Chapter 373
"So, brother Sima, you didn't come back with Yuhao and the others?" Xu Sanshi said worriedly.

Jiang Nannan on the side also cast a worried look. Sunset Forest, as the second largest gathering place of spirit beasts, is also fraught with danger.Just relying on Huo Yuhao and Jian Tongming made them very worried.

"What are you worrying about? It's not like you haven't seen the strength of those two guys before. If it's a problem to return safely, then won't you have to live under the protection of others?" Jiang Siming shook helplessly. He shook his head and said.

"That's not what you said, that guy Wang Dong'er is about to crack. If something happens to Huo Yuhao, I'm afraid that guy will go crazy!" Xu Sanshi said with a wry smile.

Since Huo Yuhao's disappearance, Wang Dong'er can be said to have lost much of her weight since she didn't think about food or tea.

Jiang Siming froze suddenly, as if he had thought of something.According to the plot, Huo Yuhao seems to be disabled after returning this time.

Seeing Jiang Siming's expression suddenly changed, Xu Sanshi and Jiang Nannan felt a little strange.

"It's nothing serious. It's Huo Yuhao, a little guy who might have to use a wheelchair when he comes back this time." Jiang Siming said with an awkward smile.

"Wang Defa! What's the situation? Brother Sima, what's wrong with Yuhao?" Xu Sanshi and Jiang Nannan raised their voices again after they were slightly relieved.

"You'll know when they come back. There won't be any danger to your life. Huo Yuhao's disability is only temporary, and there's nothing serious about it." Jiang Siming wasn't too worried, even though Huo Yuhao stayed by his side after his disability. It wasn't Wang Qiu'er, without the Emperor Auspicious Beast's deterrent to the Soul Beast in the Sunset Forest, the safety factor dropped a lot.

But Jian Tongming has the sword seal given by Jiang Siming, so his life is still guaranteed.


Both Xu Sanshi and Jiang Nannan were a little speechless. I don't know what Jiang Siming was thinking?Isn't being disabled a big deal?For a soul master, even if there is any part of the body that is a little inflexible, it will greatly affect the combat effectiveness, let alone a disability?

"Don't think about it too much, the freshman assessment is still going on. Your mission has not been completed yet!"

Jiang Siming was frightened by the eyes of the two of them, and didn't know how to explain it, so he hurriedly changed the subject.

"Okay, after we complete the task assigned by the academy, we will come to you, Brother Sima."

The two also saw that Jiang Siming didn't want to say any more, so they had no choice but to leave first.

"That's really difficult!"


After the freshman assessment was over, everyone was discussing going to Sunset Forest to find Huo Yuhao and Jian Tongming.

Who knew that these two people would come back, the atmosphere at that time was extremely weird.

Wang Dong'er watched Huo Yuhao lying in Jian Tongming's arms ambiguously, and the tears that had accumulated for a long time burst out of his eyes instantly.

"Wait a minute! It's not what you imagined!" Jian Tongming explained hastily.He is a straight man, if he is misunderstood, it will affect his future pick-up.

"You big bastard!"

Before everyone could react, a loud applause suddenly sounded.

Seeing Huo Yuhao's side face being slapped abruptly by Wang Donger, he was stunned.

"Do you know how worried I am about you? You are a fool!" Wang Dong'er ignored Jian Tongming at this moment, and snatched Huo Yuhao from Jian Tongming's arms.

Huo Yuhao looked at the peerless face so close at hand, crying like pear blossoms with rain at the moment, his heart ached to the extreme, and he didn't care about the faint pain on his face.

"I'm sorry! I made you worry!" Huo Yuhao said very remorsefully.

"Don't cry, if you become ugly, I don't want you." Huo Yuhao slowly raised the only hand he could move, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Wang Donger's eyes.

"Hmph! You have the guts to dislike me now!" Wang Dong'er couldn't help but smile, and thumped Huo Yuhao's chest.

"Right! You are the prettiest when you smile!" Huo Yuhao said shamelessly.

"It's alright, alright, don't spread dog food here. Let me tell you what's going on first? How did you make it like this?" Beibei on the side also said helplessly.

Huo Yuhao could only tell the whole story with a wry smile.


"Hmph! These two old urchins, I must go back and smash them! Can you make any joke?" Wang Dong'er was about to explode at this moment.

Unexpectedly, the instigator of all this turned out to be his elder father and second father.

"When did I say that I have hidden wounds in my body? I have to pull out the beards of those two old guys!" At this moment, Wang Donger finally stomped her feet angrily like a runaway tigress.

"What!? I was tricked?"

Huo Yuhao said with a look of disbelief, after a long time, he narrowly escaped death and ended up being tricked by others?
"Dong'er, don't get excited! According to Yuhao, this trip can be regarded as benefiting a lot." Beibei hurriedly stood up and came out to adjust the atmosphere.

"Indeed! My junior and I brought back a lot of fairy herbs this trip. Among them is the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower that healed Senior Xiaotao." Huo Yuhao also nodded seriously.

"That's really good!"

Everyone said excitedly.

"But having said that, you don't seem to be too surprised by my current appearance!" Huo Yuhao said with some doubts.

"Brother Sima said after he came back that I'm afraid you will be disabled this time. I didn't expect it to be true!" Xu Sanshi shrugged and said, he didn't know how the other party was so unpredictable.

Huo Yuhao was a little silent. When he woke up, Jiang Siming had already left shamelessly.It stands to reason that he should not be aware of his current changes, but the fact is obviously not like this.

Huo Yuhao's Eye of Destiny has some premonitions about what will happen in the future, but it is absolutely impossible to know the future.Such an ability is too terrifying!

But everyone didn't think too much about it, after all, Jiang Siming's sense of mystery has always existed.Who would have thought that Jiang Siming would open a future-seeing link.

"Brother Tongming, why do I feel that you and I are becoming more and more incomprehensible now?" Beibei exclaimed suddenly.

Before, everyone's eyes had been focused on Huo Yuhao, but they ignored Jian Tongming, who had a low presence.

Except for Huo Yuhao, everyone else was also aroused by Beibei's words, and their eyes turned to Jian Tongming.

Jian Tongming faced everyone's curious eyes, and the shyness and embarrassment of the past were gone forever.Mainly looking at everyone with a gentle smile.

At this moment, the artistic conception of Jian Tongming's whole body seems to be integrated, and the temperament of the whole person does not have the sense of power that a soul master should have, but more like an ordinary person.

This is the temperament that a soul master should not have, not to mention the sword martial soul itself is sharp.

(End of this chapter)

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