My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 46 Jiang Siming Has Amnesia

Chapter 46 Jiang Siming Has Amnesia
"Brother Siming, you should really thank Rongrong this time. If it wasn't for Rongrong, you would probably be arrested by the Heaven Dou officials." Tang San spread his hands and said.

"Thank you Rongrong, this accident was a little too much!" Jiang Siming couldn't help scratching his head no matter how thick-skinned he was, and looked gratefully at Ning Rongrong who stood aside with a proud face.If a forest where soul beasts are kept in captivity dies completely, how much gold soul coins will they have to pay?I am afraid that only the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School thinks it is not a big money.

"Si Ming, what's wrong with you? I heard from Zhuqing that your condition is very strange!" The master said with a serious face.

Jiang Siming looked at Zhu Zhuqing whose eyes were already red and swollen, and felt a burst of warmth in his heart.

"I made everyone worry!" Jiang Siming said apologetically.

"I should be possessed, and I have no way to suppress it yet. I don't know when it will explode suddenly." Jiang Siming said in a low voice.

Everyone was silent for a while.

"I think I should leave for a while, after all, my existence may cause irreversible consequences at any time." Jiang Siming said seriously.

Everyone looked at Jiang Siming lying on the bed with some sadness.

"No, I want to be with you. No matter where I go, I will be with you." Zhu Zhuqing's tears fell unconsciously again, and he tightly held Jiang Siming's left hand with both hands.

"Brother Siming, maybe I have a solution!" Tang San on the side stroked his chin and said seriously.

"I am in the Binghuo Liangyi Eye, and among the fairy grasses I picked, there happened to be a plant of forgetfulness. It's just that the forgetfulness will make the user lose all memories." Tang San said and took out the fairy grass.

Everyone looked at the fairy grass solemnly, not knowing how to make a decision.

"Bring it! Maybe this is the best choice for me." Jiang Siming said calmly.

What happened last night was just the beginning, as long as the side effects of the second sword test were not resolved, everyone around him would be in danger, including his girlfriend Zhu Zhuqing.

Tang San handed the Wangyoucao to Jiang Siming.

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes kept dripping with tears, and he murmured, "No, there must be other ways! Don't forget me!"

When everyone saw this scene, they were all sad.

"Girl, it's not like I'm dead. If I remain in this state, you will all be in danger. I know my strength best, and in that state, even an ordinary Title Douluo may not be able to Suppress me." Jiang Siming said decisively.

Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect Jiang Siming's strength to be so terrifying.

In the eyes of everyone, Jiang Siming took the Forgetfulness Grass, and then fell into a coma.

When Jiang Siming opened his eyes again, he, who had forgotten everything, looked at the world strangely.

"What's the situation? Is Lao Tzu transmigrated?" Jiang Siming said in a daze.

"Could it be some kind of waste again?" Jiang Siming guessed in his heart.

"Ding, the system detects that the protagonist's memory is abnormal, and the background repair function is activated. The repair progress is 0.01%, and the time is unknown."

"System? I said how could I not have the golden finger that a traverser must have? Upgrade to fight monsters and pick up girls!" Jiang Siming thought excitedly.

"Si Ming, you're awake!"

Only then did Jiang Siming notice Zhu Zhuqing who was lying asleep beside him.

"Well, hello! Miss, who are you?" Jiang Siming asked politely.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the boy who was so familiar in front of him, but couldn't remember himself anymore.For a moment tears filled the eyes again.Then he hid his face and ran out of the room.

"Hey, little sister." Jiang Siming looked at the scene before him suspiciously.

"What's the situation? Why does my heart tremble when I see her crying?" Jiang Siming got off the bed, feeling a little strange.

"Let's figure out what kind of world this is! I have a system dad, awesome Class." Jiang Siming walked out of the room confidently.

"Brother Siming, you're awake!" Tang San excitedly watched Jiang Siming return to normal again.

"Ah..." Jiang Siming didn't know how to start a conversation for a while, and secretly complained in his heart, "Didn't I inherit other people's memories in this time travel? Isn't this revealing!"

"Forget that you lost your memory." Tang San shook his head.

"Brother Siming, I'm Tang San, you can call me Xiao San." Tang San said with a smile.

"Tang San? Could it be Douluo Continent? But I don't remember any supporting characters in the original book with the same name as me?" Jiang Siming thought with some doubts.

"Hello, hello." Jiang Siming shook his head helplessly.

"Little San, where is it?" Jiang Siming asked a little embarrassed.

"Si Ming, you don't have to feel embarrassed, you just lost your memory. But I believe you will remember sooner or later. This is Shrek Academy of Heaven Dou City." Tang San patiently explained.

Jiang Siming finally confirmed that he was indeed in Douluo Dalu.I felt confused for a while, "Why did I still play a supporting role in Douluo? This place is not similar to the main god's space, is it? Are there other traversers?"

Jiang Siming murmured in his heart.

"Little San, I suddenly remembered something. You should do your work first!" Jiang Siming made an excuse and left.

"System, what is my identity now?"

"Ding, the host is currently a Shrek Academy student."

"Am I really in the Douluo Continent?"

"Ding, yes."

"Am I the only time traveler?"

"Ding, the host is the only traveler in the current plane."

Hearing the system's affirmative answer, Jiang Siming finally sighed too.

"Since it's the Douluo Continent, I should have my own martial soul!" Jiang Siming felt his own martial soul at random, and released the Zhuxian Sword. The configuration of two purple and one black soul rings was extremely perverted.

In an instant, the Sword of Immortal Execution spread out in all directions.Jiang Siming hurriedly withdrew his martial soul.

"Nimma, is my starting point so high? Could it be that I took away other traversers?"

"What's going on? The plot of the original novel is no longer known." Jiang Siming said helplessly.

"Ding, remind the host that there are currently two tasks that have not been completed. The sign-in task will get a soul ring of more than 5 years, and there is no time limit. The main task will get the two dragon souls of ice and fire. There is no time limit."

"Could it be the mission left by the previous soul of this body? 5 years, this is too perverted. But looking at this guy's configuration of two purple and one black soul rings, it's not too much." Jiang Siming thought Said helplessly.

"The two dragon souls of Ice and Fire Yinyiyan are difficult to deal with! The previous traverser was not a coward! I was scared to death when I heard this mission!" When Jiang Siming complained, he didn't know the coward he was scolding. , it was himself.

"Forget it, there is no time limit anyway. Familiarize yourself with the world first." Jiang Siming decided to understand the progress of the plot first.

Jiang Siming restarted his time-traveling journey.

(End of this chapter)

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