My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 393 Matryoshka 1 general talk

Chapter 393 Matryoshka-like Conversation
"According to what you said, no matter how many times I play, I can't change the final result?" Jiang Siming is getting more and more confused about what the meaning of his existence is.What kind of path does the ancient king want to lead himself to?
"Let's go! Take a look at the solitude of the past, and take a look at the you of the past!"

The scene around Jiang Siming changed rapidly, and he felt that he was running fast despite not moving forward.

Soon, a huge bronze gate appeared before Jiang Siming's eyes.This looks very similar to the bronze gate that was called the final gate in the main world back then!

A figure exactly like Jiang Siming's was standing in front of the huge bronze gate at the moment.

For some reason, Jiang Siming always felt that the other party seemed to be able to see him, as if he was being stared at by something terrifying.

Just when Jiang Siming was stunned, the largest bronze door slowly opened.That figure, exactly the same as Jiang Siming's, jumped in and disappeared into the endless black hole.

"You escaped!" Jiang Siming looked at this scene in disbelief, the ancient king who suppressed the eternal escaped!
"No! Gu gave up! There is no hope in this world!" the ancient king retorted angrily.

"Sounds so nice! Didn't he run away!" Jiang Siming curled his lips in disdain.

The ancient king was silent, although he was very reluctant to admit it, but what is the difference between such behavior and running away?

"So it was you or I who opened this taboo door with my own hands! It brought disaster to the heavens and all worlds!" Jiang Siming couldn't understand his mood at the moment.

As the cause of the disaster, but also acted as the savior!What an irony!
"Whatever you say? Gu's choice is also your choice!" The ancient king said for the first time that he had no confidence.

"So it's time to tell me what to do? End it all!" Jiang Siming suddenly felt very tired, and inexplicably felt that all this was so nonsense!

"Are you asking me? If I knew, what use would I need you?" The ancient king said childishly.

"Okay! Then why do I need to clean up the mess you left behind? You are right, I am indeed your present! But so what? The present me is not the past you!" Jiang Siming felt that he was living very well. Aggrieved, even though they were once a person.

But at least not now, why should I bear all this by myself!Isn't that ironic?

"Whatever you say, the countdown has already begun! I want to see what choice you will make this time? I am too tired! I have no interest in arguing with you here!" The ancient king revealed for the first time Feeling bored.

"Choice? When did I have the right to choose? Isn't everything under your careful arrangement? As you said, even if I have the power to destroy the world! What's the point of killing everyone? So what's the point of my choice?
To destroy another world for the sake of this world is the choice you want me to make?Then why couldn't you do it back then! "

"It is precisely because I can't do anything alone that I need you! You are right, you are not me in the past!" The ancient king rarely refuted Jiang Siming's words.

"Really? If that's the case, I will definitely do it! It's just that as you said, I have made countless choices. But the ending is to start all over again. Does that mean that I actually made a choice?" If you choose, it's just useless work!"

"Forget it! Talking to you is like a Russian matryoshka doll, a set! You have said what you have to say, and you should let me know what kind of assessment it is, right?"


"Boy! I have to admit that you are very strong, but this strength alone is not enough!"

On the arena of the Soul Master Elite Competition, the Seven Killing Sword in Jian Tongming's hand kept trembling.

Jian Tongming's opponent in this battle is the Tianyuan team from a powerful hermit sect.

The combination of five soul sects, one soul king and one soul emperor really made it difficult for Jian Tongming, and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Despite the weakening of Tianyuan's strength by the Death God Domain, the terrifying overall strength lies there.Jian Tongming, who only had the strength of the fourth ring, really felt the pressure.

"Then let's fight to the fullest!" Jian Tongming, who was originally a bit sluggish, suddenly climbed to the top again!

"Boy! I admire you very much. After the game, I'll treat you to a drink!" The captain of the Tianyuan team laughed and said, looking at the imposing Jian Tongming, his eyes were also very excited.

"Seven yuan battle array! Let's go!"


At this moment, the seven members of the Tianyuan team also showed the spirit of 12 points, and a trace of strange energy connected the seven of them together.

At this moment, the Tianyuan team is completely integrated, and it is obvious that they have used some kind of secret method to maximize the fighting power of the seven people.

A huge ball of light slowly rose from the heads of the seven people, bursting out with an astonishing energy field.

"Brother, it's still too late to admit defeat! The seven-element formation is the top secret technique of our Tianyuan sect! It's not something you, the Soul sect, can resist!" the captain of the Tianyuan team kindly reminded.He admired Jian Tongming's strength very much, and really admired him for daring to participate in the Continental Soul Master Elite Competition alone.Out of respect for the strong, he resorted to the bottom-of-the-box move.It's just that he doesn't think that Jian Tongming can really take this move!
"Come on! I just want to see how sharp my sword is!" Jian Tongming's eyes were full of enthusiasm, and he knew that if the opponent really wanted seven against one, he had no chance of winning.After all, even though Jian Tongming is very strong, he is still too young after all, and his strength is really limited.

If the opponent adopts attrition tactics, Jian Tongming will definitely be defeated in the end.But now that the opponent obviously wants to defeat him in a fair and honest manner, Jian Tongming's opportunity has come.

"My sword! Name: Seven Kills!"

All the soul rings floating around Jian Tongming's body disappeared, leaving only the Seven Killing Sword in Jian Tongming's hand with a mysterious and mysterious artistic conception.

"Self-created soul skills! Good! You really didn't disappoint me, I'm committed to you as a friend!" The captain of the Tianyuan team laughed and said, he didn't take advantage of the time when Jian Tongming was accumulating energy, but quietly waiting.

The leader of the Tianyuan team under the arena shook his head helplessly. His disciple's behavior sounds good and honest, but it sounds bad, just a little stupid.

"Okay! I'm committed to your brother too! Haha!" Jian Tongming also felt very comfortable, and it was a joy to meet such an interesting person.

"bring it on!"

The terrifying ball of light pressed down on Jian Tongming like Mount Tai.

A cold light flashed away, and in an instant, the whole space seemed to pause for a moment.

In the next second, the huge ball of light exploded instantly.The terrifying shock wave cracked the arena layer by layer.

The defense mechanism around the arena was instantly activated, blocking the terrifying shock waves that might break through the energy shield at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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