My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 48 Entering White Space Again

Chapter 48 Entering White Space Again
In the end, Jian Douluo finally arrived and suppressed Jiang Siming who was running away.

Jiang Siming fell into a coma again.

"Senior Jian, why did Siming become like this?" Zhu Zhuqing asked with red and swollen eyes. Jiang Siming only appeared in such a state after he practiced with Sword Douluo.

"I don't know, I can only look at his good fortune." Jian Douluo couldn't help but sigh, Jiang Siming is the most talented soul master he has ever seen.But in the current state, he would either die young, or he would inevitably become a big devil.

Zhu Zhuqing, who did not receive any explanation, finally completely despaired.

Everyone watching this scene couldn't help but sigh.

"Zhuqing, calm down first. I don't think even Brother Siming wants to see you like this." Tang San persuaded from the side.

Zhu Zhuqing remained silent and did not speak.

In Jiang Siming's spiritual world.

"What's the matter with the system? Why do I suddenly feel out of control?" Jiang Siming asked in a daze.

"Ding, the current state of the host is very dangerous, please start the second stage of the mirror space as soon as possible."

"What the hell? I don't even know what a mirrored space is? How to open it?" Jiang Siming said speechlessly.

"Ding, please get the fourth soul ring as soon as possible, the system will open the second stage of the mirror space in advance, and the host will face unknown tasks."

"It seems that the sign-in task must be completed first." Jiang Siming lowered his head and thought.


Jiang Siming woke up again, looking at the people who were worried about him, he felt moved.

"Si Ming, you finally woke up. Fortunately, Sword Douluo arrived in time." The master said with concern, but he didn't know what to say in his heart. Jiang Siming's current situation was something that no one had ever heard of or seen.

Jiang Siming looked at the old man beside him, and he thought it was Sword Douluo.

"You must never use the second sword in the future!" Sword Douluo warned.

Jiang Siming nodded silently.

"Senior, junior would like to ask you to help me obtain the fourth soul ring, which may solve my current situation." Jiang Siming said seriously. The three of Flanders still had a hard time dealing with spirit beasts over 5 years old, so it would be safer to call Sword Douluo.

"What age do you need?" Sword Douluo was also a little curious, it was a luxury for ordinary soul ten to have a titled Douluo accompany him in hunting the soul ring.

"More than 5 years." Jiang Siming said in a low voice.

Everyone opened their mouths slightly to express surprise.

"Si Ming, you have to think about it clearly. Even if your first three spirit rings have exceeded the limit, a spirit beast over 5 years old is not comparable to an ordinary ten thousand-year spirit beast." The master said with some concern.

Jiang Siming remained silent, the task of the system was beyond his control.

"Okay, I'll hunt for you." Sword Douluo agreed.

After everyone left, only Zhu Zhuqing stayed behind.

"Si Ming, I feel that you are so strange." Zhu Zhuqing was about to shed tears for the rest of his life.

Jiang Siming reached out his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of Zhu Zhuqing's eyes.

"Zhuqing, can I call you that? I'm sorry, I really can't remember what happened to you and me. But seeing you cry makes me really sad." Jiang Siming felt his heart tremble, and he It is not clear whether it is his own emotion or the emotion of the previous host.Jiang Siming always thought of himself as a person who just traveled through time.

"It's okay, I'll tell you." Zhu Zhuqing stretched out his hands and stroked Jiang Siming's face and said gently.

Zhu Zhuqing began to recall the process of being with Jiang Siming.


"I thought there was some kind of earth-shattering love, so it turns out that you had plans for me early in the morning!" Jiang Siming said jokingly.

"Hmph! This girl has taken a fancy to you, what should I do?" Zhu Zhuqing pouted her mouth and snorted coquettishly.

"Give me some time, and I will definitely fall in love with you again." Jiang Siming said seriously, Jiang Siming really didn't want to make this sincere girl in front of him sad.

"I believe in you, everything will be fine." Zhu Zhuqing looked Jiang Siming seriously in the eyes, kissed Jiang Siming suddenly, and then ran away blushing.

"Am I being kissed by force? Is Lao Tzu's first kiss gone like this?" Jiang Siming froze on the spot, touched the remaining warmth on his lips, and smiled foolishly.

the next day.

"Senior Jian, let's go!" Jiang Siming said firmly.

Jiang Siming and Sword Douluo went straight to the Star Forest.

"Boy, I didn't expect us to meet again, but you don't remember anything." Jian Douluo said with emotion.

"Senior, did we know each other before?" Jiang Siming asked suspiciously.

"Forget it, it takes a while for geniuses!" Jian Douluo said.

The two went straight to the core area, after all, there were very few high-level spirit beasts around.

Two hours later.

The corpse of a huge basalt turtle lay in front of Jiang Siming.

"5 years, can you bear it?" Sword Douluo asked with some doubts.

"I have no choice!" Jiang Siming said firmly.Then he sat cross-legged to absorb the black soul ring in front of him.

The powerful soul power impacted Jiang Siming's body and stimulated every cell in Jiang Siming's body. The force of the explosion made Jiang Siming's face twitch. Jiang Siming gritted his teeth tightly without making a sound.

"It would be a pity if you fell!" Sword Douluo beside him couldn't help shaking his head and sighed.

As night fell gradually, Jiang Siming finally completed the absorption of the soul ring.

"Ding, the sign-in is successful. The sword of Zhu Xian has been unsealed, and the second stage is officially opened. The reward opens the second stage of the mirror space, releases hidden tasks, and becomes a god by relying on one's own strength."

"Ding, do you want to conduct the third sword test?"


Jiang Siming directly entered the white space.

Sword Douluo at the side stared at Jiang Siming with a puzzled expression.Obviously the soul ring has been absorbed, but he still sits there cross-legged.However, Jian Douluo didn't dare to act rashly, Jiang Siming exuded an air of emptiness all over his body, exactly the same state as when Jiang Siming entered enlightenment that day.

"Is this the second stage of the mirror space?" Jiang Siming looked at the endless white.

In Jiang Siming's front and rear directions, there is a long sword with a sword in the sky.

"Ding, remind the host. It is recommended to conduct the assessment of the Immortal Trapping Sword. The current strength of the host is not enough for the assessment of the Immortal Jade Sword."

"Trapping Immortal Sword?" Jiang Siming felt the more powerful long sword, and thought that the other one would be the Trapping Immortal Sword.

"Ding, prompt. The system will stop the memory unseal process."

"The memory is unsealed? Could it be that I really lost my memory?" Jiang Siming couldn't help being a little puzzled.

Jiang Siming slowly walked towards the Immortal Immortal Sword, and countless sword qi appeared out of thin air and rushed towards Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming covered his head with both hands, but found that the sword qi did not leave any wounds on his body.

The next moment, Jiang Siming felt the pain of his head bursting. Obviously, the sword energy trapped in the fairy sword was a mental attack on Jiang Siming.

The Xianxian Sword made a clear sword cry.Jiang Siming felt a splitting headache instantly.

"Ah! Damn it!" Jiang Siming couldn't help kneeling on the ground and screaming.

The pain was magnified infinitely, and Jiang Siming rolled on the ground desperately, but he couldn't relieve the severe pain in his head.

(End of this chapter)

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