My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 358 The Chaos of the Sun and Moon Royal Academy

Chapter 358 The Chaos of the Sun and Moon Royal Academy

After sending Huo Yuhao away, Jiang Siming is now visiting Jian Tongming who is in a coma.

"Whether it's a dragon or a worm depends on your luck!" Jiang Siming said with a sigh.

It's not that Jiang Siming has no way to forcibly wake up Jian Tongming who is in a coma, but if he really does that.Then everything that Jian Tongming had endured before would probably be in vain.

"Ancestor, people from the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Sect sent a large amount of resources and ten soul bones. Do you want to accept it or not?"

Elder Lin walked in slowly from outside the tent, and said respectfully.

"It's up to you! I don't want to interfere in the affairs of the college. And there is no need to be so respectful when speaking in the future. It makes me uncomfortable to hear it!" Jiang Siming waved his hand and said.

Compared with Xuanzi and Mu En, Mr. Lin was too rigid. After knowing his identity, he felt that he was a little too respectful.

"Etiquette cannot be broken!" Elder Lin said as usual.

"It's up to you! After all, I don't belong to this era. In the past, the forces related to me had conflicts of interest with the academy. Don't care about my feelings. That is the friendship between me and that generation. No matter how you say it, it will continue Not in this generation."

"Understood!" Elder Lin also breathed a sigh of relief, although there is an old antique sitting in the college, which can make Mr. Lin feel at ease.But there are more things to consider. With Jiang Siming's words, there are not so many scruples.

"One more thing, the boy from the White Tiger Duke's Mansion should kick him out of the academy. His character is not suitable for this place. If there is any revenge, I will deal with it!" Jiang Siming said coldly.

Jiang Siming had completely lost his kindness towards Dai Huabin.


"No way, no way! Could this be the legendary big man in women's clothing?" Ji Juechen looked at Wang Dong'er who was wearing women's clothes carefully and said with disbelief.

"Oh my god! Brother Wang, you're embarrassing me!" Jing Ziyan also said with stares in her eyes, and Wang Dong'er's beauty at this moment is definitely not an exaggeration.

Wang Donger on the side could only cover her face and chuckle, but Huo Yuhao looked embarrassed.After all, it always feels a little weird to develop from brothers to lovers.

"By the way, why do you two come to our place when you have time? Is it a holiday?" Huo Yuhao hurriedly changed the subject.

Ji Juechen and Jing Ziyan looked at each other and said with a smile: "We have dropped out of school and are going to join your Tang Sect!"

Everyone was a little surprised that these two were soul engineers in essence.When it comes to the level of education for soul mentors, Shrek Academy can't keep up with the Sun and Moon Royal Academy.It was a bit risky for the two of them to make such a decision.

Seeing everyone's strange gazes, Ji Juechen and Jing Ziyan seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and generally explained:
"At first we were still a little hesitant, but the current Sun Moon Royal Academy is not so easy to stay in."

"Did something happen?" Huo Yuhao and the others couldn't help asking, they didn't know that Jing Hongchen was the honorary dean of the Soul Guidance Department of Shrek Academy.

"It seems that you still don't know that the hall master of Mingde Hall, Jing Hongchen, has officially served as the honorary dean of the Soul Guidance Department of Shrek Academy. The interior of the academy and Mingde Hall have been cleaned up. Ziyan and I usually have nothing to do. My friend, I haven't been involved too much." Ji Juechen said with a sigh, how much power Shrek Academy has to make a nine-level soul engineer who has been loyal for decades betray the Sun Moon Empire.

Everyone also took a deep breath, they didn't expect such a big thing to happen within dozens of days after they left.

Huo Yuhao and the others also sighed in the same way, not understanding why Jing Hongchen joined Shrek Academy.

When they were young, they didn't understand that at Jing Hongchen's age, friendship and integrity had almost faded away.

For Jing Hongchen now, nothing is more important than his grandchildren and his own life.

"Let's not talk about that, that level is not something we can participate in. This time, I have another purpose, which is to see what you said is the strongest sword!" Ji Juechen's expression changed, his eyes Filled with a strong fighting spirit.

The expressions of everyone who heard Ji Juechen's words suddenly changed slightly, and all of a sudden they looked at Ji Juechen with some inexplicable expressions in their eyes.

Seeing the sudden change in the crowd, Ji Juechen and Jing Ziyan didn't know why.

"Did I say something wrong?" Ji Juechen was also straightforward, so he asked directly.

"Well, brother! Although we don't have much friendship, you are Yuhao's friend anyway. Let me remind you, brother, do everything according to your ability!" Xu Sanshi coughed twice, and said to Ji Juechen with eyes full of sincerity.

The others also nodded seriously, their eyes full of dissuasion.Everyone saw Jiang Siming's divine appearance that day.

To be honest, Jiang Siming's extremely strong posture has blown everyone's self-confidence!
"Isn't it? Is there such a thing as hitting people? I'm just saying, what kind of eyes do you all have?" Ji Juechen spread his hands helplessly.

"Brother, I, Xu Sanshi, dissatisfied with the world and dissatisfied with the atmosphere in the middle. But for Brother Sima, it must be obedient!" Xu Sanshi rarely had a hippie smile on his face.

To be honest, the relationship between everyone and Jiang Siming is not very good, but everyone has been rescued by Jiang Siming more than once.From the bottom of my heart, I admire Jiang Siming's strength and character.

"It seems that the big brother Sima you mentioned is very strong! I want to see his strength more and more, and see if his sword is stronger! Or mine is stronger!" Ji Juechen was not intimidated. , but the fighting spirit in his heart became more and more intense.

A swordsman's indomitable sword will never be erased. No matter how strong the opponent is, he believes that he can kill him with a single sword!
"Sure enough, few sword players are normal. If you want to abuse us, we won't stop you!" Huo Yuhao said jokingly.

"Damn! You're trying to make trouble by saying that! I was very unconvinced when I lost to you last time, and I must beat you this time!" Ji Juechen pulled out his Dragon Slaying Dragon and pointed at Huo Yuhao. .

Everyone was taken aback by Ji Juechen saying that he drew his sword as soon as he drew it, but Huo Yuhao was not angry.After all, he also understood the other party's temper, and smiled back.

"Just hit! I want to see how much you have grown!"

Everyone was quite helpless looking at the two men who were full of fighting spirit.

"Huo Yuhao!"

Just when everyone was chatting happily, an arrogant voice broke the atmosphere of everyone's joy.

Looking in the direction of the voice, several people exclaimed again.

"Smile Hongchen! Meng Hongchen!"

(End of this chapter)

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