My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 410 The Escaped Shrek

Chapter 410 The Escaped Shrek
"Third brother, this...what the hell is going on?" Ning Rongrong looked at the light curtain in front of him, and asked Tang San with an incredulous expression on his face.

"Qiankun Wenqing Valley is under your jurisdiction, don't you know that strange underground river?" Tang San was also stunned, and asked back in a strange way
"Although I am in charge of the Qiankun Wenqing Valley, I didn't create it. How do I know? Qiankun Wenqinggu's protection mechanism has been released on its own. It has a radius of hundreds of miles, let alone a human being. I am afraid that even a bird can fly. Don't go out!" Ning Rongrong frowned slightly, and said with some worry.

"The Douluo Continent will not be peaceful again, internal and external troubles! Could it be that this time, we have to rely on Brother Siming to solve the disaster?" Tang San shook his head helplessly, and said with a sigh.

"Third brother, could it be that you can't cope with the upcoming war with your strength?" Ning Rongrongyu covered her mouth with her hands, and said in disbelief.

What level of Tang San's strength has reached now?No one can imagine.Although it is different from the coexistence of two gods in the original book, Tang San forcibly raised the Sea God position to the level of God King, and controlled the center of the God Realm.It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the ruler of the God Realm!
"I..." Tang San smiled lightly and shook his head, that smile was full of self-mockery and helplessness.

"Rongrong, the more you understand, the more powerless you feel. Some people are destined to accomplish something. That person is not me, nor will it be any of us! Maybe it can only be Brother Siming!"

"It's just that this is too cruel! Why let him bear all this alone? And we can only watch helplessly!" Tang San clenched his fists tightly under his sleeves, and his body began to slow down. trembling.

He originally thought that as long as he worked hard enough, he would work hard to improve his strength.Working hard to improve the strength of the entire God Realm can help Jiang Siming and make this man who has been silently bearing everything easier!
But everything seems to be not that simple, Jiang Siming is still fighting alone!
Just like the battle ten thousand years ago, facing the many masters in the Wuhun Hall, they didn't even have the qualifications to know!
"No matter what, even if it means death! This time I will never allow brother Siming to fight alone, we are... brothers!"


"Hey! Where are we going to find your master!" Song Xun'er looked at the bright sword holding her hand, and her cheeks turned slightly red.

"I'll send you out first, and I'll take care of my own affairs." Jian Tongming didn't look back, but quickened his pace.

"What did you say?" Song Xun'er shook off Jian Tongming's hand.

"Am I just annoying you like that? Anyway, I'm also a soul king, so I can always help you! You are covered in injuries now, if something happens to you, what can I do..." Song Xun'er was a little angry at first said, and then his voice became smaller and smaller as if he had said something wrong.

Jian Tongming stopped in his tracks, and looked back at Song Xun'er who was afraid to look him in the eye.

"It's too dangerous here. No one is sure whether the Sun Moon Empire will be wiped out or not? It will be very dangerous if you are here!" Jian Tongming said seriously.

"What about you? Aren't you in danger?" Song Xun'er asked with a small mouth.

"I want to find my master!" Jian Tongming said with firm eyes.

Song Xun'er couldn't help but muttered, "Whether such a powerful shock wave can survive is still a question?"

However, in the next second, a cold touch pierced her chin directly into the Tianling Gai.

"I saved you because I owed you, but I definitely didn't want you to push your feet! No one can insult and curse Master!" Jian Tongming's eyes were extremely cold, as if he might go berserk at any time.

In fact, Jian Tongming is also very clear in his heart, how strong is the energy generated by the explosion of a total of 100 nine-level custom-installed soul guides.Even if they had fled outside of Mingdu early, they were all injured a lot because of the aftermath.What's more, Jiang Siming, who was in the very center of the explosion, whose temperature had reached an unmeasurable level?
"You..." Song Xun'er was taken aback, he didn't expect Jian Tongming to draw his sword at her.Or he didn't expect that Jiang Siming's position in Jian Tongming's heart had reached such a level.Or maybe he didn't expect that her position in Jian Tongming's heart was so low.

"I said I would be responsible, but I can't entrust my feelings to you! If you are willing to marry me, I will definitely play the role of a good husband! If you don't want to, I will never force you! But Everything has to wait for me to find my master. What you have to do now is to leave here and go back alive!" Jian Tongming put away the Seven Killing Sword and said coldly.

After that, regardless of whether Song Xun'er resisted or not, Jian Tongming picked up the beauty and quickly ran away from Mingdu.


"Old Xuan, what is going on? What kind of power is this light? Since even I can't break through it!" Elder Song frowned and said incredulously.

They have already changed several places, and even the weakest place of red light cannot be broken by their strength.

This is simply unbelievable. If you know how terrifying the combined strength of the three elders is, at least who in the mainland can stop them?However, it was defeated by this red light!

"Old Xuan, if we want to leave here, I'm afraid we have to go to the place where this red light originates!" Wang Dong'er suddenly added, with a strange expression on his face.

For some reason, there seemed to be a voice in Wang Donger's heart that kept urging her to move towards the Qiankun Wenqing Valley in the west.

"you sure!"

Everyone was a little silent, this competition can be described as a surprise!They no longer want to take risks, or they have reassessed their perception of their own strength.

The disaster that happened in Mingdu, even a factory like Xuan Lao was not even qualified to participate, it cast a haze on everyone's heart!
All the smooth sailing and avoidance of danger in the past have been completely shattered in the event of struggling in this powerless war, and then surviving by luck and the efforts of others.

"Let's go! How will we know if we don't try it? Do we still have a choice?" Xuanzi shook his head helplessly, and couldn't help but feel a little irony in his heart.I didn't expect that he couldn't even escape here safely with these children. Could it be that he is such a waste?
Everyone nodded when they heard Xuanzi's decision. After all, there is really no better way now, maybe that is the real place to escape.

Like a bereaved dog, a group of people embarked on the journey of escape again!

(End of this chapter)

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