-]-[-] fight before, now he really doesn't have any confidence at all.

"You have to force me to pretend! Why bother?" Jiang Siming shook his head helplessly and with some relief.

Acting cool for a while, always pretending to be cool.

"It seems that Xu Tianran already knew that I was the one who was in Mingdu back then. It's another fierce battle! Ning Caichen, Ning Caichen! I'm afraid the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School will be destroyed by your hands!" Jiang Si Ming sighed regretfully.

There must have been some transactions between Xu Tianran and Ning Caichen, but Xu Tianran didn't seem to tell Ning Caichen his strength.I'm afraid Xu Tianran is not only for dealing with Jiang Siming, but also for the wealth of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School and the seven heavenly swords that shake the world!


"Huo Yuhao, what exactly did you sense?" Cai Meier frowned slightly and said.

The others were also full of doubts. Not long ago, Jian Tongming, who was in a coma, was taken away by Xuanzi.Cai Meier took the rest of the others to continue searching for a suitable soul beast to obtain a soul ring.

Just when everyone had obtained their soul rings and was about to leave the Star Dou Forest.Huo Yuhao suddenly felt a strange feeling, as if something he had lost was coming back.

Everyone was very puzzled, it was all an illusion caused by Huo Yuhaoran's tense expression, and then Wang Donger also had a special feeling.

As a level 95 Title Douluo, Cai Meier also knows that there are many things in this world that cannot be explained by common sense.The feeling of Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong'er might lead them to find a great opportunity, so they decided to take everyone to go deeper into the Star Dou Forest.

However, after a day's journey for everyone, the inexplicable feeling that Huo Yuhao and Wang Donger lingered in their hearts flickered and flickered. It was really strong and sometimes weak.

"Dean, this feeling is very strange! It seems that it should belong to me in the first place." Huo Yuhao was also puzzled, scratching his head and said.

"Why do I feel as if this is my thing, but it seems that I have been separated from me for a long time! How strange?" Wang Donger also murmured.

The words of the two of them fooled everyone.

Cai Meier finally made up her mind, she can't go any further because of the inexplicable feeling between the two of them.

This is the Star Dou Great Forest full of dangers, even with his level 95 strength, he cannot guarantee that these students will not be harmed.

Here are all the elite geniuses of the academy, but whoever suffers any damage, Cai Meier will become a sinner of Shrek Academy.

"Everyone is going to go back, we can't go any further!" Cai Meier ordered decisively.

Everyone also nodded, and they also thought that it was not worthwhile to continue taking risks because of this ethereal feeling.

Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong'er did not raise any objections, even though that feeling filled their hearts with doubts.But for the sake of everyone's safety, we did not make unreasonable demands!
However, when everyone was about to evacuate, Huo Yuhao and Wang Donger suddenly looked at each other.


After a majestic roar, a sacred soul beast exuding golden light appeared in front of everyone. The three huge vertical eyes on the head exuding sacred brilliance were full of mystery!

Three-eyed golden beast!

If Jiang Siming appeared here at this moment, he would definitely spit out a mouthful of water!
Still sloppy!
Although Jiang Siming prevented this wave of key plots from happening to a great extent, what should come has finally come!
 Ladies and gentlemen, I have been waiting for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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