My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 4 Let go of that girl and let me come

Chapter 4 Let go of that girl and let me come

the next day,
Due to the power of the body strengthening pill and the power gained from absorbing the spirit ring, there is nowhere to release it.Jiang Siming slaughtered all night.Dangers arose several times, after all, those creatures of the night were not easy to mess with.

"It's really risking your life." Jiang Siming thought in his heart.The attack power of night soul beasts is generally not strong, they are better at hiding themselves and sneak attacking the enemy.So Jiang Siming didn't choose to rest. One is the strength in his body, and the other is that he can only kill thieves and has no reason to prevent thieves.

After a night of fighting, Jiang Siming had made a qualitative leap, and he had initially mastered the sword energy. "One Sword Gone World" is also more handy to use.

Moreover, Jiang Siming also discovered a small trick to hide the enemy.Sensing the murderous aura through the first martial soul, the Four Swords of Jade Immortals originally focused on killing and attacking, and they are very sensitive to murderous aura. Now the Kaifeng of Juexian Sword is different from the past.

Suddenly, there was a commotion ahead, and Jiang Siming immediately became vigilant.From a distance, a girl about the same age as Jiang Siming was now avoiding the pursuit of a crypt spider.

"It should be a crypt demon spider around 2500 years old by visual inspection. This doll is too unlucky. How about helping her?" Jiang Siming thought to himself.But after thinking about it, "In the previous life novels, the mother whore doesn't seem to live long. I'm not Tang San. The protagonist is at most a smuggler, so forget it? Amitabha, I wish you good luck." I was about to retreat Jiang Siming suddenly saw that the girl changed her course and came running like him.

"Damn it, I'm recruiting a black physique. The 2500-year-old crypt spider will require me to work hard." Jiang Siming said, but he was ready to start fighting. He has no idea about the 2500-year-old crypt spider.After all, the crypt demon spider does not use venom as its main attack method, but relies on restraint and powerful strength. Of course, spider-type soul beasts are best at hiding themselves.Looks like the girl did something to piss it off.

"Oh, it seems that I'm still too kind." Jiang Siming thought to himself.Even if the girl rushed towards him, he could completely ignore it, but he didn't.In this world of soul beasts, one's own life is the most important thing.It is very stupid to take such a risk as Jiang Siming to save a stranger he doesn't know.The reason why Jiang Siming finally decided to deal with this girl was because Jiang Siming told him in his heart that he should save this girl, follow his heart, and practice to understand.Of course, Jiang Siming is not the kind of person who sacrifices himself for others, and does what he can to save those who can be saved.In the massacre last night, Jiang Siming once killed a ghost leopard around 2000 years old, in terms of strength, it was much weaker than this crypt demon spider.

The row of eyes on the top of the crypt spider's head flashed fiercely. The girl's left arm was injured, bleeding profusely, and she ran forward with difficulty.

The girl's feet were getting weaker and weaker, as if she was about to fall down, but the Pit Demon Spider didn't want to end the girl's life like this, he didn't want the girl to die so simply.

Jiang Siming seized the opportunity and cut off the four legs of the Crypt Demon Spider with a sneak attack of "one sword to separate the world". pack.Quickly pull the girl into her mouth.Jiang Siming cut off the spider web with another sword, turned his head and pulled out, and swung his sword to cut off the crypt spider and the other four legs.The last sword ended the Crypt Demon Spider.In just ten seconds, the battle was over.It's not to say how weak the Crypt Demon Spider is, but to win by surprise. If it starts a tug-of-war with him, Jiang Siming may not be its opponent. After all, the Crypt Demon Spider is a master of concealment.If Jiang Siming is targeted, then Jiang Siming will really have trouble sleeping and eating.

Jiang Siming, pick up the sleeping girl, you still have a delicate face, like a porcelain doll.His brows were furrowed, and his demeanor was cold.It should not be an ordinary soul master.According to the girl's clothes, Jiang Siming was sure that the girl was not an ordinary person.

Half an hour later, the girl woke up slowly, and Jiang Siming leaned close to his face, just about to say to her, "Are you awake?"

The girl fainted again.

"Fuck, what do you mean? Is my buddy too ugly? Anyway, I took a risk to save you!" Jiang Siming complained.

In fact, I don't blame the girl at all, and I don't even think about it. After cutting out the tendons and washing the marrow yesterday, after a night of fighting, the smell on my body is already unbearable for ordinary people.The black impurities have dried up on the body.It really looks like a humanoid soul beast.

Jiang Siming looked at the ring on the girl's hand, injected soul power, and it turned out to be a soul guide.There is a lot of food and water in it.

