My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 419 Take You to Propose Marriage

Chapter 419 Take You to Propose Marriage

"Uncle Siming, I met a very strange person today! He seems to know me, but I don't seem to know him!" Tang Wutong was inexplicably depressed, and asked Jiang Siming suspiciously while holding his face in his hands.

"Really? Maybe you really know him!" Jiang Siming replied intentionally or unintentionally. In fact, he really felt that Tang San's actions were unnecessary.

Huo Yuhao's ability to pick off the lovesick heartbroken red already shows that his feelings for Tang Wutong have been recognized by heaven and earth, so he did not deliberately prevent Huo Yuhao and Tang Wutong from meeting.

Of course, the decision made by his father, Jiang Siming, would not meddle in other people's business, and of course he would not help Huo Yuhao pursue Tang Wutong.All I can say is let it go naturally!
"How is it possible? Uncle Siming, you are kidding me!" Tang Wutong said with a look of disbelief.

Jiang Siming shook his head with a smile and didn't explain too much.

"Just pretend I'm joking!"


After the beast tide crisis, Shrek Academy once again returned to its former peace and harmony.

"Yuhao, the elders have agreed for you to go to Sea God Island, so you don't have to worry too much about the previous matter! The academy has decided to suppress this matter, and no one will know!" Beibei patted Huo Yuhao on the shoulder, comforting said.

In fact, everyone who knew the truth about the Mingdu incident knew that Huo Yuhao couldn't be punished much.Because the academy couldn't afford to lose this person, nor could it afford the loss of revealing the truth.Not to mention the loss of a genius with unlimited potential!

Hearing Beibei's comforting words and the supposedly good news, Huo Yuhao was not happy at all.

On the one hand, he rejoiced that he didn't have to be held accountable, on the other hand, Huo Yuhao gradually began to doubt whether what he had been insisting on was correct?

Shrek Academy, which has always stood at the highest point of justice in the mainland, also has a dark side, and this may be the real world.

Shrek Academy is not the Garden of Eden, nor is it Utopia, it is a holy place where cruel life is revealed.

"By the way, sister Xiaotao's injury has completely healed, and her strength has reached the bottleneck. The academy is planning to organize soul masters to go to the extreme north to obtain soul rings. The Star Dou Forest may not be able to go there for a period of time, after all, such a big mess , both sides are in a tense stage at the moment." Beibei said casually.

"Understood, I'm almost at the bottleneck, I can't go on being so decadent! Dong'er, I will definitely not lose you!" Huo Yuhao's original expression of decadence was swept away, and his eyes were full of light.

Seeing Huo Yuhao regaining his strength, Beibei felt relieved in his heart. This once high-spirited young man who would never bow to difficulties has now become an independent existence.

"One more thing, I suspect that the person who confronted Ditian that day was Brother Sima." Beibei suddenly said with a serious expression.

The battlefield in the sky is too far away from them, but as a soul master, his eyesight is far superior to that of ordinary people. Although he can't see the appearance of the figure in the sky clearly, Bei Bei always feels that figure is very familiar.

"It should be!" Huo Yuhao knew very well that that person was definitely Jiang Siming, but he could only smile and give an answer that seemed to be a joke.


Just as the two were talking, a light voice suddenly broke the somewhat silent atmosphere.

Tang Wutong was like a lively elf, jumping up and down beside the two of them.

"Wang Donger!" Beibei looked at Tang Wutong in disbelief, it was clearly carved out of the same mold as Wang Donger.

"Eldest brother, she's not Dong'er." Huo Yuhao patted the excited Beibei, shook his head, and said in disappointment.

He also hoped that the girl in front of him was Wang Dong'er, but whether it was his memory or his martial soul, he was telling Huo Yuhao that he was dreaming.

" is it possible?" Beibei couldn't believe her eyes at all, how could there be such a similar person in the world?

Could it be another existence similar to Wang Qiu'er?There are three guys with the same sky-defying looks all of a sudden, the probability of bumping into each other is too high, isn't it?

"Who are you talking about, Wang Donger? Why do you all say that I am that guy!" Tang Wutong frowned unhappily. Jiang Siming also subconsciously called out this name when he saw her for the first time before. .Tang Wutong didn't want to be a substitute for others.

"I'm sorry, you really look too much like a friend of mine." Beibei rubbed her nose in a little embarrassment and said.

"Is there something wrong?" Huo Yuhao said suddenly. He didn't know why. He knew that the girl in front of her was not Wang Dong'er, but she really hoped that she could have some relationship with her. Maybe it would give her some comfort.

Tang Wutong was flustered at first, but she didn't really know why she came to Huo Yuhao, maybe it was just driven by a subconscious feeling.

"I just want you to take me around the academy." Tang Wutong prevaricated with a random excuse.

"It's that simple?" Beibei and Huo Yuhao asked with some doubts at the same time.

"What else? Do you think this girl will fall in love with you two?" Tang Wutong pouted her lips and said arrogantly, looking extremely cute.

This is also completely in line with Tang Wutong's nature. After all, the little princess who is the God King naturally walks sideways in the God Realm, and no one dares to provoke her.

Huo Yuhao: "..."

Beibei: "..."


"Master!" Jian Tongming excitedly looked at the young man with his back in front of him.

"Without my help, you can come back from Mingdu alive. You are already very good! I am just your guide, and I cannot be your teacher for the rest of your life!" Jiang Siming turned around happily, and looked at Jian Tongming with a smile. Said.


Jian Tongming knelt down in front of Jiang Siming at once, looking at Jiang Siming with tears in his eyes.

"Master, don't you want me?"

Jian Tongming had to admit that this young man who looked not much older than himself already occupied a very high position in his heart.

Jiang Siming did not stop Jian Tongming from bowing down. If he really refused to accept this bow, it would really hurt his heart.

"You are my apprentice, for the rest of your life! It's just that you already have your own way, and I can't teach you anymore." Jiang Siming slowly supported Jian Tongming and said softly.

Perhaps at the beginning, accepting Jian Tongming as an apprentice was entirely for the face of the cheap old man, and it could be regarded as making up for Jiang Siming's deep self-blame and debt.

But since you have been together for a long time, Jian Tongming's personality has become more and more stable, and the speed of growth has completely exceeded Jiang Siming's expectations.From the bottom of his heart, Jiang Siming was very satisfied with this apprentice.

"Your strength is almost at the bottleneck, go get the soul ring after a while! It's not a problem to be stuck at level 50. After you break through to the soul king, I will take you to propose a marriage! Pull up your pants and leave It's not what my apprentice should do!"

(End of this chapter)

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