My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 408 Xu Tianran's Decision

Chapter 408 Xu Tianran's Decision
"You bastard! Do you know how worried everyone is about you?"

Wang Dong'er was lying in Huo Yuhao's arms at the moment, crying until she was in tears, beating Huo Yuhao's chest with all her strength.

"I'm sorry! I thought you were! I'm sorry, I was wrong!" Huo Yuhao blamed himself for holding Wang Dong'er tightly with that cautious hand.

Jian Tongming and Song Xun'er on the side looked at the two of them like this, and couldn't help but glance at each other.Song Xun'er subconsciously moved her body and leaned towards Jian Tongming.

Under the disaster, apart from her relatives and teammates, only Jian Tongming became her only reliance.Unknowingly, Song Xun'er became more and more dependent on Jian Tongming.

"Senior, the top priority now is to escape quickly!" Jian Tongming finally couldn't help but speak out. There are already more and more undead creatures around. As a warning, I am afraid that these undead creatures gathered around have already rushed forward.

Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong'er stopped acting like little daughters and wiped the tears off each other's faces.

"Yuhao, did you open this door to the dead?" Wang Donger asked Huo Yuhao seriously.

"That's right!" Huo Yuhao nodded. Although he was a little surprised how Wang Dong'er knew, he finally admitted it.

Jian Tongming and Song Xun'er, who were standing by the side, stared at Huo Yuhao in disbelief, he was just a soul emperor, a crippled guy who was not even close to him!What terrible secret is hidden?

Although Jian Tongming had some guesses before, he was still shocked by Huo Yuhao's affirmation.

"Brother Sima said, you are the only one who can stop this! End it all! Huo Yuhao, don't make any more mistakes!" Wang Dong'er gently stroked Huo Yuhao's cheek and said distressedly.

"Master! You mean the master has appeared!" Jian Tongming was a little excited now, angry with endless hope in his heart.It seems that as long as Jiang Siming is there, no matter what difficulties can be solved.

"That's right! Brother Sima should be on the bone altar now! If he fails, maybe we will lose the possibility of closing that gate completely! So Yuhao, you must, before Brother Sima can't hold on anymore, Close that door!" Wang Donger said seriously at the bone altar in the distance.

"I'm sorry, I can't do it now! The connection between the gate of the dead and me is getting weaker and weaker. I can feel that making the bone altar seems to be weakening the connection between me and the gate of the dead all the time! Maybe only the ancestors will Only by knocking the bone altar back into the gate of the dead can the gate of the dead be truly closed!" Huo Yuhao shook his head, with a hint of remorse showing on his face.


Everyone couldn't help but fell into silence, and turned their eyes to the bone altar in the distance.

But at this time, everyone seemed unaware of Huo Yuhao's special title for Jiang Siming in a hurry!

"Let's escape from this place first! We must ensure the safety of the senior first, maybe the master can do it!" Jian Tongming clenched his fists. If the whole world does not believe Jiang Siming, then Jian Tongming will definitely believe it , even standing on the opposite side of the whole world!


"Damn it! It's been so long, why is there still no movement at Huo Yuhao's side?" Jiang Siming's forehead had already been covered with fine beads of sweat. It has to be said that the headless horseman gave him even more pressure than Di Tian. .

"Give up! Your strength is not weak! Follow me, and I will give you eternal life!" The headless horseman kept waving the knight's spear, and his majestic voice seduced Jiang Siming.

"Eternal life? Follow you? If I want to, all the heavens and myriad worlds will be under me!" Jiang Siming smiled contemptuously.

"Arrogant and ignorant ants! Don't think I don't know what you're thinking! If you want to close the gate of the dead, you have to defeat me. The bone altar is the key to connect the two worlds, and the control is in my hands from the beginning to the end! "The headless horseman said domineeringly, revealing strong self-confidence in his words.

"Altar of bones! How could I have forgotten this?" Jiang Siming couldn't help but curse inwardly.

Whether it was returning to the main world at the beginning, or opening the final door of the main world.The altar of bones plays a key role. Obviously, the altar of bones is an important thing to open the channel of the space dimension.

"It seems that I want to end this battle easily, I am thinking too much!"

Jiang Siming swung out the epee with one blow, and the knight's spear also slammed into the blade of the Juexian sword.

The terrifying shock wave shook the two of them apart at the same time, but this time neither of them chose to strike again.

"I'll give you one chance, one move will determine the outcome! If you lose, then submit to me!" The Headless Horseman was obviously tired of this boring battle, and said calmly, waving the death spear in his hand.

"Okay!" Jiang Siming's eyes turned cold, and he said with a cold snort.

In an instant, the wind was surging, and the terrifying sword energy broke through the dark clouds in an instant, and the sun shone through the dark clouds completely!
At this moment, Mingdu is shrouded in a strange vision of half sun and half cloud!


"Your Highness, there seems to be a turning point. Will the plan continue?"

A veteran soul instructor of the Sun Moon Royal Academy beside Xu Tianran said respectfully.

Xu Tianran sat in a wheelchair, looking at the appalling scene not far away.Feeling the powerful coercion that shocks and oppresses people even if it is far away, there is a storm in my heart.

How could there be such a powerful person under the sun?Xu Tianran thought that Ye Xishui and Long Xiaoyao were the top soul masters.

But the current disaster made him realize that there are always events or people in this world that he cannot control.

Both the Headless Horseman and Jiang Siming were far beyond his imagination. He even felt that he could trap Jiang Siming because the other party didn't want to break free, not because he couldn't break free.

In fact, Jiang Siming was really too lazy to use his strength to break free from the ball of light that trapped him at first. After all, such a huge soul power has produced such a change.

Later, because I saw the powerful strength of the headless knight, if I forcefully break the ball of light, I am afraid that there will be no extra strength to fight against the headless horseman, so I chose to break free when the ball of light became the weakest.

"Launch! No matter which one of them loses or wins, they will be the biggest enemy of the empire! If they win, that guy is human after all! But if they lose, who can stop those undead monsters!" Xu Tianran said decisively After making a decision, the most dreadful thing for an emperor and prince is indecision.

"According to the order!"

The old man didn't hesitate any longer after that, and the signal bomb in his hand shot high into the air and exploded into gorgeous fireworks.

At the same time, countless balls of light shot into the city from outside Mingdu, rushing straight to the gate of the dead in the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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