"It seems to be for practice." Jiang Siming thought to himself.

"This girl's identity should not be simple. Maybe she is the jewel in the palm of some powerful force? But the training method is too cruel, right? Never mind her. As long as you don't mess with me, what will I do?" Jiang Siming thought.

Immediately he picked up the girl and brought her out of the Star Dou Forest together.

"Girl, the road is far away, see you by fate." Jiang Siming said to the girl who was still in a coma.

After Jiang Siming left, the girl suddenly opened her eyes.Looking in the direction Jiang Siming left.

Jiang Siming had already realized that the girl was awake, otherwise, since he saved her, how could he abandon her in a dangerous place again?

"Should I think about how to explain to Xiaosan and the others now?" Jiang Siming said with a wry smile.

First of all, Jiang Siming had to find a place to clean himself up. Jiang Siming didn't choose to use the water from the girl's ring because he didn't want her to recognize him easily.cause unnecessary trouble.

You use your life to practice, either someone in this force is against her, or the force itself is very cold-blooded, so Jiang Siming doesn't want to get into this muddy water no matter what.

"Washing is even more beautiful. It's so comfortable. I've never found it so comfortable to take a bath." Jiang Siming was lying in a small pool of water, and the water was already pitch black?You can see how dirty he is.

After taking a shower, Jiang Siming returned to Notting City, and on the way back to Notting College, he kept thinking about how to explain it?His first soul ring, if revealed to be a millennium soul ring, would definitely cause unnecessary commotion, Jiang Siming followed obscene development. Before level 40, I don't want to expose my ability to absorb by leapfrogging.At the current level, a 2500-year soul beast is equivalent to a soul master at level 35. Jiang Siming is now at level 17, and he can fortify a 2000-year ghost leopard.Then there is no lack of power and speed.And the four swords of Zhu Xian are extremely powerful. Level 40 should be a huge watershed, after all, it is possible to unlock all the first martial arts.When the time comes, the power of the four Zhuxian swords can be imagined.

Then set a goal for yourself, before level 40, try not to use soul skills in front of outsiders.

"What happened in front? There are so many people gathered." Jiang Siming thought to himself.

"A missing person notice?" Jiang Siming smiled wryly.There was warmth in my heart.I think it was posted by Tang San.

Back to Notting College.Jiang Siming saw Tang San as soon as he entered the door.

"Little San, I'm back." Jiang Siming shouted to Tang San.

"Brother Siming, where did you go? I have been looking for you for several days. You are really worried about me." Tang San said excitedly.

"I went hunting for soul beasts, but I didn't find one suitable for me, so I came back first." Jiang Siming thought for a while, and then hid for the time being.Try the guru attitude.

"Brother Siming, the teacher told you to go find him when you come back, it seems that I have something to talk to you about." Tang San said.

Jiang Siming responded.Lost in thought, did the master discover something?
Followed Tang San to the master's residence.

"Teacher, I brought Brother Siming here." Tang San said respectfully.

"Come in!" the master said in a low voice.

"Jiang Siming, you are Xiaosan's friend, can I call you Siming?" the master said.

"Of course, Master is Xiaosan's teacher, and my elder over there." Jiang Siming said respectfully.

"You should be born full of soul power, right?" the master asked.

"Don't rush to answer. From the day I entered school with Xiaosan, I can see that both of you are mature minds."

"It's not like ordinary children. You and Xiaosan are so stable that it makes people feel distressed."

"You don't have to shy away from me, please tell me, are you congenitally full of soul power? I have never seen the saying that your congenital soul power has declined. It can only be that you don't want to attract attention. Combined with your disappearance this time, I'm afraid It's time to hunt the soul beast." The master analyzed.

Master's life experience has been dedicated to fighting against martial arts, after all, Jiang Siming really just came back from hunting.

"You are right, I am indeed born with full soul power. And this time I went out, I hunted and killed a thousand-year-old soul beast." Jiang Siming said after a pause, the master is smart enough.

"What? The specific number of years." The master said in shock.The body tilted slightly, looking at Jiang Siming with piercing eyes, and his hands trembling slightly on Jiang Siming's shoulders.

"About 1000 years, the ghost wolf beast." Jiang Siming said.Jiang Siming still has something to hide. After all, 3000 years is too scary.

"It's unbelievable, it's amazing. Tell me, how did you do it?" Jiang Siming couldn't let the master know the secret of the system.After all, this is his final bottom line.

"I found a cave at the edge of Star Dou. Inside the cave was a bottle of elixir and a note. I took the elixir inside. It made my physique break through. I happened to meet a seriously injured spirit wolf. Don't take it Soul ring." Jiang Siming said calmly.

