Chapter 42

Fighting Sword Douluo day after day, Jiang Siming's understanding of swords has reached an unprecedented height, but he has never penetrated the second realm of swordsmanship, the realm of hiding swords.

"Bad old man, how did I realize that being beaten by you is useless at all? Except for the skill of using sword intent, the realm of kendo seems to be stagnant." Jiang Siming said complainingly, the relationship between Jiang Siming and Sword Douluo after getting along for a long time Getting closer.

"Can you show some face, kid? How old are you? How long did it take to break through the first realm?" Jian Douluo couldn't help saying angrily. He had been playing with swords for a lifetime before he was able to break through the third realm.

"Who made my buddy a genius!" Jiang Siming couldn't help but patted his chest, and raised his eyebrows at Sword Douluo.

"That's right! If you're not a genius, the world is useless. But what are you going to do in the future?" Jian Douluo couldn't help asking.

In fact, in Jian Douluo's heart, he really wanted Jiang Siming to join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.Jian Douluo is lonely and arrogant, and has very few friends. Only Jiang Siming does not respect him, and treats him equally as an ordinary person.If Jiang Siming knew what he was thinking at this time, he would say proudly, "I have received advanced equal education."

From another perspective, Jiang Siming can also be regarded as half of Sword Douluo's disciple.

"Me! I haven't figured it out yet. My life is like an accident, and an inexplicable turning point happened." Jiang Siming stretched his waist and said pretending not to care.In fact, Jiang Siming is more like a huge cargo ship that has lost its direction in the vast sea, fully loaded with cargo, but does not know where to anchor.

"What do you think of Rongrong?" Jian Douluo said, winking his eyes.

"I said don't do it! I have a girlfriend!" Jiang Siming hastily refused.

"What? Is my Rongrong not good enough for you? You're looking for a beating!" Sword Douluo threatened fiercely.

"Tch, I'm so good, how is that little girl worthy of me?" Jiang Siming said stiffly.

"You weren't so stubborn before?" Jian Douluo narrowed his eyes, and said with a strange expression.

"From now on, I'm too stubborn to let you believe it!" Jiang Siming said forcefully.

With a "pop", Jiang Siming reappeared, already on a tree tens of meters away.

"Bad old man, you are really ruthless! You hurt me to death." Jiang Siming grinned and said, pretending to be real was really struck by lightning!

But Jiang Siming immediately felt something was wrong.One jumped back to Jian Douluo's side.

"Bad old man, how did you get that slap just now?" Jiang Siming asked curiously.

"Yo Hou, I finally got the hang of it! I didn't expect to beat you for nothing before, all it takes is a slap!" Jian Douluo looked at his slap and said jokingly.

"The so-called second realm of swordsmanship is the integration of sword intent. Just like this slap, if I want to blow you away, I will blow you away. If you don't know me, just by looking at me, you will know that I am a Titled Douluo Is it?" Sword Douluo waved his palm again.

"Comprehensive, easy to retract, not to tell you to put down your spirit. I have beaten you for so many days, and you are still the number one in the world. It is the first step to advance, and the next step is to use your fingers as a sword." Sword Douluo spoke word by word.

"Don't I use my martial soul?" Jiang Siming felt a little strange.

"Practicing swords is also tempering people. No matter how sharp your sword is, what's the use of being cowardly? Could it be that you left your martial soul? Can't you release your sword intent?" Sword Douluo said seriously.As he spoke, he put his two fingers together, and sword qi and sword intent that were several feet long spewed out from the fingertips intertwined.

Jiang Siming drew the gourd as usual, but also put his two fingers together.Close your eyes and carefully feel the sword intent in your body.

"Come out for me!" Jiang Siming shouted violently.Two inches of sword intent appeared at the fingertips.Jiang Siming's face darkened for a moment, and he immediately criticized him.

"Hahaha, kid, what are you? See if mine is big and long?" Sword Douluo said braggingly.

Jiang Siming looked at Jian Douluo's smug face, and then at the sword intent on his fingertips, and felt a rush in his heart.

"Okay! I don't need to beat you anymore. You have entered the second stage." Sword Douluo patted Jiang Siming on the shoulder.

"Is this the end? Then you might as well tell me that as long as you can release the sword intent with your fingertips, you have entered the second stage." Jiang Siming said with a dark face.

"You kid still don't appreciate it? Sword holders, you must not be cowardly. If I don't beat you, how will I know whether you are cowardly or not. If you step into the third stage in the future and can't conquer your own sword, then don't regret it Already." Sword Douluo explained.

"Just brag! Just looking for an opportunity to beat me up." Jiang Siming had already admitted in his heart, but he didn't admit defeat.

"I guess you're leaving too, kid? Let me tell you about the experience of the third stage."


As the sun gradually set, the old and the young remained on the ground of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect School.

"Bad old man, you are also my half-master, let me remind you to be careful about that prince." Jiang Siming took a deep breath of his cigarette and said.

"Oh? Why didn't you tell Fengzhi?" Jian Douluo said with some doubts, but he also had a cigarette in his mouth.

"That's all I said, you can just keep an eye on the specifics. After all, I am an outsider, and if I talk too much, it will become false." Jiang Siming said lightly.

Sword Douluo broke an arm when he attacked the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School in the Wuhun Palace. Jiang Siming can be regarded as half of Sword Douluo's disciple, and he doesn't want Sword Douluo to repeat the same mistakes.At that time, Wuhundian dispatched masters who happened to be one head higher than the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.If it wasn't for Tang San's hidden weapon, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect might really be wiped out.

Jiang Siming doesn't believe that there is no ghost, it can only be Qian Renxue.

Three days later, Jiang Siming left the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"Uncle Ning, two seniors. The juniors are bothering you a lot, so let's take my leave." Jiang Siming bowed in thanks.

"Si Ming is being polite. I don't dislike it, the door of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is always open for you." Ning Fengzhi said with a smile, but he somewhat hoped that Jiang Siming could become his son-in-law.

"Then thank you, Uncle Ning, for matters related to bullets. Uncle Ning will definitely give you an answer in half a year at the most."

"Okay. Then I will wait for the good news."


Jiang Siming didn't make any detours, and ran directly to Tiandou City.

"It's really lively. The imperial city in all costume dramas is really weak compared to this." Jiang Siming couldn't help but tut his tongue.

"Drive! Drive! Get out of the way!" A shout attracted Jiang Siming's attention.

A few young men dressed in luxurious clothes and riding steeds galloped recklessly in this downtown area in broad daylight.

"You son of a bitch! Could it be that the plot of an urban novel is going to happen to me? Put on a face and reach the pinnacle of life! Dead high!" Jiang Siming couldn't help thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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