Master, I can't speak for a long time.After a while he said, "Si Ming, would you like to worship me as your teacher?"

Jiang Siming was silent for a while, do you want to apprentice?

Think about it.

"'From now on, the master will be my mentor." Jiang Siming bowed to the master.

Although he didn't plan to worship the master as a teacher, the soul master still needs to master the ability to distinguish soul beasts, otherwise he might die inexplicably if he enters the soul beast forest to obtain a soul ring.In terms of the completeness of the knowledge of soul beasts, the master must bear the brunt.It is a good choice for him to be his tutor.

The master knew in his heart that the tutor could only be regarded as a teacher in the most superficial sense, but he didn't mean to blame him.After all, just met, like Tang San, either a genius or a fool.

"Teacher, Xiaosan. There are five pills left in this bottle. This medicine has the effect of cutting bones and washing the marrow, and can strengthen the body. It will be regarded as your reward for teaching me, and I will dedicate one to the teacher. Give it to Xiaosanyi There are three more, I have another use. I hope the teacher understands." Jiang Siming said, using two pills that he no longer needed to deepen the relationship between himself and Tang San and the master.

"No need, can you give it to Xiaosan? I'm just a useless person, so it's a waste to give it to me." The master smiled wryly.

"Teacher, this medicine can help the teacher break through level 30." Jiang Siming said.In fact, Jiang Siming is not sure, but this medicine can indeed improve his physical fitness.Jiang Siming's current physique.Pushing horizontally has the force of a hundred catties. .

"Okay!" The master smiled helplessly.

"Little San, this is for you."

Tang San took the elixir, sniffed it carefully, he could smell the elixir has a strong medicinal power, it is definitely a great tonic, but it is not like what should be in the world.If it really has the function of cutting bones and washing marrow, as Jiang Siming said, it is definitely a heaven-defying elixir.I feel that talent is innate, and I call it natural.Then this elixir is going against the sky.For Jiang Siming to take out such a precious elixir, Tang San was moved in his heart.

"Thank you Siming brother." Tang San said pleasantly.

"Teacher, Xiaosan. Take it! I will protect the law for you."

Two hours passed, and the two gradually woke up, and when they woke up, they wanted to hug Jiang Siming in surprise.Jiang Siming backed away immediately.Cover your nose.

"I think you should take a shower." Jiang Siming said with a forced smile.

"It stinks, Xiaosan, why are you so black?"

"Teacher, you still talk about me, look at yourself!"

All three laughed.Unknowingly, the relationship between the three went one step further.The three of them are temperamental people, if you treat him well, he will give you more.

the next day.

"Si Ming, I want to talk to you. First of all, I would like to thank you. I have successfully broken through to level 30." The master said gratefully.

"It's not a big problem," Jiang Siming said.

"Don't brag, can you die?" The master smiled rarely, who can live better as a trash in others' mouths? , and now the master has finally broken through level 30.There was a glimmer of hope.

"Okay, let's be serious with you. You are already level 17, so according to what you said, you have killed soul beasts in Star Dou for a hundred years, or even a thousand years. It proves that you have very strong power now. So I need you to control , can control this power."

"Battles with soul beasts are mostly head-to-head. They can't show your skills. Your martial soul should not be a simple embroidered sword. As for the weapon martial soul, it is not as simple and rude as the beast martial soul. More to use the advantages of the Wuhun itself, which is dexterity, swiftness, and full of lethality."

"That's why I hope you go to the Great Soul Arena to practice. Go to Soto City, and report to the Shrek Academy outside Soto City in five years. Xiao San and I will wait for you there." The master said solemnly.

"Of course before you leave, in three months, I will teach you all the knowledge I can teach you about soul beasts. How much you learn depends on your ability."

Jiang Siming smiled wryly, did he go down the mountain just as he was about to learn something?But he also understands that Notting City has too few resources, and he can't get anything here, and can only limit his own development.

In addition, Jiang Siming's ability to leapfrog absorption may not be easy for the master to explain, and it is difficult to formulate a correct training plan.


three months later.

Jiang Siming set foot on the road to Suotuo City.When he left, he gave Xiaosan two health pills.Let him give it to Old Jack and Tang Hao respectively.

Grandpa Jack, after all, has adopted Jiang Siming for so many years, and Jiang Siming has not fulfilled his promise.So I gave old Jack one.As for Tang Hao, he treated it as a favor of selling the title Douluo, and he won't lose any money.

Then next, Suoto City, I, Jiang Siming, are here.

 I accidentally deleted Chapter 5, but I couldn't put it back, so I had to connect it after Chapter 4.Not without Chapter 5
(End of this chapter)

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